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Star Fox: The Next Generation Chapter 1


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"Well you're going to have to expect more than that, Private! If you hadn't listened to me, I wouldve made you do 100 with fifty pound weights on your back! Commander Fox  McCloud is you Senior Drill Instructor. I am Lieutenent Tiberius McCloud, his son and your Junior Drill Instructor. You had best learn that and stop shaking like a little worm before I ripout your eyes and skull**** you!!! Do I frighten you? Do I make you nervous? From now on you're Private Shaker! Understood??" Yelled Tiberius. This felt pretty fun but demoralizing to him. It balanced so he maintained a sense of seriousness. He couldn't wait for the day they finished to treat them as he normally would. They'd be so confused.

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Steve gulped after hearing both Tiberius and the wolf. Why was Tiberius so scary? He helped himself to more push-ups, then, remembering the wolf's question,  "What..... penalty?", he asked, grunting every word between push-ups.

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"That didn't sound like a sound off, Private! Every thing you say will begin with sir."

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"Yes... sir", Steve replied, saying every word after every push-up. If this is Fox's son, maybe I can ask him where Fox is, Steve thought. But he doesn't seem to be the type who says where his father is that easily. He looked up again at Tiberius then asked, "Sir..... is.... there..... another...... thing...... I should..... do..... after this?", grunting every word between push-ups.

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Odin finished with his 50th push up and leaned foreward, balancing on his hands before he pushed himself up in the air and on his feet. "If this soldier is represantive for the rest of Grays rebels, it's no wonder they haven't been faring so well." He said, directed to Tiberius.

(Also want to fling out to Geo that you shouldn't take how our characters act against your character now to seriously. We're just playing our roles. Not trying to make you feel bad.)

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(yes, I know. I'm not taking it seriously)

Hearing what the wolf had said, Steve said, "I am..... not..... a Grays...... rebel..... representative." Steve then finished 50 push-ups, then stood up.

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Krystal kept her mind  very open as she continued her slow but steady pace to the hanger. 'So explain to me how I'm suppose to get out of here without a ship' She thought to Panther.

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'I've got a small ship in the hangar. Unarmed, but very fast. The Starcat is out of commision, and the other teammembers craft is out of commision. The scrappiles the ruffians mostly use won't be able to keep up.

I don't know where Wolf had hidden his fighter, but that's a risk we had to take.' He tought to her as more and ore ruffians appeared and followed them. But there was still no signs of Wolf. He was probably waiting for them in the hangar. He saw the door in the end of the corridor they were slowly walking trough, and on the other side of that was the hangar.

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Krystal sighed wishing she had uploaded Serena into her fighter to pick her up now ,but continued down the hallway into the hanger

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"Is that so? Well you just made your self one. From now on, you will ONLY answer me. You will not ask questions. You will not laugh, you will not cry. I will be your teacher! Is that understood?" said Tiberius.

(okay. training is the last Full Metal Jacket reference. that is, the obstacle course. "GET THE F*** OFF OF MY OBSTACLE!" lol!)

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Steve looked at Tiberius. I barely even cry, and I can stop myself from laughing, but being not allowed to ask questions? Now that's the thing I will need to stand, Steve thought, then answered Tiberius, "yes... sir"

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"Good. Join your fellow recruits. Training begins tomorrow at 7 am sharp. 

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"Yes, sir", Steve said. Steve couldn't resist it, so he asked, "Where do I get to stay? I-I'm lost, you see, my plane crashed over there", Steve pointed to where he came from. Well, not that lost now that I am at where I'm supposed to go to, Steve thought.

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"So you're NOT a recruit?" asked Tiberius.

"Well, I'm a trainee. My captain died and he told me to seek out Fox and continue my training. So, I'm more or less a recruit. But I crash landed here. I don't know where to go, but I met you, sir. I will accept training from anyone related to Fox.", Steve replied, relieved that Tiberius didn't punish him for asking a question. "So", Steve added, "Sir, where do I get to stay?"

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"Well, I'm a trainee. My captain died and he told me to seek out Fox and continue my training. So, I'm more or less a recruit. But I crash landed here. I don't know where to go, but I met you, sir. I will accept training from anyone related to Fox.", Steve replied, relieved that Tiberius didn't punish him for asking a question. "So", Steve added, "Sir, where do I get to stay?"

"Hold that thought. Yes, Kari?" said Tiberius.

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Steve muttered "Yes, sir" and fell silent.

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"Hold that thought. Yes, Kari?" said Tiberius.

"alex wants to talk to you."Kari muttered.
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Steve sat down for a while and turned on his mobile terminal and put some info and edited some info in it:

Tiberius McCloud - Fox's son

Current location - Katina

Status - still lost

He turned it off, then wondered where he could stay, and wondered whether the upcoming training will make up for him being lost and being called 'Private Shaker'.

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"Tell her I need a minute." Said Tiberius. "He turned to Steve. I am sincerely sorry about my recent conduct. I thought you were one of Bill's men, Mr?"

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"I don't know Bill, sir, but I've heard of him when I was a kid", Steve replied. "I am just a regular trainee. Steve McKarter, sir."

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Freya stared at Silver like he was nuts.

"Should we, not, like, you know, STOP HER!?" Freya snapped, aghast by conduct of her team. She realized that some of her teammates had history with Krystal, but they were part of Star Wolf now, and they needed to know where their loyalties lay. She tried to get up and reach for her pistol, but the wound on her leg put her down again

god dammit!

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"I don't know Bill, sir, but I've heard of him when I was a kid", Steve replied. "I am just a regular trainee. Steve McKarter, sir."

"Well, if your captain told you to find Fox, that means he wants you to have special training." said Tiberius. "I'll get back to you on that. But for now, you'll have to deal with this, Mr. McKarter. I apologies." said Tiberius. He walked over to Alex. "Yes, Alex?"

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