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New stuff I've learned [OLD, DE]


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In reading about stuff for my games I learned a few bits of interesting tricks to help with games writing that might help some people with RPing, or not.

"I would have gotten away with it too if hadn't been for you medling PCs!"

This is the idea that an evil plan would have worked perfectly if the player characters hadn't interfered.

Avoid the cliched text scroll

If you game opens with "You are captan james peters who is fighting off an invasion by the evil progogs of planet-" who gives a toss? No one is going to care, and if they do, they aren't going to care for long.

Dont have the plot depend on a skill check

This is something I read in a RPG book. This was the idea that an adventure would crash to a halt if a skill roll was failed or depended on a certain character who died ect. The idea is that you write in multiple ways of doing something. The easy way and a hard way that anyone can do, but it involves a lot of jumping through hoops the PCs would rather not jup through.

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Good, valid points. Perhaps you should consider adding them in "the how to play a better RP" thread?

BTW, it's been a while since you were RP'ing here. Not interested in any of the current RP's?

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interesting points I'd like to add a couple here one may be the same.

Don't have a roleplay where no matter what one character leaving or dieing can crash the whole thing (I belive that's the stat roll thing)

another thing I tend to find alot around here latly is the lack of creativity to a certain extent for example

1. you characters must be Fc,Cannon,This tall to join, etc. limiting characters to cannon I suppose isn't too bad ,but Very Few Roleplays i have seen that have Fan characters only With no cannon allowed) have survived very long

2.The point of a roleplay I think is basicly like a Cooperative Story each roleplayer/Writer writes or types in his or her own way you shouldn't try to take that away.<---Notes:Now yes there is a fine line between taking away this creative part and godmodding or Jacking the roleplay.

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another thing I tend to find alot around here latly is the lack of creativity to a certain extent for example

1. you characters must be Fc,Cannon,This tall to join, etc. limiting characters to cannon I suppose isn't too bad ,but Very Few Roleplays i have seen that have Fan characters only With no cannon allowed) have survived very long

That entirely depends on how it is played out, and how the game master lead things on.

My SF Lost RP is the one in the section with the highest view rate and second most posts. Only canon characters allowed and everyone seems to be enjoying it.

(Seriously, if someone don't, PM me so I can change a couple of things.)

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That entirely depends on how it is played out, and how the game master lead things on.

My SF Lost RP is the one in the section with the highest view rate and second most posts. Only canon characters allowed and everyone seems to be enjoying it.

(Seriously, if someone don't, PM me so I can change a couple of things.)

I enjoy it i din't mean to particulary  point you out asper no-Fan character roleplays are okay I suppose i'll put it  like this

1.All Characters both cannon and Fan

2Cannon only

3.Fan only

(That's my rating system)

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I don't play much anymore because I hve other thing to spend my time on. Programing mainly. Plus I got sick or RPs crashing to the ground half a dozen posts in. I was thinking of doing a d and d style system with a dm and the like, but I'm not sure that would work.

Not only that, but I'm starting to think I'm to controling. Let's say I want to RP a desperate fight for survival on a spaceship with aliens eating everybody, I get a bit :( when people turn it into a romance or an oot action movie and the like, but that's the nature of RPs. Despite years of experience I have never played in one that ended properly unless I count the zombie one which was kind of rushed I'll admit.

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I don't play much anymore because I hve other thing to spend my time on. Programing mainly. Plus I got sick or RPs crashing to the ground half a dozen posts in. I was thinking of doing a d and d style system with a dm and the like, but I'm not sure that would work.

Not only that, but I'm starting to think I'm to controling. Let's say I want to RP a desperate fight for survival on a spaceship with aliens eating everybody, I get a bit :( when people turn it into a romance or an oot action movie and the like, but that's the nature of RPs. Despite years of experience I have never played in one that ended properly unless I count the zombie one which was kind of rushed I'll admit.

I think that would work, but require a lot of of effort from whoever will be the dungeon master. I've got a D&D RP waiting in the request section which I have some plans for after I am finished with my current one.

If you'd want to, then we could go together and pool our recorces into that one.

And you're not the only one that wants to have a large amount of controll on wherever direction the roleplay is heading. I've been sending tons of PM's to the other players with tips and advice on what it would be best to do next, or to change something in their posts. They're probably sick of it, but that is the way I am. A controll freak. :)

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well i'm just the opposite I like players having their own choices the only time i'll do any controlling is when it goes way off topic that's why I have a set goal. it's like sf64  one ending but many ways to reach it.

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well i'm just the opposite I like players having their own choices the only time i'll do any controlling is when it goes way off topic that's why I have a set goal. it's like sf64  one ending but many ways to reach it.

Same, but the problem I have is when it goes so far off topic. Perfect example from my early days of RP. We're in a RP where we have to get a rare artifact. Cue adventure. The idea was this rag tag band would have to endure harsh envioments and trails to get to said dodad. However, one player with a castlevania kink turns the story into a quest for a fallen half angel demon (I know the problem with that character now, he didn't) on a quest to kill dracula. God modding aside, all the other players left because all the other PCs were now just being dragged along on some idiots fan fiction.

I think that would work, but require a lot of of effort from whoever will be the dungeon master. I've got a D&D RP waiting in the request section which I have some plans for after I am finished with my current one.

If you'd want to, then we could go together and pool our recorces into that one.

If you want.

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Same, but the problem I have is when it goes so far off topic. Perfect example from my early days of RP. We're in a RP where we have to get a rare artifact. Cue adventure. The idea was this rag tag band would have to endure harsh envioments and trails to get to said dodad. However, one player with a castlevania kink turns the story into a quest for a fallen half angel demon (I know the problem with that character now, he didn't) on a quest to kill dracula. God modding aside, all the other players left because all the other PCs were now just being dragged along on some idiots fan fiction.

If you want.

now that's going to far i've never had that happen.
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If you want.

You were supposed to dance half-naked on the table with joy of that proposal. :P Where's the enthusiasm?

Okay, feel free to post in the request thread or send me a PM if you have any suggestions on how we should do this.

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Tables can't take my weight, and if I did romove a layer of clothing you'd see that I wear womens knickers. I've got to go soon, so I'll talk details later.

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ARGHH! Now I got that burnt into my inner eye! To much information! :shock:

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