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I'm just joshing you, I don't think I could do such a thing... took me forever to get the freaking silver medal on orbital gate, but if I ever do beat your score! I'll just be proving to myself the fact that I could, which is very unlikly...

...I still can push a button damn fast heck I don't even push the button... but I'm not going to reveil my button pushing techniques to anyone just yet... and by the way, Hi, I'm Xion...

Jaith: ...He just rambles on and on and on!

Xion: ...I'm good at that too...

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I kinda figured you're Xion... your username kinda says it. :twisted:

Heh, no cheating though, like rubbing a spoon against the button to make it go faster... that's just dumb at the same time.

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No I just vibrate my entire arm... CRUD! I just gave out my technique... -sigh- well the only bad thing is that if I WAS to try and beat your score... the way I would play would most likely kill my arm if you know what I mean... I was practising just now and my arm still hurts...

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Mario and Luigi was damn fun! But yes... too easy, since you actually can go through the entire game without taking a single point of damage...

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I'm the BOMB!



Sorry, that was random.

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I... I can... Well... I can play Soccer pretty good.


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Heads down!!

*Soccer ball flyes directly to ESF's head*

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*bicycle kicks it into goal*


Naw, I'm just joking... I won't be able to even get my formation right just to do a bicycle kick.

... *tear*

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Really? Prove it.


*soccer ball bounces off my head* and that was suppost to hurt ans i was sooooo close to beating XG record i will get it some day all though none of u will belive me with out prof all i xan say is i got 6000 points on it i know u will not belive me un less i have porf
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