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Who the crap said Command wasn't cannon?

Star Fox Runner

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OK, I don't normally rant, but this is kinda getting on my nerves.

For a couple months now, I have heard people saying that they are glad Command isn't cannon, where did that detail come from? The developers never said that Command wasn't going to be cannon, what they did say is that Command is the last game in the story's time line. Fitting that a game with multiple branching endings is the final story in the time line.

I remember Cuthbert saying in an interview that the story would take place "somewhere in the middle" I think some people took that as meaning it would take place in the middle of Command, therefore retconning it, I don't think he meant that. When he said that, I think he meant in the middle of the time line, meaning that the game will be a prequel, most likely between 64 and Adventures (8 year gap), between Adventures and Assault (1 year gap), or between Assault and Command. (unknown gap)

I think the main reason people think that Command isn't cannon, is that people DON'T WANT it to be cannon because they were upset with the story, so they are looking for an excuse to erase the game, basically they are in denial.

People, just come to grips and deal with it, COMMAND HAPPENED, and it IS cannon, and nothing is going to change that unless the developers come out and say it directly, us griping about it and trying to trick ourselves into believing its not cannon isn't going to make it true.

*prepares to get flamed*

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*Gets fire extinguisher*

I'm not going to flame you, because what you said is as far as I know, true.

The whole "Command isn't cannon" thing is almost like the myth that ostriches put their head down in the sand when danger approaches. Thinking, as long as I don't want to see it, the danger isn't there!

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Guest Para Astaroth

*Puts Pyro suit from TF2 on* MMf mm mmrrff mff  mmmrr mrr..  *takes off mask*  -gasp!- I can't talk in this thing!

Ok, anyways, I do see your point in this, SFR, and I agree highly to your rant.  I've just basically given up on the series due to lack of confidence in fans, too many complainers, and Cuthbert's decision in abandoning the franchise altogether.

If Starfox Wii manages to come out, I'll buy it a month or two later, but that doesn't mean I still love the Starfox franchise.

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All the endings can't be cannon, can they? I dunno, maybe they all can. Heh heh, I bet the real endings the G-Zero one... It's the best!

Ok, anyways, I do see your point in this, SFR, and I agree highly to your rant.  I've just basically given up on the series due to lack of confidence in fans, too many complainers, and Cuthbert's decision in abandoning the franchise altogether.

I'll agree that there's a lot o complaining going on around. However, I'm not willing to loose my respects to a game, because the fans are complaining, I HAVE TO BE THE ONE COMPLAINING! :o Er... something like that. I love starfox 64 and the snes just a little too much to just let it put out like a "flame" (lame pun intended), as for the rest of the starfox games I love 'em, just not much as 64 and snes, if the people decide not to make a starfox wii, I admit, I'd be disappointed, but 64 :o JUST SO GOOD MANLY AMAZING!

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i'm not going to call any of command cannon or non-cannon untill it's said by the developers to be...

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I don't know and I don't care who said that Command is non-canon; that game is a load of shit anyway.


They better not make SFC canon, ugh I can't possibly imagine it :|

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Guest Para Astaroth

They better not make SFC canon, ugh I can't possibly imagine it :|

Dude, it already is.  If the game is made, then it's more than likely is.  Cuthbert already confirmed it was in an interview with Nintendo Power (I guess that's the magazine?).  He said that it doesn't matter which ending is the 'true' ending that the story itself ended with Command.

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Dude, it already is.  If the game is made, then it's more than likely is.  Cuthbert already confirmed it was in an interview with Nintendo Power (I guess that's the magazine?).  He said that it doesn't matter which ending is the 'true' ending that the story itself ended with Command.

Cuthbert is only one man who worked on the game. Although he did help create Star Fox, it's ultimately Nintendo's decision, the owner of the rights to the Star Fox series, as for whether or not Command is part of the canon, not Cuthbert's, so there is a chance he could be rebuked in the future by an official declaration by Nintendo, and thus there is no certainty as to whether or not Command is canon as of now.

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Cuthbert is only one man who worked on the game. Although he did help create Star Fox, it's ultimately Nintendo's decision, the owner of the rights to the Star Fox series, as for whether or not Command is part of the canon, not Cuthbert's, so there is a chance he could be rebuked in the future by an official declaration by Nintendo, and thus there is no certainty as to whether or not Command is canon as of now.

Technically, if no one has directly said that it is non-canon or made an official game that retcons SFC, then at this moment, it IS canon, whether fans like it or not.

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Technically, if no one has directly said that it is non-canon or made an official game that retcons SFC, then at this moment, it IS canon, whether fans like it or not.

Exactly my point.

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To be perfectly honest: Command itself CAN be canon, however... Not a single event or ending can be called 'the canon one' due to the fact the storyline ends on a game with branching endings. The only 'canon' path in SFC is the one the player perceives as so. So Fox and Falco going off, and becoming (F-Zero) racers is MY idea of the canon SFC ending, but other people going with the 'Kursed' ending would see it as canon. Or the 'Fox and Krystal' could be one person's canon ending.

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And THEN SFC will not be canon. Until that occurs, SFC is canon, albeit a terrible method to end a series, but eh, at least it lets YOU pick the ending.

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And THEN SFC will not be canon. Until that occurs, SFC is canon, albeit a terrible method to end a series, but eh, at least it lets YOU pick the ending.

They don't have a no ending, ending lol

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Guest Julius Quasar

But which ever company gets to create a new SF title may leave Command out of it.

I hope so! :yes:

And THEN SFC will not be canon. Until that occurs, SFC is canon, albeit a terrible method to end a series, but eh, at least it lets YOU pick the ending.


*spits on the floor at hearing this*

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*spits on the floor at hearing this*

Noooooo... My floor...! You got your spit all over my floor! D:!!! */offtopic*

But, yeah. I don't particularly like Command at all, either. I'm just stating that until they retcon it, SFC is.... Sadly canon.

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Either Cuthbert or Imamura came out and said that none of the SFC endings are canon. What happens story-wise depends on the path you take. Thus, most of SFC isn't canon.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Noooooo... My floor...! You got your spit all over my floor! D:!!! */offtopic*

But, yeah. I don't particularly like Command at all, either. I'm just stating that until they retcon it, SFC is.... Sadly canon.

Yeah, Command, both in plot story and play control, both awful...

Either Cuthbert or Imamura came out and said that none of the SFC endings are canon. What happens story-wise depends on the path you take. Thus, most of SFC isn't canon.

Ahhh, good!  :cool:

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Either Cuthbert or Imamura came out and said that none of the SFC endings are canon. What happens story-wise depends on the path you take. Thus, most of SFC isn't canon.

Okay, I can see that, but still the initial events that start the game (The team breaking up and the Anglar Invasion) ARE cannon right?

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Okay, I can see that, but still the initial events that start the game (The team breaking up and the Anglar Invasion) ARE cannon right?


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Either Cuthbert or Imamura came out and said that none of the SFC endings are canon. What happens story-wise depends on the path you take. Thus, most of SFC isn't canon.

Thank you for clarifying, DZ~ Woohoo, so I can ignore Command thoroughly now! :D

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I guess we will have to wait to see if SFC is a cannon, many of us hope not! I mean it...

and para, it's a shame you left this...

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