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Psh. I can beat all the levels. It's my favorite video game of all time, let alone of the series.

Of course, I AM a first generation fan, soo...I probably don't count in that regard in that it was the first SF game I've ever played (and was the only one out at the time) and made me want to play the subsequent games as they were released over the years.

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all these major fans of Star Fox can't even beat the second level of the original Star Fox! HOW I ASK YOU HOW?!

i don't know how coz the second level is easy...

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Can't beat the second level? I have beaten every level in the SNES game except Venom on route 3. I can get to Andross but I haven't beaten him yet.


Psh. I can beat all the levels. It's my favorite video game of all time, let alone of the series.

Of course, I AM a first generation fan, soo...I probably don't count in that regard in that it was the first SF game I've ever played (and was the only one out at the time) and made me want to play the subsequent games as they were released over the years.

It doesn't matter if your a first generation fan, I started with SF64 and I'm still pretty good at Star Fox SNES. So you count.

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Venum rout three, it's really annoying, every time i get there, i get to the boss right before andross, then i have to turn it off and leave, even though i still got all my continues and all, or almost all my lives, but i have to leave...

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I think the OP was implying that the newer SF fans can't be true SF fans if they're not good at the original Star Fox. I could be wrong, so if I am OP, sorry. So that's the only reason I thought my original Star Fox abilities wouldn't count, as I grew up playing it and didn't start from the 64 and GC versions and work my way backward like most of you guys. (I don't mean that in a bad way at all!)

As for PointingMan, that Great Commander was the bane of my SF existence growing up, so I hear ya.

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Guest Julius Quasar


all these major fans of Star Fox can't even beat the second level of the original Star Fox! HOW I ASK YOU HOW?!

...some people honestly have never played the original game, due to age, or the fact they couldn't afford video games growing up. but others simply didn't get into the series until later, and it was the Gamecube or N64 era Star Fox they started on, and worked their way down the ladder...(nothing wrong with that...it's cool..I myself have yet to play SF64)


Venum rout three, it's really annoying, every time i get there, i get to the boss right before andross, then i have to turn it off and leave, even though i still got all my continues and all, or almost all my lives, but i have to leave...


I think the OP was implying that the newer SF fans can't be true SF fans if they're not good at the original Star Fox. I could be wrong, so if I am OP, sorry. So that's the only reason I thought my original Star Fox abilities wouldn't count, as I grew up playing it and didn't start from the 64 and GC versions and work my way backward like most of you guys. (I don't mean that in a bad way at all!)

As for PointingMan, that Great Commander was the bane of my SF existence growing up, so I hear ya.

hear hear!

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The Great Commander. Oooooh he is annoying. I have to be completely powered up to take him down, whether its in orbit or on the surface. I can get through it easily like that, but if I go down once, I'm in for a rough fight, not to mention fighting Andross immediately after, whom I have yet to beat.

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Guest Julius Quasar


The Great Commander. Oooooh he is annoying. I have to be completely powered up to take him down, whether its in orbit or on the surface. I can get through it easily like that, but if I go down once, I'm in for a rough fight, not to mention fighting Andross immediately after, whom I have yet to beat.

In Ground Mode, the Great Commander kicked my butt to Pizza Hut :P

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He's one tough mother-(shut yo mouth!), but funnily enough, after years of grief, I finally mastered the skill of beating the ground version in a short time. Go figure. A couple of days ago I actually was able to beat course 3 without losing a life or damaging my wings, I was pretty pumped.

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And that, is where congratulations is in order!!! Now when you say damaging your wings, do you mean not getting hit, or not loosing your power ups loosing wing

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He he, your still very good.

only one thing for me to do now, and that is to do the same!

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Lame! I was gonna do the same, but when i made it to the great commander, just as i beat him, i crashed into him, both died.

later the same day

Arg.... So i would have made it with no wing damage, but on the very last phase of Andros, other then the cube, where he gets his angry face, i got hit and died...

Oh well, i beat the game on route three for the first time.

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