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Whoops, I had it mixed up. I thought Franz Kafka wrote a short story based around the realizations of dreams, but he didn't. It was Freud who coined psychoanalysis and related subconscious thoughts and feelings to apparitions in dreams.

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Whats Kafka?

Franz Kafka is a famous existentialist/author of literature from the early 20th century.

I am known for very absurd and sometimes intense dreams, but they are usually quite entertaining. Oddly, ever since I was a child, I have had a recurring theme in my dreams that I am running away from somebody (the person/people and reason changes most times). There's usually never a real sense of peril, so it's not a nightmare.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Franz Kafka is a famous existentialist/author of literature from the early 20th century.

Couldn't have said it better myself.  I've had the flying dream at least twice, a totally excellent dream.

I've also had "falling dream", "bad suspense movie dream", "dream within-a-dream"...

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All dreams have meanings behind them, I just don't know how to analyze that :s

No. Nonono. No. Dont start that.

For those who don't remember dreams, I can teach you, and I can also make you scare the PJs off yourself.

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From what I've heard, you just have to believe you are going to remember your dream, and then your mind tricks yourself into remembering your dream, but I's like to hear what you have to say..

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No. Nonono. No. Dont start that.

For those who don't remember dreams, I can teach you, and I can also make you scare the PJs off yourself.

What? :s

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What? :s

Dreams are not mystical, supernatural psychic visions of the future. They are just garbled bit of memory and imagination without the confines of logic.

Anyway. To remember your dreams all you have to do is wake up right, and if possable, have a handy way of writing stuff down. A PC is what I use.

The idea is if you wake up thinking "I've got to do X Y Z today. What time is it?" ect then you will forget the dream instantly. The idea is to keep it in your head when you wake up, and write it down. The memory will fade quick once you start doing stuff which is why you write it down. It will day a few days or even weeks before you start to remember stuff, so give it time.

Another cool trick that will scare the crap out of you if you get it to work needs you to be tired. Again, it might take a few goes. Simple think of saying your name out loud over and over again as you drift to sleep. When you get it right, you should hear a voice say your name as if someone else is in the bed with you. You will freak out.

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January 13

I'm attacking badguys in a building. I'm dressed in Blue heavy armour from tribes vengence. I claim I stole it off the bad guys. One guy, who bullits just bounce off me, leaps on the suit and tries to break my neck. "Nice Try" I say before I kill him.

Later I use an electric gun on baddies in heavy armour to stun them, then use a beam to turn them blue, making them on my side in the process. When I try it on the 3rd guy it doesn't work, leaving me to conclude I can only have 2 followers.

After the building is clear, I escape, with some friend who are also with me without armour, by skiing down the spairs. In the carpark we bump into a guy who will apparently be playing joney cage in a new mortal combat film. Jokes are made about me being Jax, then I answer various questions about the armour.

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You know, after I read this thread, I started having dreams again, but they don't make any sense, like they are on the level of drug trip.

I'm not even going to describe them, because I can't even make sense of them myself.

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Had you ever had dreams in dreams?

I did

July 28th, 2009

I was sleeping in the bed.

I dreamed I was abou to sleep, but not before Dad Installed an weird timer for sleeping.

15 secs to sleep.

When It strikes 0, i  falsely sleeped, for 5 secs before geting up and fingering with the buttons on that timer.

When I touched the red button, it beamed an light that generated an door.

An door I only ever seen once. (Don't worry, It's not scary)

I  got up and opened the door.

It showed me dazzling light , before it cleared way for the pathway to some where...

When I walked to the other side of the white room, the door behind closed and  an new opened, Leading me to my dream world. When I entered that world, I felt all  was right in the world. I Talked to my Egos (Basically OCs) for an few hours. But then an feeling of doubt showed up in my heart. I stood up  on the ground and I walked towards an Pair of suspiously Curtains. One of the Egos walked up to me as I threw opened the curtains. An large window that seems to hold a infinte amount of darkness. It was pitch black. The  only things I saw was an truck and an gas station and the truck looked like it was damaged by fire. But I Knew There was far more things in there... Simply becuase I created it. The Ego told me that all of my life's sufferings had been in there.  I  began to see things horrifying enough not to desribe them because the words required was inaqudate.The window seems to grow, consuming everything slowly. I simply obeyed the ego's order not to break it.

Then I left the dream world. Them I go back to bed and I woke up. Or so thought . I pushed the button again , knowing that that fear will consume my life if i left it. So I just sprinted and entered the dream world and Charged past the Egos, wehn they said, "NO!" I juped thorugh the window it. broke and all that was left of it was empty. More room for my Egos to live in. Now that feeling of all's right in the world  grew X 100! My dream repeated 4 times before i finally borke the window. I finally was free of the dream curse. I woke up and I wtached the sun rise. Simply beauiful!

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lucklily (or not) I sometimes dream with the things I do or like, this are 2, both are extremely recent:

the day I had the first one I had just seen avatar, so, naturally I dreamed that I had a banshee, you know which ones (the dragon flying reptiles lol) if you have seen the movie haha, anyway I dreamed I was flying on my banshee when a monster chased me and I had like a videogame boss battle, and my banshee fired some kind of fireballs, like the ones on SF adventures, and I had to kill the monster chasing me, unfortunately my mother woke me up because I had to go to school so I didn't finish that dream

the other one is hmm weird i guess, I liked it however, I dreamed I woke up and upon having a glance at the mirror I noticed I was fox (yes I know lol) and I had to hide from many people and I had to go to school and stuff, it was fun, I guess my mind made this after I read someones fanfic, and after I decided to draw something lol.

I've had many other weird ones, like one in which I was flying in a couch made out of clouds O.o, or one in which I could fly with some kind of wings in my back xD, but yeah, the one of the cloud couch was EPIC xD

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You know, after I read this thread, I started having dreams again, but they don't make any sense, like they are on the level of drug trip.

I'm not even going to describe them, because I can't even make sense of them myself.

That's because they ARE drug trips. Acctually it's the other way round. Because drugs effect the brain in some way, they can do various things. You can have out of body experiences, hallucinations ect ect. When people have a bad trip, it's akin to a nightmare you can't wake up from.

As I said before, the reason dreams don't make sense is because the part of the brain that controls logic isn't doing anything, so saving a bannana from a train that about to hit the moon, you don't question it.

also 2000th post. woot.

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Heh, I had been googling all that stuff, cause I couldn't remember my dreams anymore, Think like you've already had the dream, kinda something like that, umm, when you wake up right it down.

but for lucid dreams, same thing, i don't remember why this worked, but it was somethin like believe your going to have a lucid dream, and ask yourself throughout the day if your dreaming, eventually, you will ask yourself in your dreams if you are dreaming, and figure out you are, one lucid dream.

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Had another whacked out dream last night, I was in something similar to the temple of doom that seemed to be built with nothing but stairways, my oldest brother, Chris was a sorcerer trying to kill me, I was trying to find this green gem with a mosquito in it, then when I find it, the temple starts falling apart, and the music that plays when your trying to escape Frigate Orpheon on Metroid Prime starts playing. (Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRKSfwyCSnc) Then abruptly I wake up.

O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o O_o

This has just been one weird week in dreams for me.

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Heh, I had been googling all that stuff, cause I couldn't remember my dreams anymore, Think like you've already had the dream, kinda something like that, umm, when you wake up right it down.

but for lucid dreams, same thing, i don't remember why this worked, but it was somethin like believe your going to have a lucid dream, and ask yourself throughout the day if your dreaming, eventually, you will ask yourself in your dreams if you are dreaming, and figure out you are, one lucid dream.

Also frequently jumpping up and down, if you can make yourself float, your in a dream, but it needs you to do it while your awake.

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A kxadb modkaedadw m0 dopk thoum nac wok mo ruddot.

Acc mubo ak jxehk udt jamfco

- Wtahced Freaky Friday udt hout RofK. Kxo0 vijot kewokxoh ke mubo kxo  mejk noahtojk , mojjot if , ahhukaeduc thoum oloh udt A kxadb Kursed nacc ro VERY (adjohkj omekaed xoho).

- thoum jcoofadw ad rot

- Half ud Galaxy unu0 A joo  :bh0jkuc: jcoofadw.


- A nubo if udt voocj u rak noaht udt ud cakkco

- Fox kihdj ed heem uj A nubo.

- Fox koccj mo A'm fhowdudk.

Weird, huh?

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A kxadb modkaedadw m0 dopk thoum nac wok mo ruddot.

Acc mubo ak jxehk udt jamfco

- Wtahced Freaky Friday udt hout RofK. Kxo0 vijot kewokxoh ke mubo kxo  mejk noahtojk , mojjot if , ahhukaeduc thoum oloh udt A kxadb Kursed nacc ro VERY (adjohkj omekaed xoho).

- thoum jcoofadw ad rot

- Half ud Galaxy unu0 A joo  :bh0jkuc: jcoofadw.


- A nubo if udt voocj u rak noaht udt ud cakkco

- Fox kihdj ed heem uj A nubo.

- Fox koccj mo A'm fhowdudk.

Weird, huh?

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I remember that in one of my dreams, (which is quite recent) I went into a house; once inside I noticed a furry girl looking at the outside scene through the window... Can you guess who she is? The only thing I find strange is that she was wearing clothes of Victorian style  :?

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I'm a pokemon trainer. I'm at school though and the rest of the dream has nothing to do with pokemon.. I don't remember the rest. Sorry guys.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't really remember what the dream was about. But I was in a space station, in a Zero Gravity room, I was jumping from wall to wall, it felt very real, and it was awesome!

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If anyone here has every played Crysis, I had a dream I was on the aircraft carrier with this


I can't remember what I was doing, but I just remember being on a carrier with that, similar to the events that happened in Crysis

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Does anyone here wake up right after a nightmare/dream and find themselves on the floor or any other place then their bed?

Just wondering because that just happened to me. Is that normal?

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Does anyone here wake up right after a nightmare/dream and find themselves on the floor or any other place then their bed?

Just wondering because that just happened to me. Is that normal?

I don't think that has ever happened too me, but maybe you're sleep walking?

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