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What do you like about Valentine's Day? (How MANY you can post before Feb 14)


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It is like the last post win but you had to explain what do you like about Valentine's Day.

EDIT: I am changing the holidays when a holiday passes

Do an  Bullet List Format, then type  who will be YOUR  valentine for Feb 14.

Edit: Good NEWS AND Bad news: Good news is that Sabre's topic crashed and burned.

Bad NEWS IS that we can't do something that voliate  a rule. That's how Sabres topic died. Plus, Febuary is getting closer, so should you post more?

EDIT:We just hit our 100th reply! Hooray! Edit; we HIT the 200th a while ago, WOO HOO! AND REACHED OVER 1000 VIEWS!

:fox:  :friends:  :krystal:


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Jeez Julius, you hate EVERY holiday on the list :roll:.

i'm wiht him is just another day nothing special besides not everyone has to like this day

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i'm wiht him is just another day nothing special besides not everyone has to like this day

I know that, but he hates virtually every holiday on the list except Halloween. Not that I have a problem with it though, I'm just saying.

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I know that, but he hates virtually every holiday on the list except Halloween. Not that I have a problem with it though, I'm just saying.

lol i know that maybe he is playing and sorry man i don't want to sound rude if i did

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I don't exactly like Valentine's Day because It makes you realize how unlikable you really are.  I'm very worried this year because there is a girl in my hall that likes me, I just know everyone will be on my junk to say something to her, and I just like her as a friend.

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I don't exactly like Valentine's Day because It makes you realize how unlikable you really are.  I'm very worried this year because there is a girl in my hall that likes me, I just know everyone will be on my junk to say something to her, and I just like her as a friend.


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I'll remember my very first rejection by a woman, and wonder where my eventual girlfriend is. I'm waiting for her to appear still.

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Fix'd that for ya. :P

Back on topic, I'm single and proud. :mrgreen:

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Guest Julius Quasar


I know that, but he hates virtually every holiday on the list except Halloween. Not that I have a problem with it though, I'm just saying.

true, I hate all holidays, except for Halloween....


I'm with him is just another day nothing special besides not everyone has to like this day



Fix'd that for ya. :P

Oh, shut up!  :P  :lol: (j/k)

you know...I wouldn't be like that cat in the picture, if I had a special someone in my life...I actually did, in '07, and she died a month after I met her...I've moved on from that as best I could.  I'm just miserably lonely, and an outcast.  So excuse me for having such a dark, dour disposition on life...  :hehe:

Back on topic, all holidays are just crass capitalist exploitation of consumer guilt and ignorance, even Halloween, but at least on Halloween, you can make mischief, play pranks, wear costumes, eat candy, and don't have to give to charity, deal with jag-off relatives, or behave...or even be happy, unless you want to...

I'm most likely to die alone, and VERY miserable.

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true, I hate all holidays, except for Halloween....


Oh, shut up!  :P  :lol: (j/k)

you know...I wouldn't be like that cat in the picture, if I had a special someone in my life...I actually did, in '07, and she died a month after I met her...I've moved on from that as best I could.  I'm just miserably lonely, and an outcast.  So excuse me for having such a dark, dour disposition on life...  :hehe:

Back on topic, all holidays are just crass capitalist exploitation of consumer guilt and ignorance, even Halloween, but at least on Halloween, you can make mischief, play pranks, wear costumes, eat candy, and don't have to give to charity, deal with jag-off relatives, or behave...or even be happy, unless you want to...

I'm most likely to die alone, and VERY miserable.


I have SF, QL, I'm good to go

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I'll remember my very first rejection by a woman, and wonder where my eventual girlfriend is. I'm waiting for her to appear still.

Problem is that women rarely, if ever, just "walk up to another guy" unless (no homo) he has a "nice ass" or a "sexy body" but on the brighter side even the majority of guys like them prefer to choose the woman they like rather than be polygamous SOBs.

Sure, I might be single, but I'm happy being such right now (even though there are a few girls in my school who seem interested in me) because I simply don't have time to be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with school and karate and stuff like that. I can't even DRIVE yet so I'm just doing what is best for myself and till I'm more of a man

before I get "involved" with anybody.

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It's basically just a reminder "Oh, that's right, I don't have a girlfriend yet!"

and it stinks.

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What I like about Valentines day is that I can be alone and no one will bother me.

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Aww, poor guys. D:

Actually, Valentine's Day holds some very fond memories for me. I've never really had a secret admirer or boyfriend on that day, but my friends would all be amazing to me!<3 I'd draw everybody a card for a Valentine and put a little Hershey's kiss on it, personalize it for everybody, and whenever I had a crush, I'd try to make it extra special. ^^

Girls tend to express their feelings in a manner that's more emotional than physical. ;)

And don't just think as women as objects you "gain" or "achieve." Having a significant other doesn't lower or heighten your status, really, unless you happen to have very self-centered friends. I'm sure there is somebody out there who will realize you are all pretty awesome. xP

That's all well and good, but Valentine's Day turns love into a material money type thing, when it's not supposed to be. Christmas is the holiday I like, but even that one capitalizes off of things too much.

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Never actually celebrated Valentine's day. Don't have anyone special to celebrate it with either. *Starts singing "I'm so ronery" from Team America.*

Just wanted to fling out to any girls that I'm available. :lol:

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Guest Julius Quasar


Aww, poor guys. D:

Actually, Valentine's Day holds some very fond memories for me. I've never really had a secret admirer or boyfriend on that day, but my friends would all be amazing to me!<3 I'd draw everybody a card for a Valentine and put a little Hershey's kiss on it, personalize it for everybody, and whenever I had a crush, I'd try to make it extra special. ^^

Girls tend to express their feelings in a manner that's more emotional than physical. ;)

And don't just think as women as objects you "gain" or "achieve." Having a significant other doesn't lower or heighten your status, really, unless you happen to have very self-centered friends. I'm sure there is somebody out there who will realize you are all pretty awesome. xP

Now now, catwings, don't turn into a mysandronist! :P:lol::wink:


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yeaaaaaaa, broke up w/ my girl not too long ago so im pretty much lookin at Valentine's Day as just another day again.

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Never actually celebrated Valentine's day. Don't have anyone special to celebrate it with either. *Starts singing "I'm so ronery" from Team America.*

Just wanted to fling out to any girls that I'm available. :lol:

I think i'm a little old for you sadly and i'm not looking for anyone ,but I hope you find that special someone.

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I think i'm a little old for you sadly and i'm not looking for anyone ,but I hope you find that special someone.

Too old for him? I checked the age counters on your profiles, and you're only a year older than him, and there's nothing wrong with that.


LOL! Sorry, but I'm taken at the moment. ;D

Oh ho ho ho! *devilish laugh* Who's the lucky fellow? :)

Valentine's Day isn't something that's really registered on my radar, so I can't really comment here.

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