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Star Fox: The Next Generation Chapter 1


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Tiberius looked like he was geared for an EVA. He had gloves on that looked mechanical and almost like prosthetic limbs. He had a holographic HUD which was lit up with several readouts and still let him see the full field of vision. His boots also looked mechanical. Almost like an advanced version of Fox's boost jump boots. He also got equipped with a power pack that was powering all of this. He watched Odin walk in. "I need a few more members. You're gear is over there." he pointed to a closet. Inside was a variant of what Tiberius was wearing, only more heavily armed and has less of a paint job. Tiberius' matched the rest of his armor. Red and dark gray. He hopped in the Arwing and got ready to lift off. The Holo-HUD spread out into the cabin of the Arwing as it adapted. He removed almost all of the screen panels. "Compliments of Bill's team." he said to Odin.

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(You know Serena's gonna blab to  Krystal right?)

Kari was startled by the holographic image of Tiberius the Eva suit he was wearing definitely didn't help her calm down either calming down she said"I"ll get Mom  and come asap."The blue vixen replied starting to stand up.

"Hello is anyone here?" Alex asked  walking around the hanger she saw Ti Shreiking at his appearenche she hid underneath krystal Azure Nova fighter.

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Odin started to rummage around in the cabinet, grumbling over the fact that he had to change again just after he had prepared himself. "Exosceletons are for wimps who don't keep themself in shape!"He growled to himself.

He hung up his jacket and his pants, slipping into a flexible black bodysuit. It was quite thick, meant to protect him from hostile enviroments, with heatable nanowires woven into it to keep him warm in the cold deepths of space. The dark, armoured boots followed on. Unlike those belonging to Tiberius, these were more open, resembling more tall sandals than actual boots. Enclosed iron shoes protected his feet, with what seemed like four mechanical claws on the front of them, and bracers running up his legs to provide him enough support and to connect them to the exoskeleton. Surprisingly, they feelt lighter than he had predicted, but would still restrict him a little more than his usual footwear.

Small, steel girders came out from his bodysuit on each side of his knees, and he carefully snapped them into their fasteners on top of the boots. He then put on the backpack, connecting it to the coupling in the back of the bodysuit. He then carefully started to fasten the small armorplates around on the exosceleton inside his bodysuit. Each added to his allready not inconsiderable bulk, and he was wondering if he would actully be able to fit in the cockpit afterwards...

He slid on the fingerless gloves, meant to allow him finer manipulations of gear and weaponry, and finally connected them to the exosceleton as well. Having finished, he stomped out of the closet and into the hangar.

"Happy now that I've dressed up in these fancy toys?" He asked Tiberius as he was making the final pre-flight checks aboard his Arwing. The fox just shrugged his shoulders in response before once again turning his attention to his craft. Odin shook his head as he started to head for The Dragon.

Truth was, he was enjoying the way the suit worked. It was an excellent piece of design, and seemingly a lot of good craftmanship had gone into it. As he walked along, he started to test out all the various servos of the suit, discovering what they did and how. When the time came for the raptor-like claws, he was in for a nasty surprise. With a loud clank, they swung down and embedded themself into the bulkhead. A very surprised and unexpecting Odin, carried by his momentum, fell foreward and hit the hangar floor with an allmighty crash.

The attention of all the others was focused on him as he subtracted the claws again, freeing his legs as he slowly and cumbersomly got up on his feet. "I love this suit!" He said to himself, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he continued towards his fighter.

('Kay. Good night everybody.)

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(... It's like Fox's armor. And Ti was in the process of telling people.)

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(... It's like Fox's armor. And Ti was in the process of telling people.)

(And Alex is still hiding under Krystal's fighter)
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(sigh. okay. first, they arent fignerless gloves. And yes, they really are full size boots. The gloves are like gauntlets actually.)

"Alex, you can stop hiding." (why would Alex shreik at seeing him in metal gauntlets and boots?)

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(not use to it.) "Ti?"Alex asked cowering under the fighter.

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"Don't do that takew off your helmet or somethign!'Alex complained Crawling out from under the Azure nova.

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(he doesnt have a helmet... he just has a headset on like Fox's only it has holographic readouts around it)

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(Well Alex isn't use to that kinda stuff just roll with it I'm trying to add some belivabilty to my roleplaying.)

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(As a moderator, I can no longer overlook the way you try to herd the other roleplayers around Tiberius. The whole point of a roleplay isn't to get others to write your story for you, and that should be reflected by the way the roleplay creator doesn't interfere and nitpick in the players decisions, but gently steers the general storyline in a way that is beneficial and fun for everybody.

And no, this wasn't triggered by todays events. It was just the final drop. Try to avoid such things in the future, or I'll have to take action.)


Called back to Tiberius Arwing, Odin trudged back over the hanger until he once again was facing the teamleader.

"Yeah, what is it?" He grumbled.

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(... why do people always misinterpret what I say?)

Tiberius sighed and took off the headset. "I honestly don't see whats up about this." he said.

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(Because you're not very good at wording yourself?)


"Alex?" Odin asked as he noticing the fox/wolf hybrid crawling out from underneath the Nova. Not waiting for Tiberius reply, he walked up to her, grabbed her arm and helped her up, not used to the exoskeleton, he lifted her about a foot up into the air before gently putting her down again.

"Those suits are nothing to worry about." He told her, pointing out how the various parts on him worked together with each other. "One needs to get accustomed to them, but that's it really."

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"I wasn't Truley born as you were Odin i was born as a 13 year old i'm not use to a lot of things." Alex explained.

"Everything Alright?" Krystal asked as she walked into the hanger Kari close behind her.

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"I wasn't Truley born as you were Odin i was born as a 13 year old i'm not use to a lot of things." Alex explained.


"I know that Alex. We'll take it nice and easy until you get used to the suit." He told her, putting a large, muscular arm around her shoulders and gently guiding her to her own closet. While none of his teammates meant as much to him as Freya, they had truly become like a family to him, and Alex like the little sister he had never had.

"I'll keep guard outside as you get changed." He said, sending her a smile and a quick wink before turning around.

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"IF you want to do that."alex replied starting to get into her suit.

Krystal jumped into the azure nova shutting the  cockpit window she began the pre-flight checklist.

Kari jumped into a arwing also begining pre flight check.

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Crazy bird... Yeesh, I've never heard such a bizarre dialect...

Silver was sitting in the cockpit of his fighter, checking the StarCat's diagnostics for the millionth time since Freya had taken off. She had showed up again, pretty beat up, with this Avian who liked to talk, but didn't seem to know how to. Then Freya had gone to her father's office, and Silver hadn't seen her since.

"I think something's up," he said to the control panel, "but I've no idea what it is. Seems everybody has gone off to do stuff, but we're grounded because of that stupid contract."

He eyed the attaché case in the rear seat, then turned back to the control panel. It was on the verge of sparkling for the first time in years. Silver had even polished the burn mark off the top of the starboard wing from Freya's shot all that time ago.

"Well, you've been enjoying this, haven't you?" Se said with a sigh to the StarCat. "I don't think you've ever been in such good shape, seeing as I've had nothing but time lately..."

Rayn runched her forehead, annoyed by the lynx's lack of interest. He just seemed to nod his head, no matter what she said, even if she asked question. She realized that her common wasn't good, thanks to the broken MacBeth slang she'd grown up with, but she figured that someone who could talk the way he did, all long and flowery, should be able to figure her out. After all, she could figure him out, sortof, and the rose-pup knew what she was talking about.

He eventually turned away and continued work on his machine, some big ship that reminded her a little of the ones that were stationed at an airbase near the first home she remembered. It was shiny, she could see her face reflecting in the metal.

She could see him in the cockpit, mumbling to himself about something. She cocked her head thoughtfully, watching him. He looked up a couple of times, looking more bothered every time. She was about to ask what he was doing, when the rose-pup showed up again.

"Have you seen Cliff and Atilla? I can't find them anywhere," she called up to the lynx.

"Who be Cliffantilla?" Rayn asked, a question that was pointedly ignored.


Also, I promised that I'd get Rayn's stats up, so here it is

Name: Rayn

Gender: Female

Age: ??? (early twenties)

Species: Avian (Crow)

Bio: Rayn was born and raised in one of the poorest districts of MacBeth. She has no knowledge of her parents, and no siblings that she knows of. Her whole life has been about the street brawls, a popular form of entertainment on her home planet, that is best decribed as Lylat's version of cock-fighting. While she is very intelligent, she wasn't expected to live long against the much bigger males she was fighting, and so no one invested any time into her education. Hence, she has almost no ability with numbers, and she can barely read and write. Her lack of communication, coupled with living in an area heavy with slang (locally called New Voice) her Common is almost unintelligible. Despite her violent upbringing, she is not and outwardly agressive person, she simply does as she's told.


Her body has been reinforced at key joints to level the playing field against her opponents. Her knuckles are reinforced with steel, and her joints and throat are reinforced with nanofibre so that they can't be crushed by a normal blow. Her beak has also be ground sharp and serrated. She is incredible in hand to hand combat, and has never lost a bout. If its one on one without weapons, a person has a near zero chance of defeating her. She is fast, violent, deadly. She is also very loyal to whatever boss she has at the time, and will do almost anything when ordered.


While she is incredible at weaponless combat, its a whole nother story when weapons are introduced. She is passable in the use of knives, and with proper instructions might be able to use a simple gun with some proficiency. However, any weapon that is not intuitive to use, she probably can't.

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Alex was soon running out to her fighter as she jumped in Krystal came in over the team wide channel "It's  possible that this is another trap of Malon's so stay frosty and don't let anything get on your tail."Krystal  explained flipping a couple switches in her cockpit "Watch your six and don't' hesitate to call for help if you need it ,we need to  work as a team here and not a bunch of lone wolves."The blue vixen added putting on a helmet her ears poking though the holes, a digital hud display was holographically  displayed over her visor. "Ti I think you can handle the rest."

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Fox stayed up in the operations room to monitor them. "Dont worry Alex. Thing of the suit as a high powered glove. You should be able to lift large objects easily." He put back on his headset. "It also has boosters on the feet and flight stabilizers on the arms when you're in a jiffy. Think of it as an early Christmas present." he said smiling.

"Alright team. I have the Great Fox and my fighter on standby if and when you need help. Prepare for launch." said Fox as the Zypher Ring opened up infront of them.

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  parts of Krystal helmet extended over  her cheeks covering her muzzle as the mask sealed "Azure nova is clear for launch." Krystal said  her voice muffled by the mask that had come over her muzzle.

"All Systems green."Kari said as she turned on her engines.

"Alessia ready."Alex  said flipping the starter switch.

(Think of Krystals mask something like This althought not as a elaborate ,but  you know just a basic full head helmet.

" Long range Sensors are online Fox loading Holo display now."Serena said as her hologram appeared in the bridge next to Fox "You sure your not going out there sir?"She asked looking at Fox.

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(they are NOT helmets for the third time. At least not all of them.)

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(they are NOT helmets for the third time. At least not all of them.)

(well KRystal's is a helmet...)
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