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Uploading an avatar.


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Am i just really stupid, is my account messed up, or is it just not as easy a task as i would assume, how do i change my avatar.

I go forum profile, then under

Personalized Picture

there is a check box that says

Upload an avatar

I click the check box, and nothing happens, there is no browse button.

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Clear your cache and try again.

It works fine for my test account, so it seems to be fine server-side.

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This may not cover your specific situation, but it covers the general idea:


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it's not working for me either I'm useing the latest version of Firfox i've cleared it and it still does not work.

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Heh nice avatar Kursed ;)

Anyways about the avatar not working, I'm having the same problem, it doesn't respond when I click the "Upload an avatar" button. I've tried this in both FireFox and IE8

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Ugh, this is frustrating. It works fine for me. I can't fix what I can't duplicate. Error logs are clear.

Can you guys give me more detail on your setups?


it's not working for me either I'm useing the latest version of Firfox i've cleared it and it still does not work.

Uhmmm... I see a different avatar for you now.... Try clearing the cache again.

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Uhmmm... I see a different avatar for you now.... Try clearing the cache again.

I uploaded the avatar to my computer. Still didn't work.. I tried on Internet explorer as well and it did not work what browser are you using Dz?
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Firefox. If I see it, then that means the new avatar is on the server and things are fine on the server end. You're most likely loading a cached image. Clear your cache.

As far as the other issues, I was finally able to duplicate it. It seems that if you have no avatar, it is broken, but if you already have one it works fine.

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Firefox. If I see it, then that means the new avatar is on the server and things are fine on the server end. You're most likely loading a cached image. Clear your cache.

As far as the other issues, I was finally able to duplicate it. It seems that if you have no avatar, it is broken, but if you already have one it works fine.

it's still not working Dz I've cleared the cache three times now. also i cannot unclick the upload avatar checkmark thing. I can get a avatar from my computer but I cannot post a link to a image.

same problem on another computer. (I have up to 6 computers at my house.)

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OK, I did some digging, and sadly the fix for the avatar upload issue is one I do not like.

It's a result of a bug in SMF's profile scripts. Sadly, no one at SMF is posting a fix and they're just saying it will be fixed in the next release and marking troubleshooting threads as solved after stating that. I personally find this unacceptable, and am a little miffed at SMF for that.

There is a work around, but it involves allowing users to link to off-site avatars, which I really do not want to do because of the inherent security issues with that. But, avatars are a must-have core feature.

I do not know why they made so many major changes between RC1 and RC2. That's a big no-no. You make major changes in the alpha and beta stages of development, not the  release candidate stage... Sheesh...


it's still not working Dz I've cleared the cache three times now. also i cannot unclick the upload avatar checkmark thing. I can get a avatar from my computer but I cannot post a link to a image.

I don't know what to tell you, then. Your new avatar is on the server and being shown to other users. That means the issue isn't on the server.

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OK, I did some digging, and sadly the fix for the avatar upload issue is one I do not like.

It's a result of a bug in SMF's profile scripts. Sadly, no one at SMF is posting a fix and they're just saying it will be fixed in the next release and marking troubleshooting threads as solved after stating that. I personally find this unacceptable, and am a little miffed at SMF for that.

There is a work around, but it involves allowing users to link to off-site avatars, which I really do not want to do because of the inherent security issues with that. But, avatars are a must-have core feature.

I do not know why they made so many major changes between RC1 and RC2. That's a big no-no. You make major changes in the alpha and beta stages of development, not the  release candidate stage... Sheesh...

I don't know what to tell you, then. Your new avatar is on the server and being shown to other users. That means the issue isn't on the server.

sounds like Microcrap bought them. yeah welL this Picture is on my comptuer so i guess i'll just have to upload the images to my computer for awhile then instead of using a direct link. (luckly i can do that easily.
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Wait... What do you mean by direct link?

I don't want anyone setting their avatar as a URL. It's a security risk. I had to turn that feature on so that avatar uploading would work. Please download the image to your PC and then upload it to the SFO server. If I find any URL avatars, I will remove them. This feature will be disabled when SMF fixes the upload script.

Avatar uploading should work now, BTW.

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Wait... What do you mean by direct link?

I don't want anyone setting their avatar as a URL. It's a security risk. I had to turn that feature on so that avatar uploading would work. Please download the image to your PC and then upload it to the SFO server. If I find any URL avatars, I will remove them. This feature will be disabled when SMF fixes the upload script.

Avatar uploading should work now, BTW.

I mean a direct link to teh image like From photobuckets. for example

what do you mean by Url avatars Avatars that link to a site?

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All Right! It works! Thanks a million. As soon as my brother lets me on the main computer, I'll get a pic up!

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I mean a direct link to teh image like From photobuckets. for example

what do you mean by Url avatars Avatars that link to a site?

That's what I'm talking about, and I do not want that.

Upload, don't link please.

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That's what I'm talking about, and I do not want that.

Upload, don't link please.

i don't have any of those Dz i will always upload but my problem was that i could not upload from  photobuckets or something like that. i could upload from my computer but not from photouckets.

so wait I can upload from photobuckets?

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Oh ok i see  what you mean. You mean a direct upload from a site. Not linking it.

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i don't have any of those Dz i will always upload but my problem was that i could not upload from  photobuckets or something like that. i could upload from my computer but not from photouckets.

so wait I can upload from photobuckets?


Oh ok i see  what you mean. You mean a direct upload from a site. Not linking it.

I guess I am not being clear, so let me restate this:

Save it to your computer and then upload it.

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I guess I am not being clear, so let me restate this:

Save it to your computer and then upload it.

so why can we not upload it from the internet?
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so why can we not upload it from the internet?

It's on a different server, I know of some sites that will let you paste in a link, but that's not the case here, just save it to your computer and upload it through here.

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so why can we not upload it from the internet?

Because there are loopholes in the avatar code that allow people to use oversized avatars.

Plus, I want to limit the number of things pulled for other servers as that is a security risk. Having sigs on other servers is enough.

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