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What are your favorite classic arcade games?


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Battletoads arcade.

House of the dead 2

Time Crisis 2

AVP arcade

I've been trying to play lost world for years, but I can never find a working machine.

Theres also a game called violent storm which wins the award for campest game ever.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Vectorman and Vectorman 2

Altered Beast Arcade

Super Mario World series

Doom and Doom 2

Super Metroid

Double Dragon

Duke Nukem:  Time to Kill

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Duke Nukem 64

Duke Nukem 64 is not an arcade game. I'm talking about coin-operated games and things along those lines.

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Duke Nukem 64 is not an arcade game. I'm talking about coin-operated games and things along those lines.

Ahhh, okay, lol sorry, in that case, it's been so long since I've had money to put in a machine that I can't remember  :lol:

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You're all wondering what arcade games I like, so here's my answer:

Old arcade games like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Galaga, etc.

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Gaplus (AKA Galaga 3), followed by Galaga, are my two favorite arcade games. Gaplus is like Galaga, except it's got better graphics and more features, while being as addicting as Galaga. It's also the kind of game that kicks your ***, but you love very second of it. :P

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heh, I used to have that on GBA... fun game.

I have metal slug's one through six on the wii. It wasna even 20 dollars :}

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Street Fighter II

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (released on the NES as TMNT II- The Arcade Game)

The Simpsons Arcade Game

Ghouls and Ghosts


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