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JQ's "National Tour"

Guest Julius Quasar

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Guest Julius Quasar

As you all may or may not know, I, Julius Quasar, am going on a cross country road trip with a friend of mine to the east coast.  I dated my buddy's sister before she died, now we're gonna see her grave, and visit the rest of the family out there. 

I WAS gonna be going next Tuesday (10/20, but 2 weeks ago we decided on leaving earlier (10/19), VERY early in the morning...so, as of Tomorrow, I'm gonna be packing up, and heading to his place on the afternoon of 10/18, and we'll spend the night at his place, then head out early Monday morning, and head east, so I'll be offline until I return, sometime around 10/30.

So, I'll miss this place, and you guys, too.

I'll be going through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina, just over the Smoky Mountains.  Then back through those states.

See you all later...

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Bye Julius. I think you certainly need some time away from home. Hope you have a nice time.

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Have a great trip Julius, you deserve it! Come back in one piece, we'll miss ya around here!  :friends:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Julius Quasar

Hey everybody! I'm back!

Special thanks out to Braux, Rainfyre66, Asper Sarnoff, and Hatsworth III.

Unfortunately, I don't own a camera, so no pics (sorry), but I had a great time.

and Braux, NM was very beautiful, although on our way back home thru it, we got caught in a snow flurry blizzard, and it slowed us down...but it was beautiful! wow...

I learned there's a Native American Tribe in Oklahoma called the Kickapoo Tribe  :lol: (I'm serious, look it up!), that poor tribe got last pick for tribe names...

I saw so many abandoned farms, boarded up factories, right from the highway...really sad...I thought it was just Cali in the crapper, but others have it just as bad...

people are VERY polite in the south, especially...it's amazing, I forgot how hospitable they are there...

North Carolina was BEAUTIFUL in the fall, my gosh, simply amazing...

I had the time of my life..I'll never forget the trip, it was great.

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Welcome back, dude! Long time no see! I wish I could've seen you. Although... never mind. It's good to have you back.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Welcome back, dude! Long time no see! I wish I could've seen you. Although... never mind. It's good to have you back.

thanks, Star_Dragon

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It's good to have you back. Been kind of peacefull boring without you.

I'm glad to hear you had a nice trip.

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Guest Julius Quasar

It's good to have you back. Been kind of peacefull boring without you.

I'm glad to hear you had a nice trip.

Glad to see you back Julius!!  :D

thanks Asper, and Fox-Shot!

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thanks Asper, and Fox-Shot!

welcome back I  hope you had fun
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Guest Julius Quasar

welcome back I  hope you had fun

Oh, I had fun all right, thanks, Kursed! *hugs*

Yeah, I liked seeing the towns, meeting people...the South sure is friendly

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Yes we are very polite down here. And our cooking is badass too XD

Welcome back my friend ^_^

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