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Star Fox: The Next Generation Chapter 1


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"Hm." Silver grunted as he recalled the first time he ran in to Starfox. "All right, call it even. But it's gonna be a trick keeping Wolf from locking your pretty little tail up In Sargasso."

An unfortunate Cornerian escort fighter rolled in behind the StarCat.

"Hold on..."

Silver kicked the ship into a hard right turn, then an off-center left barrel roll to double back on the attacker. Without the G-diffusers on, the sudden turns knocked even Silver around a bit. The escort fighter appeared in his HUD and two cannon rounds blasted the hapless fighter to bits.

"Sorry 'bout that. You still in one piece?"

(Fira, call the team to form up and head back to Sargasso any time, unless you have more to do on the Cruiser. You can go back in time a bit if you want.)

(@ Tiberius, that's okay. Real Life takes precedence over the interwebs.)

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"turn the G-diffusers back on please." Krystal said dazed from the sudden turn.

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"Sorry, but we don't need big blue contrails telling everybody where we are."

He sighed.

"...But I'll try to avoid too much violent stuff."

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"Contrails what model G-diffuser do you have the newest ones got rit of those."

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"... Hey, I only use them when I need them. And i certainly don't need them just for comfort."

He arced back around the area, bringing up the radar and looking for the reinforcements he knew were inbound.

"Besides, you know as well as I do that there's not a lot of money in this business any more. Now make yourself useful and bring up the radar display back there. It's bigger then mine, maybe you can see what I can't."

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"... Hey, I only use them when I need them. And i certainly don't need them just for comfort."

He arced back around the area, bringing up the radar and looking for the reinforcements he knew were inbound.

"Besides, you know as well as I do that there's not a lot of money in this business any more. Now make yourself useful and bring up the radar display back there. It's bigger then mine, maybe you can see what I can't."

"I'm already ahead of you silver and i don't see nothing at least not on radar..."
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Guest Julius Quasar

(Sorry guys, I fell behind, was outta town the past 24+ hours)

Cliff and Attila had taken care of the remaining fighters, and escorted Silver's ship.

"You get a good haul, Cliff?" asked Attila.

"...and then some!" said Cliff, laughing.

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(Sorry about my silence guys, workload got a little heavier)

Freya exited the hanger right after Silver. She tried her best to keep enemy bogeys off of Silver while he worked his magic on the ship, but she was thrown a little off by the presence of Krystal. Even so, she couldn't help but find some satisfaction in the explosion that curled out before them. This one had gone right, and she was sure she could talk her way into Krystal being along as being a good thing when she reported to her father.

"That's one for the bad guys," she laughed. "Alright guys, I think we're done here, let's make ourselves scarce before reinforcements show up and make our lives harder." Besides, the adrenaline rush of battle was winding down, and she was starting to feel the pain in her leg.

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"Freya are you alright?!" Krystal asked sensing the pain the young she-wolf had,while keeping her eyes on the Radar. "SIlver  Reinforcements 12 o'clock."Krystal noted "Their so far behind we might be able to just run."

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"Yea, I'm fine," Freya lied, hoping their wasn't too much blood. "Let's just get out of here, I don't want to deal with those bogeys..."

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(Alright. Got some time. What's going on? Short an simple please?)

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(Alright. Got some time. What's going on? Short an simple please?)

while starfox is being bored  Krystal  has gotten herself within Starwolf by placing herself on a Cruiser the looted.
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Tiberius dashed into his fathers planning room. "Da- I mean, Mr. McCloud! Krystal's not anywhere on the ship!" "Relax son. And please drop the formalities. You're mother's spying on Starwolf for us." "Oh... Thanks dad. Except

for that, I think everyones ready. Katina is within sight." The two went to the brisge and waited for the others.

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"I've never heard you call your dad Mr.McCloud where'd you come up with that Idea?"Alex asked as she walked up behind Tiberius.

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"Nothing. I just felt I needed to start showing him more professionalism. I mean, he is the leader over me." said Tiberius.

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"Yes ,but he is still your father, Right Mr.McCloud?"Alex noted.

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Fox nodded to her smiling. "That was two seconds ago. But now you should be referring to me as 'sir'. We're about to begin the mission." he said, getting himself composed.

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"Ti how does that work?"Alex whispered a confuzed look was on her face.

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"Simple. There's dad time, then there's military time." said Tiberius. "We use formalities when we start a mission I guess. I think its a policy that keeps us looking professional, rather than a team comprised of a family."

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Odin walked up to the bridge, meeting up with the two McClouds waiting for the briefing.

"Let's just hope she won't meet the same kind of hospitality as I had to face." He grumbled as he heard them talk about how Krystal had let herself be captured by Starwolf.

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"Mom knew what she was doing plus  When you faced them  last time she could sense that two of the  were familair.."Kari Noted as she walked into the bridge. She turned to her Dad.

" Serena has us set we'll be in orbit in about 5 minutes"

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Guest Julius Quasar

Cliff and Attila joined Freya and Silver, on the way back to Sargasso.  As they headed back, Cliff and Attila sang this song over the comm channel.

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"Everyone to your ships. We'll just have to do this one member short. Starfox, move out!" said Fox. Tiberius was second to last to leave. Fox stayed behind to check some things before going. Giving Serena last minutes orders and such.

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