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the luxary lylat hotel


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"Well i asked you if you wanted to hang out so i want to hang out."

amethyst replyed then said"is it because i'm makeing you nervous?"

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"Geh... yes, it is. Nothing against you, but I can't relax here. The bed was nice, the shower was nice, but I miss my fighter."

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Silver sighed as he walked out of the hotel. He felt bad for ditching that kid... but there was something just way too strange about him. Oh well.

As his Starfighter's engines spooled up and the electronics came on-line, he checked his datalink for any new bounties. He saw that the one for the human he'd seen in the hotel hadn't been collected yet. That didn't intrigue him nearly as much as the next one, which offered a reward for a white Cerenian fox named Amethyst Taracam, a mercenary last seen in the outer Lylat district.

Silver laughed to himself as he closed his canopy and flew off towards the outer rim.

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amethyst was in his room before silver left then got in bed grabbed a book and began to read.

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*After being inside the hotel for hours, avoiding capture and being flushed out of the elevators and staircases, RG reaches the roof of the hotel via assention gun.*

"I'm in serious need of vacations..."

*gunman said as he pulled himself up the edge and onto the roof... next to the pool. his imperial navy troop uniform now covered with fine debri dust, wood chips and sweat. Holding his JC-17 Carbine Blaster tight to his black flak jacket. 'that pool looks good right about now' rg thought as he shuffled past a group of female canines and felines in bikinis (and some in micro) who kept their distance away from the human.*

"Dang!!! If I was any of you gals' father I would NOT let you wear THAT."

*RG stopped for a few seconds and sat down on one of the pool chairs to catch his breath*

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after a while he decided to go BACK to the hot tub to relax.

as he reached the roof he saw rebel but decided to leave him alone.

closeing his eyes amethyst then went to the hot tub and got in.

to his suprise the couple was still there.

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*RG notices amethyst by the tub, gets up from the chair and walks up to him*

"Hey, arent you the one who gave me a soda last time? I owe you..."

*RG said as he reached to his pockets. but to his surprise, there was nothing.*

"Dang. I must have dropped that Cornerian bill i found on my way here when I nearly fell off the window."

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"don't worry about it"amethyst says"you don't need to pay me back"

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"don't worry about it"amethyst says"you don't need to pay me back"

"If you say so. Thanks and have a good one."

*RG Walked towards a clearing on the roof large enough for a shuttle to land and extract rg and sat up a homing beacon*

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amethyst then got out of the tub and walked behind rg then said"hey i checked the bounty logs. you have one on our head"

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amethyst then got out of the tub and walked behind rg then said"hey i checked the bounty logs. you have one on our head"

"On yours too?!... I'll see what I can do once I'm back on orbit."

*RG said as he activated the small but powerful beacon*

"I know someone onboard ship that may be able to enter the bounty logs and delete all data files on you."

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KRystal snuck up behind  RG , giving him the Vulcan neck pinch.

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"woah!" amethyst said as RG dropped to the floor.

amethyst then jumped in to the pool.

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*RG wakes up a few seconds later...*

"What a... was I that tired?!"

*RG said as he stood up*

"Dang, my neck hurts... I NEED a Vacation!"

*RG turned and walk towards the corner where he had placed the beacon and noticed the blue vixen*

"Oh, Hi. How you doin?"

*The human said as he rubbed the slight disconfort off his neck*

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Krystal looked around then used her telepathy to send the human headaches.

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"Quiet one, huh?"

*RG said as he began to feet the disconfort move from his neck to his head and increase in power.*

"Is it hot here or my head just started to bake by itself?"

*The human took his helmet off as he took a knee and graved his head*

"Damg stress!"

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Krystal shrugged  and walked behind Rg  reached to his shoulder and Vulcan neck pinched him again, walking down the hall she ignored the odd human.

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"wonder if she can teach me that"amethyst said to himself getting out of the pool.

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*Waking on the floor again, the human gets up slowly as he now feels nauseous*

"Every time I'm near that vixen I feel funny inside.... No, wait..."

*the human says as he nearly thows up*

"Never mind... must be this planet's air..."

*The human said as he got on his feet and walked away to wait for his extraction*

"At least I dont need a mask like in Pandora."

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"as i was saying that's not nessary."amehyst said walking over to him

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"At least I dont need a mask like in Pandora."

He will when I'm through with him.k_e_eyebrow.gif
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He will when I'm through with him.

(who's saying this again?)

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"Well... thanks."

*RG nodded to amehyst*

He will when I'm through with him.k_e_eyebrow.gif

*RG looks at K*

"I dont know what you mean by that... but I have the slight feeling my aches and passing out have something to do with a certain blue vixen."

*RG said as he walks away facing K the whole time as to avoid any funny business"

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