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Well, I recently got The Orange Box and have been playing lots of Valve games because of that.  Which is your favorite?  Or do you know any secrets?

I recently found out the Alesia Glidewell is the voice actor for Chell in Portal, and apparently she does voices for other Valve games as someone has told me.

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I lke Tf2 and Half-life 2

I've spent the most time on Half-Life 2, and I've played some TF2. 
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I like the Left 4 Dead series, but my favourite valve games aren't valve games, but rather mods. Dystopia (and possably Neo Tokyo) and Smod Redux are great.

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I liked that one. It needs to be longer, and the actual concept was created at DigiPen.  It was called Narbacular Drop.
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SPY CHECK!! *Pulls out flamethrower* And yes, I do use Pyro the most.
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SPY CHECK!! *Pulls out flamethrower* And yes, I do use Pyro the most.

do you know about the air reflecting for explosive projectiles?

half-life series and tf2 are my favorite, I found left 4 dead to be nothing compared to eternal darkness and resident evil 4; and well, portal was wayy too short to be a good game in my book.

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Guest Para Astaroth

Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, but my all time favorite:  Team Fortress 2 and Classic.  "THAY YA GO!!!"  *Waves to sniped enemy*

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do you know about the air reflecting for explosive projectiles?

I like airblasting charging Targe demomen. They come flying at me with the sword and get stopped cold by the airblast. Then shotgun time (How the hell does a wooden shield provide fire resistance?). If they don't have the sword, then it's light and axetinguish.

I usually play heavy, pyro, soldier, or engie.

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I like airblasting charging Targe demomen. They come flying at me with the sword and get stopped cold by the airblast. Then shotgun time (How the hell does a wooden shield provide fire resistance?). If they don't have the sword, then it's light and axetinguish.

I usually play heavy, pyro, soldier, or engie.

I never really use airblast, but I will tell you this: I. Hate. The. Eyelander.
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I like airblasting charging Targe demomen. They come flying at me with the sword and get stopped cold by the airblast. Then shotgun time (How the hell does a wooden shield provide fire resistance?). If they don't have the sword, then it's light and axetinguish.

I usually play heavy, pyro, soldier, or engie.

wow I play all those but soldier.
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I never really use airblast, but I will tell you this: I. Hate. The. Eyelander.

Ah, so you're a W+M1 Pyro. Don't tell me you use the backburner.... :P

Airblast is credit to team: Puts out teammates on fire, blows Ubers off of cliffs/bridges/apart. I lol every time I airblast the medic up within range of a sentry, as the sentry then does the rest of the work, saving me ammo. Plus, he goes really really really high and his poor buddy gets shredded by the sentry. lol I've also gotten two headshots with airblasted n00bsman huntsman arrows.

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Don't tell me you use the backburner....

Airblast is credit to team: Puts out teammates on fire, blows Ubers off of cliffs/bridges/apart. I lol every time I airblast the medic up within range of a sentry, as the sentry then does the rest of the work, saving me ammo. Plus, he goes really really really high and his poor buddy gets shredded by the sentry. lol I've also gotten two headshots with airblasted n00bsman huntsman arrows.

Don't have the BackBurner, don't know how to unlock it.  The stock one has airblast though, but I still don't use it.
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How long have you been playing? I've gotten like 7 of them from random drops (but still not enough stuff to craft hats :( ).

Only thing I haven't gotten from random drops are more than 2 hats and the soldier's bugle. I have everything else for all classes.

To unlock it through play, you need 15 pyro achievements. Though if you're lucky you'll get a random drop before.

To be honest, the backburner is not even worth it. The crit cone is tiny, and it has no airblast. Backburner is not credit to team. Only unlock weapon I use much is the axetinguisher, and the flare gun if the situation demands it.

Learn to use the airblast, you will live longer for it, and you teammates will like you more. W+M1 only goes so far.

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How long have you been playing? I've gotten like 7 of them from random drops (but still not enough stuff to craft hats :( ).

Only thing I haven't gotten from random drops are more than 2 hats and the soldier's bugle. I have everything else for all classes.

To unlock it through play, you need 15 pyro achievements. Though if you're lucky you'll get a random drop before.

To be honest, the backburner is not even worth it. The crit cone is tiny, and it has no airblast. Backburner is not credit to team. Only unlock weapon I use much is the axetinguisher, and the flare gun if the situation demands it.

Learn to use the airblast, you will live longer for it, and you teammates will like you more. W+M1 only goes so far.

Only 9 hours worth, I just want to unlock it for the sake of unlocking, I got a new gun for spy, but I never even play as him.  I also don't get the craft system at all.
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Mmmmm Delicious TF2:)

More like TFWhywouldyouplayanyotherfirstpersonshooter.

I use the heavy, the spy, and the pyro, mostly heavy.

Starting to use scout a little bit though.

The only problem is lately my computer has not been able to handle it's excessive amounts of awesomeness and my graphics card is the equivalent of poo.

I also enjoy portal and the half-life series a lot.

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Scout can be fun, but you can die a lot. Same with pyro, though for a different reason: no ranged weapons.

I do my most damage as a heavy with a medic behind me. I use the normal minigun as it deals more damage, though if there are a lot of targe demos or scouts around, I'll whip out the Natascha to slow 'em down. Snipers are the bane of the heavy's existence, though, as the miniguns are not accurate enough to pick them off.

I usually keep the shotty with Heavy, but if medics are few, I'll pack the sandvich. "OM NOM NOM. OM NOM. Look at you tiny itsy bitsy men running from sandvich! Ha Ha Ha!" :mrgreen: And there's his Portal reference: "OM NOM NOM. OM NOM. Moist and delicious!"

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Appologies for the DP, but I was shown a flash (at FA, oddly enough) that is relevant to this thread:

http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3219819/ (Furaffininty warning...)

That is awesome

And a bonus:



"Sandvich and me going to beat your ass!" :lolhyst:

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I've been thinking about getting a good online fps, and I've heard good stuff about TF2, is it worth getting that much?

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Not really, unless you are well into team deathmatch. Ep2 and portal are good, but you need the know the half life storyline.

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I was planning on getting tf2 from steam, since I have already played HL2 and the episodes, as well as portal. I'm more into random fun fps instead of serious stuff like Modern warfare 2 and stuff like that.

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Not really, unless you are well into team deathmatch. Ep2 and portal are good, but you need the know the half life storyline.

Uhm... TF2 doesn't even have an official team deathmatch mode (yes, there is a mod out there). TF2 is mostly about CTF, payload (move a cart into enemy base), and capture points. There is a mode called arena, which I guess is kind of like TDM, but you only get one life (IE, no respawning).

That said, TF2 is a team-based game. You can't "Rambo it" yourself and win. IE, if you don't have medics, and the other team does, you will most likely lose.

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TF2 not being the most Badical fps out there? Now that would be something. It's always updating, and as much as I love Hl2 deathmatch, and the singleplayer games, tf2 is by far my fav... just don't get it on the x-box Naw it'd be ok on the x-box, but they never update anything.

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