evilwaffles Posted May 15, 2010 Author Share Posted May 15, 2010 Thanks as well Kursed, same as I said to Julius, I'll give it a couple of days and see, if not then I'll PM you. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted May 16, 2010 Share Posted May 16, 2010 Writer's block is very annoying, but it sometimes can mean you have a really good (Better than all of your already awesome ) ideas coming your way. And even if you can not overcome it, I have no doubt the story will be concluded in a very well-put, awe-inspiring way! Can't wait to see what comes next! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilwaffles Posted May 17, 2010 Author Share Posted May 17, 2010 Thanks Nick. I have had so many writters blocks it is not funny. And Thanks for your belief in me. I promise you I won't dissappoint you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted May 18, 2010 Share Posted May 18, 2010 Oh damn! I totally missed like the whole last half of the last thread!!!!! I just read it and love it! And i see now that you are in a situation, with ideas and all. And i know i already offered, but if you feel you might need anouther idea or two, I have no problem listing some. I already have a few... Digital Photo class is so boring, my mind can't help but wonder like 5 things at once lol! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilwaffles Posted May 26, 2010 Author Share Posted May 26, 2010 Oh damn! I totally missed like the whole last half of the last thread!!!!! I just read it and love it! And i see now that you are in a situation, with ideas and all. And i know i already offered, but if you feel you might need anouther idea or two, I have no problem listing some. I already have a few... Digital Photo class is so boring, my mind can't help but wonder like 5 things at once lol!Lol, glad to see you read the first half of the thread, the story wouldn't have made much sense until you did read that. Thanks for your offer for ideas but I have decided since there will only be two or three more chapters after the next chapter I won't be needing any ideas, thanks to all who offered ideas. Speaking of the next chapter:Drums of WarChapter Ten:SSDD***Bill Grey stood in front of his soldiers, there was some light chatter amongst the group of pilots, drivers and soldiers after Bill revealed that Corneria was once again at war with Venom. Bill Grey stepped down from the podium, he walked over to his assistant who had some papers in his hands, the female lynx stood up, she walked over to the podium with authority, she placed the papers down and prepared for her address,“As the general has just told you we are at war with venom once again.” She started, “Now as General Grey told you the air force will break up into two groups, group alpha will use the warp gates to warp to warp to the planet Kali, there they will execute operation grumble. Group Bravo, you will assault Venom’s main military base, this will lure out the military personal from the capital where Beta will then assault the senate building during their weekly discussions, they will then capture any members of importance who we will then force those members to sign a bill of surrender. Any non-military casualties are not acceptable and will not be tolerated. You are cleared to engage military personal within reasonable grounds, if they cannot defend themselves you are not cleared to engage. Remember ladies and gentlemen, Venom has caused this themselves, they have been a thorn in our side for the final time. Report to your stations and prepare for battle.”***Krystal, Kadie and Reece poked their eyes above the medium sized boulder they were hiding behind. The Venomian weapons base was only ten yards to the right of them, Reece was tired and not focusing on current situations very well, the blow that was delivered to his head earlier by scavengers was still taking its toll on Reece. The trio was watching the patrols of two armored guards; the lightly armored gorillas carried completely portable light machine guns, they appeared to be wearing advanced headsets, none that had been released to any military force that they were aware of. One of the guards pressed a button on his headset,“Listening to command is a pain in the ass.” One of the gorillas stated,“Heh, I hear that, I’m not sure what is worse, listening to them, or freezing my ass out in this blizzard.” The other added as they walked further away from the rock where Reece, Krystal and Kadie where hiding,“Okay, so we are aware of the plan.” Krystal asked Reece and Kadie, Reece nodded,“Yep, wait for them to come back then we ambush them and take their guns.” Reece repeated,“When I said ‘we’ I meant Kadie and I,” Krystal explained, “you are in no condition to attack anyone.” She added, pointing at his broken arm,“Yeah, so?” Reece asked, “I can still be useful.” He added, “We know.” Kadie confirmed to him, “You will be doing stuff later, I guarantee it.” Reece wasn’t too happy being left out of the plans but he knew there was no point in arguing. The guards both turned around and made their way back towards the rock, Kadie and Krystal still had their eyes barely poking above the rock, Reece laid down completely on his stomach knowing he didn’t need to attack them and would rather not risk being seen.“Alright, as soon as they turn around we attack.”Krystal repeated to Kadie,“Okay.” Kadie muttered. The guards approached the rock they were hiding behind. A slightly muscular figure jumped out of no where and spear tackled one of the guards, it then proceeded to hold down the gorilla with incredible strength, the figure then placed his knee on the throat of the guard choking him. The other guard turned around and saw what was happening to his partner,“You son of a bitch!” he growled loudly and aimed his light machine gun at the figure, another figure, more curvier than the first figure, appeared out of no where, the second figure grabbed the remaining guard’s neck, it flipped the guard over its head, it then quickly kicked the guard in an exposed part of the head, rendering him unconscious, Reece poked his head above the rock, he saw the bodies of the guards,“Or not…” Reece mumbled to Krystal and Kadie in return to Krystal’s orders. The two figures stood up, and made their way towards the rock,“Crap…” Reece mumbled as he put his head behind the rock again,“What was that?” one of the figures asked, Krystal poked her head above the rock, she raised an eyebrow,“Lola?” she asked, the figures faced the rock,“Krystal?” called out the other figure,“Fox!” Kadie called out, the two vixens stood up from the rock and quickly jogged over to Fox and Lola, Krystal quickly hugged her husband hard, reunited finally after all this ordeal. Reece struggled to stand up, his good arm was still incredibly weak and struggled to help support his weight, Reece finally got to his feet and made his way to the group,“Reece!” Lola called, she quickly walked up to him and hugged him hard, Reece yelped loudly in pain as she unknowingly crushed his broken arm, she quickly let go of him,“Sorry Reece!” she quickly apologized seeing his sling,“It’s all right.” Reece told her in a groan.***Kari and Todd sat on a nearby hill, they watched the reunion from the hill,“Well good news is that your Mum, Kadie and Reece are alright.” Todd told Kari. Kari let out a depressed sigh, the body of her brother rested against her body,“I wish I could go down there and see them.” She mumbled,“So do I, but they are going to infiltrate that base now and your mother cannot know what happened to Marcus, and you and I need to keep Marcus safe from any more harm.” Todd told Kari, Kari let out a depressed sigh again, Todd hugged Kari in a comforting way,“Don’t worry, this will be over soon.” He told her.Krystal and Lola held the weapons they took from the bodies of the guards up, ready to fire, Fox and Lola stood on both sides of the door. Reece quickly opened the door and moved out of the way, the two vixens entered the room first, Fox, Lola and Reece followed them, Fox’s vengeance, and the other members quest for justice was in their grasp.***A/N: Running low on ideas, the last two/three chapters might not be as lengthy as I would like them to be but all I can do is try I guess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted May 26, 2010 Share Posted May 26, 2010 I'm still up to help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted May 26, 2010 Share Posted May 26, 2010 I'm still up to help.Me too.Great job waffles! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DRL Posted May 26, 2010 Share Posted May 26, 2010 That was one cool chapter.Sadly, I do not have much timeto read as many fan fictions asI would like to... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted May 26, 2010 Share Posted May 26, 2010 Nice way to bring them all together! And as you already know that we are here to help, I will just stick to saying great job! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilwaffles Posted May 27, 2010 Author Share Posted May 27, 2010 I'm still up to help.Good to know Kursed, I might PM you later today.Me too.Great job waffles! Thanks Julius. I may also PM you later today so we can discuss some ideas.Nice way to bring them all together! And as you already know that we are here to help, I will just stick to saying great job! Thanks again Nick, I was wondering how to get them reunited and I am glad to see this way worked out. Same a I said to Julius and Kursed, I may PM you later on today.That was one cool chapter.Sadly, I do not have much timeto read as many fan fictions asI would like to...Thanks DRL, glad to see you read mine in the spare time you have :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted May 27, 2010 Share Posted May 27, 2010 yeah good job poor reece though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted May 27, 2010 Share Posted May 27, 2010 Awesome chapter! If you were having trouble writing that chapter, I didn't notice. Good job, man. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilwaffles Posted June 11, 2010 Author Share Posted June 11, 2010 The Drums of WarChapter 11:Endgame***The base’s door was unlocked, Reece pulled open the door with his good arm, he pulled on the steel door, it slid across the light layer of snow with ease. Krystal, Fox, Lola and Kadie walked into the base, Krystal and Lola had their guns pointed up, ready to attack any hostile targets. Reece stood still outside, his good arm clutched his broken arm hard. Lola noticed Reece standing still outside, holding his arm,“You okay hon’? She asked Reece, Reece slowly looked up at her,“The stimpack is wearing off, the pain is starting to return to my arm and my leg.” Reece told her, “I will go find Todd, Marcus and Kari, they are just on top of that hill right?” Reece asked her, pointing his muzzle towards the hill on the horizon, one thing Reece liked about his new body is that he can now point with his tail and muzzle, he found it amusing for a while as he was getting used to his body. Lola nodded,“Yes, they are just up there.” She told him as she pointed to the same hill Reece did. Reece cringed as a sharp stab of pain hit his arm,“Thanks Lola.” Reece replied. He slowly made his way up the hill, holding his arm in his hand, on his way to meet up with Todd, Marcus and Kari. He wished he could help finish this battle, but his arm told him to sit this one out.***The base was well lit in its interior, almost no dust, it was very well kept considering it had been built ten years before the Lylat Wars. Krystal and Lola let the way through the base, prepared to gun down anyone that proved to be a threat to them, Fox walked up to the door,“Damn it.” Fox cursed,“What is it?” Kadie asked, Fox turned to face her,“This door is locked and it is only opened by finger print recognition.” He told her, Kadie raised an eyebrow,“Let me have a look at that.” She told Fox, Fox and Krystal moved away from the touch pad, Kadie inspected the blue glowing touchpad, she moved her muzzle close to the touchpad, she opened her mouth and breathed heavily onto the pad, a faint finger print appeared on the screen. The touchpad flashed green, some locks could be heard unlocking inside the door, The group of four hid on either side of the doorway. The door quickly opened, they waited for a few moments,“Kale? Brian? Is that you guys?” a male voice called, “You guys are late from your patrol,” he added, he started walking through the doorway, “apparently those Starfo…” his words were cut short as Kadie wrapped her arm around his throat, she strangled him, restricting the blood flow to his head. The guard’s body went limp, Kadie could tell he was unconscious. She dropped his body and let him hit the floor with a thud.“Let’s get moving.” Kadie suggested,“Let’s find that turret control room and shut down before it can do any more harm.” Fox told the group. Krystal searched the unconscious body of the guard, she took the blaster from him, she passed it to Fox since Kadie would be used more for technical support and hacking. She pulled out a chip from his headset, it was a layout of the whole weapon base on it. Kadie placed the chip into her communication gauntlet, she activated the power on her gauntlet. She put some input commands into her gauntlet, the holographic display activated, the green lines appearing out of the screen, it formed a 3D map of the base, Kadie pressed a holographic button, a search bar popped up along with a holographic keyboard. She typed in ‘Weapon Command Centre’, there was no results, Kadie frowned, she deleted the entry, she then typed in, ‘Weapon Control’, some of the paths faded out to nothing, the path to the ‘Weapon Control Room’ was now clear on her gauntlet’s holographic display, an arrow now faded in showing their position in the base.“Okay, I’ll tell us where to go.” Kadie told the group, Fox looked at the display, memorising the layout,“Okay, let’s get moving.” He told the group. Fox started cautiously walking forward through the door, further into the base. The base proved to be quite advanced for the time it had been built, there were technologies that were not in any military known to Fox or Krystal, they also noticed technologies that were outlawed across the system as they were capable of creating weapons of mass destruction. The group approached the corner of a hall, Lola poked her head around the corner of the hall, inspecting the halls, checking it for hostiles. Lola noticed two heavily armed guards standing in front of the steel door, that was the door that lead into the weapon control room. Lola quickly hid around the corner again. She walked up to Fox the others, they all huddled together,“Two guards are by the door, heavily armed and armoured.” Lola briefly told the group. Fox nodded,“Alright.” He told Lola. Krystal poked the barrel of her weapon around the corner of the wall, she looked down the iron sights of the gun, she looked for an exposed area in the armour of the guards. Krystal noticed there was a small gap between the shoulder and the neck, she took aim, she made sure her shot was right, she squeezed the trigger, the light machine gun fired four suppressed rounds, they all landed in the neck of the lizard guard, she fell to the floor, the bullets killing her instantly. The other lizard guard turned around,“What the hell?” the guard called out, Krystal quickly took aim at his throat, she pulled the trigger again sending suppressed laser rounds into his throat. He fell down, dying as he hit the floor. The floor was now starting the be painted red with the blood of the deceased guards. Fox quickly walked over to the guards, making sure to step over the blood. He picked up one of the guard’s key cards. He quickly swiped it through the card reader. The door slid open upwards. Krystal, Kadie and Lola followed Fox into the weapon control room, being sure to avoid the ever increasing puddle of blood.The control room was empty, it was surprisingly dark compared to the other areas of the base. The only light in the room came from the various computer screens. There were several screens that displayed the status of various parts of the base, such as power level, weapon energy and oxygen level. Kadie walked over to the command seat, she sat down in the chair and began inspecting the many screens.“This is defiantly the weapon that shot us down.” She told them, “The weapon log shows the signature of the cruise ship.” Kadie added,“How do we shut it down?” Lola asked,“I need to hack in since I don’t have a password.” Kadie replied. Kadie began typing on the keyboard in front of her, bringing up a command prompt. She started typing in some commands into the system, attempting to hack in.“This is going to take me a bit.” She told the others. Krystal and Lola kept their weapons up high, they knew it wouldn’t be long before those shots are investigated. They stood by the door ready for attackers. Kadie continued working on hacking the system. An alarm went off,“Kadie!” Fox yelled,“That wasn’t me!” Kadie growled defensively, she looked over at one of the computer screen.“The nearby warp gate is being opened by the Cornerian Army.” Kadie announced, Fox thought for a moment,“They are going to blow s up.” He mumbled, Krystal looked at him,“Sorry?” she asked for reassurance, Fox looked over at her,“They see this base as a weapon of mass destruction and they think we are dead, it is protocol that they destroy the weapon.” Fox explained, Lola cursed under her breath,“What are we going to do?” Lola asked.***Reece sat down on the hill with Todd, Kari and the body of Marcus, Reece was left in hock when Todd revealed to him that Marcus was now dead. Reece had known Marcus ever since he was a kit. The two had always had a bond.“I can’t believe he is gone.” Reece said in shock, he ran his hand through his messed up medium length hair. He didn’t know how to act, did he get mad and curse and cuss everything again? Did he allow himself to get upset and grieve? He did not know.“None of us know how to take this.” Todd told Reece, Reece understood that everyone was faced with the loss of Marcus, he just didn’t know how to take loss with anything. Reece let out a sigh, upset with the loss of Marcus, Reece let his muzzle rest on his knees that he had curled up to his chest in an upright position.“Reece?” Kari called, Reece moved his eyes to look at Kari,“Yeah.” He responded,“Have you ever lost someone close to you?” she asked, Reece sighed and shook his head,“No,” he replied, “I never had anyone to lose until recently.” He told Kari. Reece heard large amounts of snow crunch, he turned around, he only saw an object hit him between the eyes, his vision blurred, he barley saw two figures wearing white camouflage also whack Kari and Todd in the head , they had infrared goggles on, they were able to see where they were from ages off,“These are the three we are after.” One of the commandos told the others,“What of the young blue one?” one of the others asked,“He’s long dead, leave him for the scavengers.” The lead commando replied, one of the commandos noticed Reece was still conscious, he delivered a quick kick between Reece’s eyes, knocking him out.***Kadie kept typing into the command prompt,“Whatever you are doing Kadie, make it quick.” Lola told Kadie.“Don’t pressure me!” Kadie snapped, “This is a complex system.” She added, she typed in the final line on the command prompt, “Got it!” she yelled out. The screen now closed the command prompt, the screen now had the targeting system for the base’s turret. Kadie moved the mouse up towards the sky,“Kadie, what are you doing?” Fox asked, Kadie moved the crosshairs onto the orbiting warp gate, the weapon locked on, Kadie pressed the red button, the base fired a large plasma beam upwards, the warp gate had a near completed portal inside it, the beam hit the mechanical structure of the warp gate, it blew up, sending shards of metal into various directions of space, closing the portal.“That’s what I was going to do.” Kadie told the others,“And how grateful we are.” A sinister voice, added, the group turned around to see two commandos on either side of a male snow vulpine wearing an expensive business suite,“And just who are you?” Kadie asked, the vulpine smirked,“I am the President..” he told her“Krystal raised an eyebrow, “But Dash Bowman is the president of Venom.” Krystal stated,“Yes he is, but he does not know how to run his planet.” He stated, slowly pulling out a blaster from his pocket, “I am the President of Venom’s Weapon Manufactures, without us the economy on Venom has gone to hell, we face an economic depression the likes of nothing anyone has ever seen and civil war is on our doorstep.” He explained,“And killing us will solve that?” Fox asked, the vulpine chuckled,“Not you specifically.” He replied, “You see we intended to kill a great number of Cornerians and pass the blame onto the Government of Venom, this would start another Lylat War. This would increase demand for weapons, we would sell them, we would become rich, the planet doesn’t fall into a depression and we avoid a civil war.”“But killing thousands of people to start a war killing hundreds more just to become wealthy?” Krystal asked in disgust,“On of the reasons, yes.” The vulpine smugly replied, “And now, you will our next sacrifices to our noble cause.” He and the guards raised their weapons. Lola panicked, she knew desperate times called for desperate measures. She strutted over to the guard in a sexy way,“Now boys.” She purred, “I’m sure we can work something out.” She added, she extended an arm out to rub one of the commando’s chests. The commando grasped her hand with a mighty grip, he then flipped her over onto her back, she hit the ground hard, he then pointed his rifle at her on the ground. Fox, Krystal and Kadie desperately wanted to help her but didn’t as the other commando would gun them down if they even tried to help. The vupine leaned down to Lola who was laying down on the floor,“I think you are forgetting who we are.” He stated, “My troops all take anti-hormonal tablets, they feel no sexual desires what so ever. Just in case we ever came across someone like you.” Lola groaned, her back was now clearly injured. The vulpine stood up,“Since you are so eager,” he started, he placed the barrel of his blaster at Lola’s head “you shall die first.” Lola cringed, preparing for the shot that would kill her, a single shot was heard, but it was not from the vulpine’s gun,“Surprise mother ... “ Marcus growled, he had shot the vulpine n the back of the head with one of the Commando’s own assault rifle, the two guarding commandos turned around and prepared to shoot Marcus, two different shots came from two different angles, striking the Commandos in the chest, they fell to the ground, dead. Todd and Kari stepped forward, also carrying the same assault rifle. Reece limped in behind them. Fox was shocked, he didn’t know how to react,“Marcus?” he yelled, “You’re alive?!” he added in disbelief, “But I checked your pulse... I... I... I saw blood come from your ears and you weren’t breathing.”“You can’t have checked too well, Dad.” Marcus replied. Marcus walked over to his father and hugged him, Fox hugged him tightly, not ever wanting to let him go.***Fox and Krystal stood at the communication station in the base’s control centre. Bill Grey was on the other side of the communication link,“So you’re telling me, that this dude started this whole messed up crap, so he could get rich, but tried to make it seem good because he believed he was ending a civil war and financial crisis?” Bill asked in disbelief, Krystal nodded,“Yes General, that is exactly what happened.” She replied,“Dude, that guy was messed up, I’m glad he’s dead.” Bill responded, “Alright, I’ll deal with things on my end of town. See you guys later.” Bill then ended the communication link. Fox and Krystal walked hand in hand over to the group,“So one more time.” Reece started, “Just how did you save us? I know you just told us but my head is still fuzzy and I didn’t understand you properly.” Reece groaned,“Well,” Marcus began, he was wiping off the dried blood from his fur with a wet towel, “I woke up not long after those guys knocked you three out and dragged you into the cell. I saw them do this, after finding my feet, I ambushed a Commando, I took his gun and made my way into the base. I noticed the drops of blood that stained the snow, I assumed they were from Reece, well because let’s face it, you are always getting hurt.” Reece grumbled under his breath, not too happy with the cheap shot Marcus took at him, “So I followed the trail of blood, gunning down every guard in my way until I found you, I threatened the jailor to let you out or I would have gunned him down, he caved in and opened your cells. I then knocked him out and locked him in a cell. Don’t worry Mom I will make sure the Cornerian authorities know he is there.” Krystal nodded approvingly, “Todd told us of what you guys had planned, I took a map data-chip and placed it in Reece’s gauntlet and found you guys.” Marcus explained. Reece sat down on a table and told the group,“Well, I am definitely asking for a refund on this holiday when I get home.”End***A/N: W00T! Finally finished this damned thing. Funny this is the longest chapter in the whole thing (I think). Anyway, yeah, I brought Marcus back because so many of you wanted him back and I ran out of ideas, but it worked out in the end. Thanks for reading and those who commented and more.Acknowledgements:• Julius – For allowing me to use Todd and Lola, offering ideas and commenting• Kursed – For allowing me to use Kadie and Kari, offering ideas and commenting• Rainfyre66 – For commenting• Nick1349 – For Commenting and offering ideas• DRL – For commenting• All of you who read this• All of you who have been so patient with me writing this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kursed Posted June 11, 2010 Share Posted June 11, 2010 anytime man now If i can just finish some of my fan-fics. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DRL Posted June 11, 2010 Share Posted June 11, 2010 That was G00D! lol at Marcus's cheap shot. :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted June 12, 2010 Share Posted June 12, 2010 AWESOME!Great job. Thanks for using Todd and Lola, and you're welcome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted June 12, 2010 Share Posted June 12, 2010 :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE LIVES!!!!!!!! Just Plain Awesome! Sorry i wasnt much help (other than my Fantastic complements), But super awesome story! I loved it all! 2 questions I have had for a long time though. A) How old is Fox and Krystal, and how old are we expected them to live till? like physical descriptions and such. Cause if Fox is like all wrinkly and still does this, that is EPIC!!!!B) There is anouther story yet to come in the future Right? !GREAT JOB! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainfyre66 Posted June 12, 2010 Share Posted June 12, 2010 Awesome job, evilwaffles! It was a great read, very exciting, and you did a great job with the more emotional scenes, you gave it a great intensity. I look forward to your next story! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Julius Quasar Posted June 12, 2010 Share Posted June 12, 2010 In honor of finishing your story, regarding that Lylat Cruise:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG7i4GpyrQM :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilwaffles Posted June 13, 2010 Author Share Posted June 13, 2010 In honor of finishing your story, regarding that Lylat Cruise:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG7i4GpyrQM Heh, I loved that episode. I watched it last night actually Thanks Julius. AWESOME!Great job. Thanks for using Todd and Lola, and you're welcome.It was my honor to use them, I am happy you let me use them in this, I find it as a way to say thanks for commenting all this time.Awesome job, evilwaffles! It was a great read, very exciting, and you did a great job with the more emotional scenes, you gave it a great intensity. I look forward to your next story! Thanks Rain! I shall try to put more of those scenes into my next story if I decide to write one...!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE LIVES!!!!!!!! Just Plain Awesome! Sorry i wasnt much help (other than my Fantastic complements), But super awesome story! I loved it all! 2 questions I have had for a long time though. A) How old is Fox and Krystal, and how old are we expected them to live till? like physical descriptions and such. Cause if Fox is like all wrinkly and still does this, that is EPIC!!!!B) There is anouther story yet to come in the future Right? !GREAT JOB!Thanks Nick, comments are what keep me writing this stuff1) Argh! DX How old is Fox and Krystal... I think Fox is... 30 at the end of Command and Krystal is 22? Correct me if I am wrong. So, in this story, Fox is 51 and Krystal is 43 if my maths and lore is correct.2) I don't know, maybe I shall write another. I honestly don't know if I will, I have a whole ten weeks of school soon and then I might...That was G00D! lol at Marcus's cheap shot. Thanks DRL, I wanted Marcus to have a one liner as/after he shot the vulpine. Glad you liked it anytime man now If i can just finish some of my fan-fics.Thanks Kursed. Yes, I would like to see some of your fan-fics completed. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluxy Posted June 13, 2010 Share Posted June 13, 2010 Well, Either way, Great Job! I know in the past you said you had lots of ideas for the next book (You can't escape that you said that! lol), And I wouldn't mind helping with if you need another character or just a couple more ideas. But it is always your choice to do another story or not, no matter what, your stories are still Awesome! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest DRL Posted June 13, 2010 Share Posted June 13, 2010 Thanks DRL, I wanted Marcus to have a one liner as/after he shot the vulpine. Glad you liked it Sure it did.As for ideas, well, they might randomlycome to my mind; that is how the 'Hyperness'started a few months ago (and I have literallya book in my head, but I am too much lazyto write ie )If you need any extra ideas or characters,I am allways willing to help.And whatever the case, you are a GrEaT fanfictionwriter, GrEaT job . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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