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the luxary lylat hotel


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"Ris don't start plz."Rachel said starting to cry. "I don't want to talk about it I want to finsih what we started earilier..."

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"But if we just ignore it I -know- it'll come back again...I -know- it will..."  Slowly shaking his head in sad frustration, he looked her in the eyes.  "You know it would come up again too, Rachel."

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"No it wont."Rachel replied."I'm going to forget about it."she added.

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'Yeah right...'

This time Ris held in his sigh, his tail moving onto his lap so he could more comfortably rest his hands.  "If you're sure...then what else d'you wanna talk about?"

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As soon as they were up there,

most of the room had been fixed

up by the mainteinance bots.

Dr. Kradow and Deckér worked

for some time in a machine that

would, supposeldly, make Deckér

"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"...

Unfortunately for Deckér, the

one who was to configure the machine

was 'the doc'...

(O-Kay, soon to come is a ReAlLy

WeIeRd part)...

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As soon as they were up there,

most of the room had been fixed

up by the mainteinance bots.

Dr. Kradow and Deckér worked

for some time in a machine that

would, supposeldly, make Deckér

"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"...

Unfortunately for Deckér, the

one who was to configure the machine

was 'the doc'...

(O-Kay, soon to come is a ReAlLy

WeIeRd part)...

Rhode heard the crash outside and walked out, blaster drawn. He yelled "Who's there?!"

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Rhode heard the crash outside and walked out, blaster drawn. He yelled "Who's there?!"

Deckér replied:

"I am Deckér, I was just

coming to see the Dr."

Dr. Kradow noticed Rhode,

and asked him "Well, I and

my blue friend are going to

make a experiment..." Before

the Dr. could continue, Deckér

interrupted "It will make me

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger !!"

And the Dr. added a low "Yes...",

then asked Rhode "Would you like

to be help us?"

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"No I wouldn't. I've got more trouble on my hands" He cocked his sawed off shotgun blaster "And you got 2 seconds to tell me what the hell that crash was"

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"No I wouldn't. I've got more trouble on my hands" He cocked his sawed off shotgun blaster "And you got 2 seconds to tell me what the hell that crash was"

Dr. Kradow readied his personall

shield, then looked at Deckér.

"Well, that was me. Or my suit.

You know, I love banshee jumps!

But heck, I allways forget to...

Well, 'use a rope'... So instead

I use this suit that protects me

from damage if I fall."

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"Oh, alright. Well no use wastng this" He aimed his shotgun blaster in the air and fired. The blast echoing through the city. "Rejoice!" He yelled out of randomness, He then turned and went back inside Looking for Krystal to tell her about peppers call

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Dr. Kradow and Deckér went

up to the Dr.'s room. As soon

as they were there, they started

working on the machine Deckér

wanted... (Now, really, the WeIrDnEsS

is closing in!)

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"Krystal?" Rhode said wondering around.Silence. "Well then..." He went back to his room to work on his weapon (the shotgun)

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"It is completed!" Yelled the Dr. happily.

"Cool!, Now let's try it!" Deckér was indeed

anxious. "Okay,okay... Let me set this..."

The Dr. set up everything. Deckér meanwhile

got into the machine, which was like a tall metal

cage. "Is everything ready?" said the blue fox,

impatiently. "Okay,okay... Ready, let's here we begin!"

Said the Dr., as the machine made a humming noise,

closed it's door and started to change Deckér.

Inside, all Deckér could see was a strange vapor; indeed

the reaction was a chemical one... He closed his eyes,

as he wanted to get the surprise of his 'cooler' self when

opening them. The experiment took less than few minutes,

the vapor went away, the humming stopped... And the

door opened.

Dr. Kradow made a strange smile, as if 'his experiment'

had actually succeded... Deckér then said, with a softer

voice "Is is over?, Really?, I do not feel 'Stronger' or 'Harder'...

He opened his, or more properly HER eyes - indeed, she had

undergone a complete genre shift. She looked at her...

At first in surprise, then in anger... He then looked at the Dr.,

who said lamely "It was... Er... Something unexpected!"

Deckér replied "Unexpected? UNEXPECTED?! It was supposed

you would make me 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' NOT

'Honey, Beautyfull, Female, Sexy'!!! "Whoa, Deckér, calm down!

Please! We are all for scientificall discoveries!!" Said the Dr., to

which Deckér replied "Discoveries? Yes, now you are going to

discover a REALLY ANGRY Deckér!!"

The Dr. ran as fast as he could.

The now-female Deckér was chasing him.

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(O-Kay, Deckér's coming to

the party!)

A lone black ship landed

at the hotel's roof. A single

blue fox came out of it,

exitement was all his facial

expression could mean.

"I will leave now, Comrade.

But please do not get in trouble."

Said the ship, to which the blue

fox, named Deckér, replied:

"O-Kay, and you now go!"

And the ship left.

Moments later, the fox banshee-jumped

from the hotel's roof...


could be heard.

In his room, Dr. Kradow heard it and

said a low "Deckér?!"... Then looked

at the window, and shortly he saw

a blue fox falling by...

(what?! he.. is supposed to...there's a pool on the roof though!)

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(what?! he.. is supposed to...there's a pool on the roof though!)

(Oh well, the Black Soviet can make

'aqualandings' too. You just do not

worry, they are not going to blow up

anything... However Fem-Deckér 'may'

beat up the Dr. if she gets to him fast


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( i just now read that.

oops.hehe :lol:  now to the roof where Amethyst is controling water!)

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( i just now read that.

oops.hehe :lol:  now to the roof where Amethyst is controling water!)

(No problem. But then again,

I can not help but feel sorry for

the Dr... He is going to be soo

beaten up afterwards :lol:)

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(i hear ya)

mean while...

amethyst was finished manipulaiting the water and set it back into the pool.

now he was checking out the girls who were hanging out near the pool.

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"How about lunch?" Rachel asked.

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"What, you're already hungry?  Didn't you eat breakfast today?" Ris asked, less surprised than he may have seemed.

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"uhh Ris  it's 11:50..."Rachel replied "We ate breakfast at like  9:00.

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Shrugging, he replied with, "Meh, like I keep track of time."  The blue vulpine got up, brushing himself off.  "If you want to, I s'pose we can."

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"I don't Take S'pose as a answer Yes or no?"Rachel replied crossing her arms hher tail wagging playfully.

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