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Zombie Apocalypse


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There's no single solution to survive a zombie infestation. To survive, one have to be able to think quickly, adapt, and don't be afraid to do what is needed to ensure survival.

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There's no single solution to survive a zombie infestation. To survive, one have to be able to think quickly, adapt, and don't be afraid to do what is needed to ensure survival.

Yeah, you're right. Do everything possible to save yourself and those you love.

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I find it amusing that people talk about this kind of thing as if it were possible.

I'm NOT worried about zombies, vampires, werewolves, or any other of that horror movie shit.

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I find it amusing that people talk about this kind of thing as if it were possible.

I'm NOT worried about zombies, vampires, werewolves, or any other of that horror movie shit.

Same. Zombies would either kill off everyone and starve, or be so rubbish they would fail. after the first 3 or so. It is fun to talk about though. Unfortunatly, the book mentioned above killed it because whenever this topic gets going, someone quotes a summery of the book and leaves it at that.

What if it was werewolves, or vampires, or giant ants?

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I find it amusing that people talk about this kind of thing as if it were possible.

I'm NOT worried about zombies, vampires, werewolves, or any other of that horror movie shit.

I don't think anyone here are worried that zombies are going to eat their brains. However, this doesn't detract from the fact many find it an interesting talking point.

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i think that the zombies would be like the ones from deadrising, slow, stupid and rather weak.

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Zombies in the sense of the reanimated dead are highly unlikely, near impossible. But, the ones that are created by a virus similar to rabies (As was the case for Left 4 Dead) is not so incredibly far fetched as to be completely blown off, diseases mutate all the time. I remember several years ago, there was an outbreak of an airborne strain of the Ebola virus, but it was harmless to humans, harmed only monkeys. So an off shoot of rabies or some such could cause zombie like behavior, and also, the human body is stronger than we realize, and if you take out the mental inhibitors that prevent you from over exerting yourself, you can appear super humanly strong and fast, why PCP addicts are so feared, it keeps you from feeling pain, so they usually do things that breaks bones or tears tendons/muscles, but keep on going because they don't realize it. But it also seriously messes with your heart. Just saying zombie like creatures, such as in 28 Days Later, that are faster and stronger than the average human are possible enough to not be completely dismissed.

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