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The game titled ^, hopefully third time lives the longest!

Dr. Wilopolis

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This is a very silly 'game' of which the rules go as follows:

You are required to at least do 3 out of the 4 possible interactions, one must ALWAYS be ^.  You are to address the individual indicated by the symbol. It can be an action, a statement, or anything in between. Of course, forum rules apply.

The symbols and their meanings:

^ is the poster above you.

< is yourself.

> is.... whatever is over ->

v is the poster underneath you.

Feel free to be silly with your statements, but keep this in mind: You cannot call anyone by their given name. So say I posted underneath, say, for an honorable example, Mr. Krystal. I would not say ^ is Mr. Krystal, a fan of Krystal. It would be '^ is ^, a fan of Krystal'. Now say you wanted to refer to Mr. Krystal, but my post was in the way. Never fear, simple math is here! Just count how many posts you are below Mr. Krystal, in this case, two. Simply put a number of '^s' equal to the number of posts they are above you. So, in this case, it could be:

'^^ is ^^, a fan of Krystal'.

You can also do a 'time bomb', which is just the reverse of the above statement, but instead, you're referring to a person a certain number of posts after you. For example;

'vvvv gets a pie slice.' This means, the fourth person to post after you gets a slice of pie.

PS: I do hope Mr. Krystal doesn't mind me using him as a small example. XD I mean no harm by it, or offense.

PPS: I cannot state it enough: FORUM RULES APPLY. And please, try not to do violent things. There should be an 'attack the next poster' topic somewhere for that.

EDIT: For the people who seem so confused: The game called '^' is a nonsensical little game where you can make silly statements about yourself, your fellow posters, and the random void to the right of the screen. It's a really simple concept. And it can be good fun. And no, this is not spam. >.> It's a silly little game.

Now, let me begin!

^ is a void of.... ....Blackness and letters. And some blue.

< is a handy dandy notebook given the form of a paper bag.

> ....S-Santa?!

v is.... THE FIRST REPLIER!!! *cue dramatic music at v's arrival*

vv is the second replier. :o

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math ey:

how bout an equation.

X*^=starfox fan, most likely.

< Can not find the downward pointing arrow on <'s keyboard:(

^^Apparently is a handy dandy notebook, in the form of a paper bag???

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^ has obviously no idea as to what this is all about.

< has done this thread game several times before.

^^^ should know that the 'down arrow' is a lower case V.


< has hopefully condensed the rules into a little more understandable thing. Even if < thinks that The Game Titled ^ is really not hard to grasp.

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^was not incorrect, for < might not have understood the game, but < I does

< is foolish, because < did not know how to do the downwards arrow  :hehe:

> is a synthesizer :)

v should understand the game by now.

X*v most likely=starfox fan

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^^^^, < isn't trying to be a jerk in any way. < just doesn't really get what's so confusing about this game, and wasn't really actively insulting anyone.

^ cannot be foolish, for ^ has the most awesome avatar.

< does understand the game. < posted it. Well, at least < thinks so.

> should play some music, now!

v is proooobably somebody that exists.

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^^^^, < isn't trying to be a jerk in any way. < just doesn't really get what's so confusing about this game, and wasn't really actively insulting anyone.

^ cannot be foolish, for ^ has the most awesome avatar.

< does understand the game. < posted it. Well, at least < thinks so.

> should play some music, now!

v is proooobably somebody that exists.

I don't exsist

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^should understand how this works by now, seeing as how you read ^^'s post understood it and ^ replied

<does not understand one thing, this arrow ">" is whatever is in that direction, right? so.... OH ^ get it now, < should play music with > :)

^^ is too kind, or at least that's what < would say if ^^ where not stating the truth.

vvvvvvvvvvvv has earned my respect.

< is wandering if ^^'s avatar is Dr. Faust.

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^ is correct about <'s avatar.

< loves teh paper bag wearing maniac.

> doesn't.

v might know what I'm saying.

vvvv doesn't speak Saurian naturally.

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^should understand how this works by now, seeing as how you read ^^'s post understood it and ^ replied

<does not understand one thing, this arrow ">" is whatever is in that direction, right? so.... OH ^ get it now, < should play music with > :)

^^ is too kind, or at least that's what < would say if ^^ where not stating the truth.

vvvvvvvvvvvv has earned my respect.

< is wandering if ^^'s avatar is Dr. Faust.

Ya, I think I get the ^ I don't get the > <

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^ The Link to Starfox online's main forums index, user information, seach, options, News, and various other things that go with your browser.

< Has no original Ideas of his own, and feels like a hippy listening to DMB.

> My right speaker and a digital camera

v Probably someone who I don't know well... :P

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^ is the creator of an interesting game

< a poor avatar of fox not any more

> my router, a digital camera basically a mess

vv I don't know maybe someone really cool

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^ is correct < is annoyed by random stuff

< is wandering who isn't annoyed by random stuff


v maybe someone really cool

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^ is pointing. And is obviously a man.

< is not cool. Just odd.


v git offa mah property!

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^ makes ^^^ statement about ^ true.

< disagree, sir.

< wishes he knew more back ground story about Dr. Faust, seeing as how him and Zappa are my favorite chars in guilty gear.

v is not going to be me

> is the same thing as last time

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Guest Para Astaroth

^  Can find some using Google

<  Doesn't understand why an addition to the year is such a big deal.

v  Hopefully ignores me

>  Don't even know what the heck that is...

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^'s question will hopefully be answered by <.

< believes that the most significant thing about the new year is that all the companies that have been saving there new technological advancements that have not been released, will be released, because it is 2010.

>'s time to turn up the heat!

v is most likely up to something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Taokaka. o.o

< is up to nothing.

> ....Keshikigakeshikigakeshikigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

v does not know what that means.

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