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The ultimate Starfox quiz

Guest Starguy24

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How long have you been a Starfox fan?

I began playing starfox games on 2006, fan? not really  :P

What was the first Starfox game you ever played?

SNES one, but the first one I've owned was Assault

Which game is your favorite in the series, and why?

Assault would be my favorite, cause the Orbital gate mission ,but I still consider the N64 game "superior"

Who's your favorite character?

Peppy or Wolf

Who's your least favorite character?


Who's your favorite couple/fan pairng?


Least favorite couple fan pairing?


Least favorite game in the series?


What's your favorite moment in the series?

Assault Orbital gate madness, now that's a mission I like

What's your favorite boss?

Star Wolf fight at the alternative route in N64

What are some thing you don't like about the series (if you have any)?

Lots of things, I don't want to dig on this one

What should the next game be like (example: it should have a lot of space fighting, more Landmaster levels, etc.)?What DZ said, basically sums it

Is Starfox the best video game series ever?


Is Starfox your favorite video game series?



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How long have you been a Starfox fan?

I began playing starfox games on 2006, fan? not really  :P

Least favorite couple fan pairing?


Is Starfox the best video game series ever?


Is Starfox your favorite video game series?


With answers like that, how the hell did ~Steve~ become a mod? And who's the stoner who gave him the position?

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With answers like that, how the hell did ~Steve~ become a mod? And who's the stoner who gave him the position?



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Just a thought, maybe it's cause he's good at running a forum? Ah heck, I dunno. :P

True, but if he's gonna run a Star Fox forum, he should be expected to be a Star Fox fan right?

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Hey, hey, don't go for witch hunting yet, I was a steadily player when the forum was new, and I like the series but I don't consider myself a die hard fan like most of you. I at least stayed here instead of just leaving like most people did when they lost their interest on starfox or when the forum was dying, I'm here for the community, not for the fan-base, I thought I made that clear before. I'm loyal to the forum and I have proven that many times babysitting people here instead of reporting and banning.

Wanna know who made me mod/admin? was all thanks to XG, he was a starfox fan and one of the main admins here, but he lost interest on the fandom a couple years ago. He gave me his position because he knew I cared for this place, even tho I'm not such of a fan. DZ of course, had to agree on that.

I never said I don't like starfox, I'm just saying I'm not such a fan, like I'm not a super fan of Metroid , Mario or heck, even Zelda anymore, but I still like those games and I own them. I'm just going to go ahead and change my statement to "not a fan, but I like the game! don't kill me"

PS: I'm not going to expect new members understanding this, which is why I pointed my opinions here.

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Hey, hey, don't go for witch hunting yet, I was a steadily player when the forum was new, and I like the series but I don't consider myself a die hard fan like most of you. I at least stayed here instead of just leaving like most people did when they lost their interest on starfox or when the forum was dying, I'm here for the community, not for the fan-base, I thought I made that clear before. I'm loyal to the forum and I have proven that many times babysitting people here instead of reporting and banning.

Wanna know who made me mod/admin? was all thanks to XG, he was a starfox fan and one of the main admins here, but he lost interest on the fandom a couple years ago. He gave me his position because he knew I cared for this place, even tho I'm not such of a fan. DZ of course, had to agree on that.

I never said I don't like starfox, I'm just saying I'm not such a fan, like I'm not a super fan of Metroid , Mario or heck, even Zelda anymore, but I still like those games and I own them. I'm just going to go ahead and change my statement to "not a fan, but I like the game! don't kill me"

PS: I'm not going to expect new members understanding this, which is why I pointed my opinions here.

Nice speech, ~Steve~. I guess that explains everything  :). You don't have to change your post or anything, and personally I think you're a great mod.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Don't listen to the jerks who hate anyone who dislikes what they like. xD Personally, I appreciate your answers. but then again, they're a little similar to mine, so that might just be a biased opinion.

I was only teasing you about the cigar burn thing, catwings...

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Hey, hey, don't go for witch hunting yet, I was a steadily player when the forum was new, and I like the series but I don't consider myself a die hard fan like most of you. I at least stayed here instead of just leaving like most people did when they lost their interest on starfox or when the forum was dying, I'm here for the community, not for the fan-base, I thought I made that clear before. I'm loyal to the forum and I have proven that many times babysitting people here instead of reporting and banning.

Wanna know who made me mod/admin? was all thanks to XG, he was a starfox fan and one of the main admins here, but he lost interest on the fandom a couple years ago. He gave me his position because he knew I cared for this place, even tho I'm not such of a fan. DZ of course, had to agree on that.

I never said I don't like starfox, I'm just saying I'm not such a fan, like I'm not a super fan of Metroid , Mario or heck, even Zelda anymore, but I still like those games and I own them. I'm just going to go ahead and change my statement to "not a fan, but I like the game! don't kill me"

PS: I'm not going to expect new members understanding this, which is why I pointed my opinions here.

I guess I'm obsessed

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Really guys, don't take it all personal , it's not about who is obsessed and who is not, being a fan of a game, a DIE hard fan of a game is being loyal to a franchise, and it's something to be proud! regardless of what it is. I myself , once was a die hard Nintendo fan, and i was proud of being one. But then again, life comes in, you grow up and such and minds can change over time. Now, I like to play games just because they are fun, not because they have a character I like (that's just a plus now) or because Nintendo made the game. I might not be a super gamer like I was once, but I do enjoy games for what they really are, games, regardless the platform, if they are fun to me, then that's all I need. In other words, I'm basically a fan of games, and that's all. I obviously have my picks and types, but that's besides the point.

Also, let's stop going off topic here.

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If one can't accept that other people are different and have other opinions than yourself, then one doesn't really belong in a web community like this.

I sincerely hope that was just a lot of bad jokes from some of you. Steve seems to me as a good administrator and a great guy, that's what most important.

Okay, end of off-topicness from me.

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Really guys, don't take it all personal , it's not about who is obsessed and who is not, being a fan of a game, a DIE hard fan of a game is being loyal to a franchise, and it's something to be proud! regardless of what it is. I myself , once was a die hard Nintendo fan, and i was proud of being one. But then again, life comes in, you grow up and such and minds can change over time. Now, I like to play games just because they are fun, not because they have a character I like (that's just a plus now) or because Nintendo made the game. I might not be a super gamer like I was once, but I do enjoy games for what they really are, games, regardless the platform, if they are fun to me, then that's all I need. In other words, I'm basically a fan of games, and that's all. I obviously have my picks and types, but that's besides the point.

Also, let's stop going off topic here.


now that that sad...

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great thread ^^

How long have you been a Starfox fan? Since SF:64

What was the first Starfox game you ever played? SF:64

Which game is your favorite in the series, and why? ...SF:64, because it had the best gameplay imo

Who's your favorite character? Fox McCloud

Who's your least favorite character? new Leon (his crazy English voice is way better than his crazy Cartoonish voice)

Who's your favorite couple/fan pairng? Panther an his hand LOL LOL

Least favorite couple fan pairing? Wolf an Miyu (hardcore loner is Wolf O'Donnel)

Least favorite game in the series? SF:Command (30 year olds w/ adolescent angst?)

What's your favorite moment in the series? wen Slippy gets wackd towards Titania by the Sector X boss

What's your favorite boss? Sector X boss

What are some thing you don't like about the series (if you have any)? wat was ok'd by Nintendo wen settin up SF:Adventures

What should the next game be like (example: it should have a lot of space fighting, more Landmaster levels, etc.)? moar space armada scenes

Is Starfox the best video game series ever? nah. i'll never pick a best anythin ever since thins can always be topd easily

Is Starfox your favorite video game series? its up there w/ an assortment of others

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Who's your favorite couple/fan pairng? Panther an his hand LOL LOL


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  • 4 weeks later...

How long have you been a Starfox fan?

For about 2 years now, I believe.

What was the first Starfox game you ever played?

StarFox 64: IMO the best N64 game ever! :D

Which game is your favorite in the series, and why?

Star Fox Assault FTW. (64 is 2nd and Adventures is 3rd) I love it. :D Great story, beautiful graphics, excellent music, great VA (in my view), just great fun.

Who's your favorite character?

:fox: Fox McCloud. My favorite Nintendo Character. :P

Who's your least favorite character?

Andrew, Pigma, and any other villainous slime like them.

Who's your favorite couple/fan pairng?

:friends: Fox and Krystal! :D My fav VG pairing PERIOD.

Least favorite couple fan pairing?

:facepalm: Panther and Krystal. Can't stand it! To me, it is an absolute character abomination, plain and simple! :x

Least favorite game in the series?

Command. No need to expand on what has already been said, it is a piece of crap and it does not exist to me.

What's your favorite moment in the series?

I love a number of moments in the series. I haven't decided on which one I like most.

What's your favorite boss?

Haven't really decided on this either.

What are some thing you don't like about the series (if you have any)?

Command. Anything else is kind of minor really.

What should the next game be like (example: it should have a lot of space fighting, more Landmaster levels, etc.)?

As said before: Assault expanded with more levels. Some more character additions would not hurt either.

Is Starfox the best video game series ever?

One of the best, that's for sure.

Is Starfox your favorite video game series?

I do believe it is.

P.S. For the record, unless the supposed StarFox Wii game comes out (and it's good) I see the starfox games as a trilogy consisting of StarFox 64, StarFox Adventures and StarFox Assault. Command is null and void to me.

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How long have you been a Starfox fan?

For about 2 years now, I believe.

What was the first Starfox game you ever played?

StarFox 64: IMO the best N64 game ever! :D

Which game is your favorite in the series, and why?

Star Fox Assault FTW. (64 is 2nd and Adventures is 3rd) I love it. :D Great story, beautiful graphics, excellent music, great VA (in my view), just great fun.

Who's your favorite character?

:fox: Fox McCloud. My favorite Nintendo Character. :P

Who's your least favorite character?

Andrew, Pigma, and any other villainous slime like them.

Who's your favorite couple/fan pairng?

:friends: Fox and Krystal! :D My fav VG pairing PERIOD.

Least favorite couple fan pairing?

:facepalm: Panther and Krystal. Can't stand it! To me, it is an absolute character abomination, plain and simple! :x

Least favorite game in the series?

Command. No need to expand on what has already been said, it is a piece of crap and it does not exist to me.

What's your favorite moment in the series?

I love a number of moments in the series. I haven't decided on which one I like most.

What's your favorite boss?

Haven't really decided on this either.

What are some thing you don't like about the series (if you have any)?

Command. Anything else is kind of minor really.

What should the next game be like (example: it should have a lot of space fighting, more Landmaster levels, etc.)?

As said before: Assault expanded with more levels. Some more character additions would not hurt either.

Is Starfox the best video game series ever?

One of the best, that's for sure.

Is Starfox your favorite video game series?

I do believe it is.

95% this :)

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How long have you been a Starfox fan? Officially, about a few months.

What was the first Starfox game you ever played? Either SF64 or SFAdv

Which game is your favorite in the series, and why? SFAdv because of Krystal of the awesome worlds in Sauria and the fact that it wasn't supposed to be a Starfox game originally.

Who's your favorite character? I don't really have a fave, but I like Bill Grey

Who's your least favorite character? All I know that it isn't Slippy

Who's your favorite couple/fan pairing? Wolf/Fox and Fox/Krystal

Least favorite couple fan pairing? Hell if I know....

Least favorite game in the series? It would be Command because of the reliability of the endings

What's your favorite moment in the series? When Fox met Krystal. A turning point for Starfox games forever.

What's your favorite boss? Every time I have to fight Andrew Oikinny.

What are some thing you don't like about the series (if you have any)?

What should the next game be like (example: it should have a lot of space fighting, more Landmaster levels, etc.)? More like Assault but with more Arwing only missions.

Is Starfox the best video game series ever? It's damn near close.

Is Starfox your favorite video game series? Second next to Sonic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How long have you been a Starfox fan? 11 years, ever since I watched my Dad play SF64 when i was little :D

What was the first Starfox game you ever played? Adventures, oddly enough.

Which game is your favorite in the series, and why? Advendures, the storyline was richer that what i think you can find in a rail shooter, and Assault was just to short.

Who's your favorite character? Wolf ^^

Who's your least favorite character? Katt, but not her personality, her new character design. Her design in 64 was the best! She looks more like a mouse now >.<

Who's your favorite couple/fan pairng? fav couple is FalcoxKatt (as long as its the SF64 Katt XD)

Least favorite couple fan pairing? Fox Wolf, just because I don't like changing a character so drastically. Granted, there is no cannon source that says either of them are straight, so if its eaplained well in the fic it's good

Least favorite game in the series? Command, just because I don't like the art, and how juvenile they made Wolf  :hehe:

What's your favorite moment in the series? Hmn, there's a few, but the first one that came to my head was when Fox vaulted off the building where he was surrounded by Aparoids, and Wolf saved him.

What's your favorite boss? General Pepper's hijacked capital ship. So touching.

What are some thing you don't like about the series (if you have any)? I don't think there's enough women in the series. I also don't like the fact that katt's kinda been given the book in favour of Krystal... and that Katt isn't pink anymore  :(

What should the next game be like (example: it should have a lot of space fighting, more Landmaster levels, etc.)? I would like to see an rpg that's deeper and darker than Adventures. Maybe Star Fox isn't serious to take on a serious tone, but I think they could pull it off, and it might give the franchise a little more respect

Is Starfox the best video game series ever? Pretty damn close!

Is Starfox your favorite video game series? See previous statement

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