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Taking a leave of abscence


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I'm sorry, people. But the problems my Jack@$$ school is giving me have caused me to take action. To say it straight, I am taking a leave of abscence. I'm not leaving *permanently,* just that I don't know how long I'll be gone. It could be a while, then again, I could be back within a few weeks. I don't know.

If at all possible, I would like an admin or someone to temporarily pause my RP (Unless sideways and the others think they can continue without me) until I get back. When I do, you all will be the first to know.

*sniffle* I'm sorry.


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Sorry to hear that. I hope things clear up ASAP for you.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Sorry to hear that, dude, I hope you can come back real soon. 

I hate school too, sucks they're giving you so much B.S.

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  • Owner/Technical Admin

I will Pause your RP until you return.

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Okay, from what I can gather from my idiot teachers' reactions to how I felt, I may or may not have to take a leave of abscence. I'm not exactly sure, but it appears they don't want me to leave and tell everyone else that they're not doing what they're supposed to be doing for me. If that is the case, then I might be able to bend the situation to my advantage.

I'll post later with details.


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I bring good news: I won't have to take that leave of abscence after all. How did it happen? I'll tell you...

Well, after seeing how I felt, I utilized the few connections I had within the school administration (Yes, I have those.) and got the problems to stop. See, I have the school administration on my side, and I've got more than one of the teachers in my pocket. I told them what was going on with all the BS the other teachers [and students] were giving me, and they put the squeeze on them... HARD. Needless to say, things are back to the way they're supposed to be, and I won't have to take leave.

To celebrate, I'll A.) post my Code:Dragon Shifter story for all the Code: Lyoko fans here, and B.) post the next chapter in Tales of a Dragon Rider.

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