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We've had a few trolls swing by today.

Just a quick reminder of Rule #2:

2. Do not respond to trolls. When a troll comes around, do not respond to them. Alert the staff and let them handle it. Anyone who's actions encourage the troll to post, intentionally or otherwise, may be subject to punishment.

I'm not sure if any more will come, but if they do stay out of it. If someone posts something troll, then report it and move along. They want a response from you, so don't let them win by giving it to them.

If you egg the troll on, intentionally or not, you will be held responsible for increasing the disturbance. So it is best to just not get involved.

If they continue to come, registration will be disabled for a while.

Many thanks to the staff members who had things taken care of before I got here.

I occasionally swing by SFO at work, so I'm glad this didn't happen while I was at work. Those PMs could have gotten me fired....

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We've had a few trolls swing by today.

I'm not sure if any more will come, but if they do stay out of it. If someone posts something troll, then report it and move along. They want a response from you, so don't let them win by giving it to them.

If you egg the troll on, intentionally or not, you will be held responsible for increasing the disturbance. So it is best to just not get involved.


If they continue to come, registration will be disabled for a while.

Got it, boss :)

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Don't worry, the troll was already identified, and he will probably come back. I'm not sure if we should reveal the name of the person doing all this.

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Guest Julius Quasar

Great Job, DZ and the rest of the staff.

I had just saw some of the stuff posted earlier, prior to their deletion, and I'm glad you guys handled that.

This is too good a website for that stuff to happen, and I'm glad the staff keeps tabs on it.

I used to belong to some web communities where little or nothing was done about that kinda stuff (If anything, some of the staff at those sites were behind it, which is why I left those sites).

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Don't worry, the troll was already identified, and he will probably come back. I'm not sure if we should reveal the name of the person doing all this.

Dicsuss that with the other admins.
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About the troll I know u already identified him and you proply don't want names to be said but I think know who did it

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Guest Julius Quasar

I occasionally swing by SFO at work, so I'm glad this didn't happen while I was at work. Those PMs could have gotten me fired....

I'm glad you weren't fired. 

O_o  ..........boy did I miss a lot in just one day!

Nothing you'd wanna see...

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I want to credit the staff for their swift and just reaction to these shock images.

Luckily, SF-O isn't to hard to defend from trolls. There was a troll running around my friend circle on DA a while back, and he wasn't as easy to get rid off, especially since everyone feed him as best as they could.

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Luckily, SF-O isn't to hard to defend from trolls. There was a troll running around my friend circle on DA a while back, and he wasn't as easy to get rid off, especially since everyone feed him as best as they could.

There is a theory about that. The idea goes that in a close knit, small group like SFO, trolls can be easily cast out. In large groups, the sound of reason drawns them out most of the time. It's in the middle sized groups where problems arise.

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Just ignore the troll.

Kitt surveillance mode scann for forum trolls :P
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Guest Julius Quasar

Kitt survalence mode scann for forum trolls :P

:lolhyst: Good one, Kursed! xD  :friends: 

...it's best to just quietly "drop the dime" on a troll to the staff and on any troll-like activities.  :wink:

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