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Wolf OConner

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All those blocks, all those lines. Why is Soviet Russia dropping geometric shapes into wells? What do the shapes mean? Most important, why can't we ever reach the end cinematic?!

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They just wanted a way to invade other countries with techno music as people like us wouldn't just accept the song, so they had to rig a distraction to it.

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Yeah, the thought had run through my mind to say that as well, but then I remembered DJ Rush's Tetris remix

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All in favor of starting a nuclear war with Soviet Russia?

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Tetris was created by a programmer working for the soviet government as a way of screwing around (shortly afterward, productivity in the computer lab ground to a halt). Said programmer eventually made it to the US and worked for Microsoft for a while.

Sadly, in Soviet Russia, you don't reap the rewards from your creations (government owns everything, especially when it was created on government computers) and the guy made very little money off of it.

Tetris actually has a very interesting history. Ironically, full of lawsuits. And Nintendo pulling the rug out from under Atari.

Google "Tetris: From Russia with Love" and you will find an hour-long documentary on the subject. And it isn't from some obscure gaming source, its from the BBC.

And let's not forget Korobeiniki:


Funny how a folk song about a traveling salesman becomes associated with falling blocks. (Korobeiniki roughly translates into "the peddler")

When Nintendo was porting Tetris to the Game Boy, the composer decided to borrow some genuine Russian music. "A Type" just happens to be this folk song that would be well-know to any Russian, but not to the West. Thus, we in the West refer to it as the "Tetris Theme."

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