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Weird, I looked up fubars definition... Apparently some guy made a record named that though.

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I saw it in 3D today... it was the best movie I have ever seen and I've seen some very good movies (imo) . 3D is very nicely done and is the best 3D I have seen. The tribeables look so realisitic, I am glad he waited ages to release this. Story was excellent as was everything else. I will definetly be buying this on DVD/Blu-Ray or whatever, and watch it several times over.

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When I saw the first teaser for the Avatar movie, it showed the bald-headed monk kid doing his traditional stuff and helicopters coming around the temple on the mountains, then being blow away by a wall of wind, or something.  I thought to myself that this was going to be a good movie, then as time progressed, it changed from a monk kid to blue tribal people.  My only reaction was, "...What the hell?  A regular monk kid trans-fubulates into a blue tribal person with flying winged thingies?  ...I don't know if that's FUBAR or just something." 

Afterwards, I just had to think this:  "What does FUBAR mean, anyways?"  Goes to show how much my brain works lol :lol::facepalm:

PAra the last airbender is no tthe same thing
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the word "Avatar" is a little overused anyways. I was a bit confused when I first heard about the movie too.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I just saw Avatar today, but not in 3D (Don't see it in 3D, the vertigo and height panning camera effects can make you sick, especially if you have vertigo like I do...)

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I saw it in 3D today... it was the best movie I have ever seen and I've seen some very good movies (imo) . 3D is very nicely done and is the best 3D I have seen. The tribeables look so realisitic, I am glad he waited ages to release this. Story was excellent as was everything else. I will definetly be buying this on DVD/Blu-Ray or whatever, and watch it several times over.

I will have a job to beat District 9.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I will have a job to beat District 9.

I hated District 9, all that bouncing around camera movement made me sick. Hell, watching Avatar, not even in 3D, just regular format, made me slightly ill, gave me a headache...

but Avatar was ok.

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oh, that movie was great. very captivatin. i thought the relationship between John an Stands with a Fist made way for a compellin film

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I saw it. I liked it a lot. The things I was expecting to be bad weren't. The things I was expecting to be good were. I honestly couldn't tell that they were using 3D graphics, just looking at it, so they succeeded at the most difficult task.

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I just saw it, it was crap. To cleche, crappy special effects, inconsistant universe ect ect. I have seen worse films, but that's no recomendation. Also someone had better invent a 3d tv for all these films.

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I just saw it, it was crap. To cleche, crappy special effects, inconsistant universe ect ect. I have seen worse films, but that's no recomendation. Also someone had better invent a 3d tv for all these films.

Crappy special effects... are you insane?!

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Crappy special effects... are you insane?!

he must have seen it in a crappy theater.
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Crappy special effects... are you insane?!


I have seen it three times now, once with family, once by myself and once with my friends and I am still discovering new stuff in the film.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I just saw it, it was crap. To cleche, crappy special effects, inconsistant universe ect ect. I have seen worse films, but that's no recomendation. Also someone had better invent a 3d tv for all these films.

I don't agree with you on the special effects, but I do generally agree that the story/plot/theme was too cliche`

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hey, now!  you played the game already? cool! how is it?

I think it's better then the movie, BUT I haven't seen it yet.

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I enjoyed the movie in all seriousness.  It contained a lot of cliches, like the tough-*ss colonel with a scar and hoo-rah marines.  But even after all this other crap I could go and get at it, like the unoriginal storyline, taken off a mix of District 9 and Dances with Wolves, combined with action sports replays on the 9 o'clock news of the Native American wars and how the natives could've fended off the settlers by grouping together instead of warring against each other as seen in this movie (Unoriginality is currently obsolete after the year 2000, so I'll let this one slide), I actually enjoyed the movie so much, imma go see it again tomorrow with some friends for the third time.

The CGI was brilliant.  The next day I went and popped in "Attack of the Clones" into the TV, and I might as well have been playing the first Halo.

Regardless of all cliches, I actually love it.  As soon as iTunes releases it, I'm gonna buy it.

EDIT:  Ok, I'll admit, this was one of the better movies this year, besides Invictus and Angels& Demons (My opinion) and thank god none of you are going scientific here and saying "i hates it cause mountains do not float science does not allow such thing' and yadda yadda yadda.

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...and thank god none of you are going scientific here and saying "i hates it cause mountains do not float science does not allow such thing' and yadda yadda yadda.

This site is for fans of Starfox, a game that's pretty much anthropomorphic characters flying space fighters and blowing up giant robots. I don't think you're gonna find any "Science is Truth" preachers here.  :P

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I did wonder how they were floating. My guess is it has something to do with the "unobtainium" ore they were trying to mine.

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Guest Julius Quasar

I did wonder how they were floating. My guess is it has something to do with the "unobtainium" ore they were trying to mine.

this ^

I wish they had found a better name for that mineral instead of "unobtainium", sounds stupid...they may as well have called it "up-sie-dasium" from the Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons  :lol:

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I don't think you're gonna find any "Science is Truth" preachers here.  :P

As I said before, thank god, most reviews on Yahoo movies are blasting it because it has floating mountains.

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Guest Julius Quasar

As I said before, thank god, most reviews on Yahoo movies are blasting it because it has floating mountains.

I like the floating mountains! :yes: <3

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