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Starfox Disaster on Corneria! (Previously Starfox revival)


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"Maybe have 2 teams. One goes for the canon control and the other infiltrates from the hanger." Sylum suggested.

(Tell me If I'm pushing this the wrong way you want it to go kursed. I feel like I'm hijacking again.)

(No it's alright Sylum I enjoy roleplays because it's not a set story technically everyone can go their own way)"Might work but the cannon has to be firing for the hanger to be unsheiled and the other thing is we need to figure out how long that sheild is down."Klai muttered pressing a button  'hmm we have just above two minutes  after the cannon stops firing because it will take that long to cool down  so we need to possibly give it something to fire at for a long time or we need the cannon team to come in first and fire teh cannon till the second team comes in."Kali replied.
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"How powerful is this canon?" Ragna asked taking control of Cruxis again.

"What are you planning..."Cruxis asked. Ragna just smirked.

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" It can rip through a very tall sky scraper with ease and at full power it can  go about 30-50 feet underground depending on the composition of the  surface."Kali replied anbody sene Reece and Kadie?"

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Guest Julius Quasar

"I think Reece was in the kitchen, last I saw, hon..." Lola replied.

"Yeah...dunno where Kadie is, we haven't seen her lately..." said Todd.

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"You want a Diversion? You got one." Ragna said concentrating a mass of black energy in his hand. "I can take it."

(and the entirity of physics just flew out the window XD)

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Reece entered the room, munching on the sandwich he made.

"Did I hear my name?" he asked taking another bite as he finished asking.

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Kadie lightly poke reeces stomach as she stopped beside him.

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Guest Julius Quasar

"You want a Diversion? You got one." Ragna said concentrating a mass of black energy in his hand. "I can take it."

(and the entirity of physics just flew out the window XD)

"Awesome!" said Todd and Lola in unison, seeing Ragna's actions.

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Cruxis started spinning the image of the ship. "What are you planning?" he asked ragna. "Nothing really just us being a decoy for that canon." ragna replied smirking. "WHAT ARE YOU NUTS?!" Cruxis exclaimed. (I Love destroting the laws of physics XD)

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Guest RedPhoenix32

"Then lets' go to our room."Krystal mutterd hangin her space suit back up.

Fox got his suit off, and hung it back up. He and Krystal got to their room, and he locked the door behind them, and sat in a chair. "I cant believe it..."

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"What?"Krystal asked trying to wrap her arm around him.

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"Oh, there you are." Reece stated as Kadie poked him. He finished the remainder me his food and stood near the group.

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"Oh, there you are." Reece stated as Kadie poked him. He finished the remainder me his food and stood near the group.

"I've been behind you since you left the kitchen."Kadie muttered
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(You posted that?)

"You really walk quite then." he told her feeling a little stupid for not seeing her.

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(You posted that?)

"You really walk quite then." he told her feeling a little stupid for not seeing her.

(what? Kadie was trying to be sneaky.)
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(She is a Ninja :o)

"Why does that ship they are looking at seem oddly familuar?" Reece asked her.

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(She is a Ninja :o)

"Why does that ship they are looking at seem oddly familuar?" Reece asked her.

"Perhaps it's a old model that they used in that human attack you were in reece."Kadie muttered
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"Oh hey guys." cruxis said. "You recognize this thing reece?" he asked.

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"I'm not exactly sure," Reece replied, "it might be an old model of ship but I don't know what model or version." he added as he inspected the ship closer.

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"Hmmm it does look similar to a ship I know of but way off from the original design." cruxis said.

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"you fought in the human-lylat war?"Kali asked Cruxis

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"Thats where i found this pain in the ass" cruxis chuckled. "Yea pain in the....wait....who are you calling a pain in the ass?!" ragna asked angrily. "My squad took cover in some ruins when we were under attack. I was wounded and accidently activated the ruin and released him." Cruxis said. "Damn those things were cramped. The least they could have done was make it bigger. I did save you though." ragna replied.

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