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History of Starfox fandom


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I wouldn't say adventure destroyed the fandom. BUT it did ruin the peace. I'm a sonic fan, and SF adventures reminds me of sonic adventure 2 battle, which brought the Nintendo fan boys. (The bad kind) before that, the fanbase was rather peaceful and agreed on everything. Then the Nintendo fan boys came and wanted different than the sega fans.

similar with star fox, the old school mostly agreed on everything from the sound of it, then adventures brought over a fanbase that wanted different then what the older starfox fans wanted.


as for her tribal costume... It's tribal XP finding an image of fully clothed outfits doesn't mean outfits like hers doesn't exist. In fact, to some tribes, Krystal is STILL wearing too much. Even so, my first exposure was her assault costume, along with many others. My point? It wasn't the outfit that brought the furries, it was her literal hotness (to them)


speaking of assault. @DZComposer, you told us how the fanbase was from close to the beginning, to adventures time. But how was the fanbase before, during, and after assault from your perspective?

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  • 1 month later...
  On 11/7/2014 at 8:05 AM, Vixette said:

Hello! DZ, thank you for the lovely summary (er, 4 years ago) and for your work in saving the fandom, it brought back a lot of memories! I remember your name although I don't think we talked a lot.


Anyway, I was in the fandom mostly during the Mouth Off/MORC days. The days of Fox's Crew (the premiere SF site at the time), ICQ, Area 6 Chat . . . I'm drowning in nostalgia here! I think I was on OTG awhile but after the original group got really fractured I got distracted with the whole "college" thing and left for the most part.


Other random things I am remembering:

-Mouth Off was totally hand-coded by the webmaster of Papetoon, Dermot I think? I think it took awhile to even get avatars!

-We had a Java-based chatroom (very high-tech at the time) called Area 6 Chat that was really popular. I don't think it was hosted on one of the "big" sites either. There was also a lot of chatting in ICQ which was a chat client like AIM or Yahoo Messenger. It's technically still around I guess but I have no idea who would bother these days.

-Some people lead by BlueYoshi tried to make a 3D-animated fan-made Star Fox movie. It got as far as those kinds of projects always get.

-Lots of great text-based RPing. I remember a story/game/campaign called Defiance started by NeoPhoenixTE that ended up flaming apart horribly though.

-The fan art and fan fiction scene were ON FIRE. Sadly it looks like the sites that held all of it are dead and thus all of it is likely gone too. Which is too bad because it was fantastic. Being able to share art, writing, etc. on THE INTERNET was a new thing and people were really excited to share with each other.


Including THIS:




That's "me," the vixen in blue with a yellow headset! Almost all of these furs ring a bell memory-wise although I can only name like half of them. And no I didn't draw this, this is Karma Leafbearer aka Katie Popp aka the yellow frog lady at the top.


I drew stuff too but it's not online anymore. I want to see if I can go through reeeeeal old CD-Rs and find the scans . . . I'm pretty sure I trashed the actual drawings long ago sadly.


DZ: To answer your question in your original post about whether StealthFox and BondFan were on MO, the names vaguely ring a bell for me so I think your hunch is right that they were around at that time although I don't remember them well.


So um I have no idea if anyone wanted to read that but I sure had fun writing it! See you around the board!



This is wild as heck! I actually found this thread on a whim searching for MouthOff on Google!

I'm Gray Lancer (wow, haven't gone by that handle in a LONG time!) - I'm the gray fox in a brown jacket down on the right by the "Off" there! I haven't actually been involved in the fan community since... uh... I wanna say 2000 or 2001 at the latest. So, 15 years. Been doing some reconnecting with old friends online, so why not update the history a little? I'm amazed to see Dermot and Vixette on here, since I knew both of them back in the old school days.

I go into SF with the MouthOff board and Greg Gant's SF page and it's board. Also spent some time on Area 6 chat. I was there when MouthOff kinda went down in flames temporarily, and I was the one that set up the MO Refugee board on disc.server.com's board system. We used that for a while, then went back to using MO (which I think became Papetoon at that point, my memory's a bit hazy) on new servers.

ETA: Looking at the archives before, it was Papetoon before it went down, then either Papetoon or MouthOff again when it was back up. Again, my memory's not perfect on it.

At that point, Dermot was an admin (I think) as was I, and my friend Brian was helping with the hosting at that point for Dermot's code. That kept going for a while and kinda petered out. Honestly, my memory of exactly what happened then isn't the best. I went off to college in 2001 and kinda left the fandom behind. Made a couple posts, just kinda disappeared from the scene.

I think part of the transition between the fan groups is just from the fans growing up. I know a bunch of us were in HS in the late 90's and we drifted away from things as we hit college and got older and went on to our adult lives.

I know nothing about the fandom in the post-N64 era, so I can't speak to that. Adventures hadn't come out by the time I left the fandom, and I never went back.

I still have some of my old fan art and writing kicking around the basement and garage. Most of it has been purged from the Internet, but you can still find some of my craptacular writing online if you look hard enough. Please don't do that! It's quite bad.

This is crazy, because this fan community was actually a HUGE part of my life growing up, and affected me in a profound kind of way. I'm amazed to see it still kicking around after all these years - feels kind of like coming back to a hometown after being away for a long time.

I'll probably not be on here since I've obviously lived a lot of life since my days in the SF fandom, but if anyone has any questions about life in the ancient past I'd be happy to field them.

If anyone from the old-old days is still around and wants to reconnect, send me a PM or something. I just wanted to come on here to show these young'uns what-for!

Edited by Gray Lancer
Clarify timeline
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Also, I've found some old posts of mine archived on my old website (doesn't exist anymore, sorry!) along with some old rendered fan art. I'll update this thread here as I find more!

This is a record dump I posted online after Papetoon's final demise to give some insight into its history. The actual record file is gone now:

Back in the day, there was a Star Fox board called MouthOff. It was one of several forum communities for furry fans and, especially, fans of the game Star Fox. I came there back in... oh '97 or '98. It was a fun place, although confusing at first. Because posts got erased from the board after a certain number of posts were put up after them, it was hard for me to catch up.

MouthOff, although very fun, occasionally had some issues with people getting a little bit... upset at each other. Eventually, MO had some server/personal problems and shut down for a while. Eventually it was decided to re-make MO under the name "Papetoon." It would be under a new system of moderation, with several admins. I happened to be one of those admins. Papetoon had some great moments too, but it also had a lot more bad ones. Finally it was shut down for good, never to be re-opened... forever a part of Star Fox history. There were good memories, and there were bad memories. Every post was put into a giant record file. Even posts that were later deleted for various reasons, or posts that moved off the board. Papetoon Uncut is the entire records file from the start of Papetoon to sometime very near its demise, giving you a chance to see what previously only admins could. Here you'll see every post, uncut in its original form. See posts that were too offensive to remain on the board, or just catch up on what you missed. This file is presented as-is, it has not been editted or modified since it was pulled off my laptop's old hard disk. It is here purely for entertainment and nostalgia purposes, and I don't even remember what's in it. Enjoy. Download the uncut records file!


That was written back in 2000 or thereabouts. Might give some more insight into what happened right at the end - Papetoon/MouthOff had become kind of a flamey place IIRC.

At one point, I was working on an expanded universe fan game - this is the basic plot description:


A Basic Plot Overview for Star Fox: The Final War

In case you haven't played the game Star Fox 64(or the old SNES Star Fox, but SF 64 did a better job of getting the plot across) here's the basic idea: The Lylat system is under siege by the evil Emporer Andross, who has set himself up on the planet Venom. The Cornerian Military, helpless to do a damned thing about the situation, gets the mercenaries Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, and Slippy Toad to fight Andross and finally defeat him on the planet Venom in his underground base. This conflict was known as "The Lylat Wars".

Now, there's a few things that I added to the plot that happen before/along with the events of the games: In addition to the Lylat System, a number of other systems have small colonies or single-planet governments set up in them. These are collectively known as the "Frontier Worlds". The big corporations all moved out to various Frontier planets and usually each corporation owns a system along with their "base planet". The Cornerian Govverment of Lylat(CGL) has little direct authority over the Frontier, since much of it is made up of independant planets with their own governments. However, the Cornerian Military often maintains police divisions in these systems and so the CGL has some jurisdiction over the planets. The corporations are held to the CGL only by their ties to military, technological, and industrial aspects of Lylat. The Frontier generally ends up being at least somewhat loyal to the CGL, and can sometimes be treated as an extension of it, even though the CGL now has few remaining true colonies.

The ships that Fox and his group flew were called Arwings(that's original to Nintendo). These were prototype fighters designed by ArSpace Inc.(that's original to my version of things) which were provided specifically for the task.

The basic plot of The Final War: It's been two and a half years since the defeat of Andross and there have been some rather significant changes in the structure of the Lylat system. The Cornerian Military, under the urging of General Joseph Matrillin, the director of Corneriam Military Intelligence(CMI), has begun to scrap its old fleet and replace it with entirely new, far more powerful ships. The CM now has far more power than the CGL, and effectively controls Lylat. They have two major corporations on their side, ArSpace and Repulsor, along with a number of smaller companies. General Matrilling has pledged to wipe the system clean of all the mercenaries and pirates he considers to be "polluting" it.

Not all of the corporations are with the CM, of course. Praxis Arms and several others have decided to form their own fleets to strike at the CM under the guise of protecting the freedom of the Lylat system. Of course, the real motives are more profit-based than anything else, but the corporations opposed to the CM are certainly powerful enough to pose a threat.

The last major group in this little conflict in the making is the Mercenary Alliance, formed by Auerulis Varius. Not really a tightly organized group, but they fly under the same flag and have the common goal of stopping or slowing the juggernaut of the Cornerian Military. The mercs are heavily out-gunned, but they get occasional help from some corporations who dislike the CM, and the mercs have a few tricks up their sleeves.

Where you'll fit in: Take your pick: Cornerian Military, Mercenary Alliance, or corporation. You're going to get tossed into the middle of all this.



Info on the Final War universe

The Frontier Worlds: After the advent of FTL(fast than light) travel and decades before anyone had ever heard of Andross, the Cornerian Government of Lylat(CGL) sent various groups out to colonize potentially valuable planets around other star systems. Progress was slow until a group of scientists developed new methods for terraforming planets, which caused an amazing growth in the number and quality of colonies on the Frontier. Eventually, large governments were set up, and major corporations moved out to their own systems to get away from CGL regulations concerning taxes, production, etc.

Well-known Frontier worlds include Saharizad(home of Praxis Arms), Vista(testing planet for ArSpace), Meridian, Crossroads, Iridest(famous for its strange ruins and rumors of a lost colony), Kirik(home of Repulsor), Twilight("ghost planet", well-known but with little information and many strange rumors around it), Ash, Tenal, Cyridon, Bannek.

The corporations: There are three industry giants among the corporations: ArSpace, Repulsor, and Praxis Arms. These three produce most of the ships for the Lylat System and the Frontier, and a large deal of the weapons. There are many smaller companies which are sometimes used by the giants to perform contract work.

ArSpace and Repulsor have long-standing contracts with the Cornerian Military. ArSpace is most noted for their work on the Arwing space superiority fighter and its variants. Repulsor makes most of the Cornerian Military's workhorse fighters and bombers, and often works in concert with ArSpace on projects.

Praxis Arms was refused a contract by the CM, and the company has be resentful of the CM ever since, along with Repulsor and ArSpace. Praxis is bigger than either company and provides the Frontier with most of its ships and weapons. Praxis has made some truly remarkable ships, such as the Raptor heavy fighter and the famous Terminus bomber.

The structure of Lylat government: The Cornerian Goverment of Lylat is the official ruling group in Lylat, although the Cornerian Military has a large amount of power. If martial law is declared, the CM is given nearly absolute power to control and police the system. Of the various planets in Lylat, only Cornerian has both a large population and a major industrial output. MacBeth is another major industrial center, but is almost entirely factories and workers. Papetoon has a large civilian population, but is an agricultural planet. Katina is used entirely for military purposes, as it is mostly desert. Fortuna, Titania, and Venom are not terribly hospitable to either settlement or industry, and are generally avoided with the exception of the military baseso n Fortuna and the archaeological expeditions on Titania and Venom.

The Cornerian Military: The Cornerian Military is broken up into many different branches, all of whom report to Cornerian Military Command. Relations with the CGL are handled by the Cornerian Military Advisory Council(CMAC). The CMAC also approves new purchases and developments by the CM.

Rumors: A wealth of rumors surrounds various Fronter planets, as well as the planets of Venom and Titania. Moreoever, the nebulas in Lylat known as Sectors X, Y, and Z have always been the centers of many odd stories. Rumors of strange ships and mysterious artifacts have either turned out false or lead nowhere.

I've attached some badly-rendered fan art of mine. Enjoy the history feels, this is over 15 years old! Some of these depict ships that were in my own expanded version of the SF Universe, and some are from a fan game I was working on (the ones labelled "Final War")!

Unfortunately, I don't have any of this stuff anymore. I have old fan art and writing in paper form in my house somewhere, but I long ago lost all the source files for my art, writing, and the fan games I worked on. This is Internet archaeology, basically! If I dig up more, I'll toss it up here.


















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  On 2/22/2016 at 8:38 AM, Gray Lancer said:

Also, I've found some old posts of mine archived on my old website (doesn't exist anymore, sorry!) along with some old rendered fan art. I'll update this thread here as I find more!

This is a record dump I posted online after Papetoon's final demise to give some insight into its history. The actual record file is gone now:

Back in the day, there was a Star Fox board called MouthOff. It was one of several forum communities for furry fans and, especially, fans of the game Star Fox. I came there back in... oh '97 or '98. It was a fun place, although confusing at first. Because posts got erased from the board after a certain number of posts were put up after them, it was hard for me to catch up.

MouthOff, although very fun, occasionally had some issues with people getting a little bit... upset at each other. Eventually, MO had some server/personal problems and shut down for a while. Eventually it was decided to re-make MO under the name "Papetoon." It would be under a new system of moderation, with several admins. I happened to be one of those admins. Papetoon had some great moments too, but it also had a lot more bad ones. Finally it was shut down for good, never to be re-opened... forever a part of Star Fox history. There were good memories, and there were bad memories. Every post was put into a giant record file. Even posts that were later deleted for various reasons, or posts that moved off the board. Papetoon Uncut is the entire records file from the start of Papetoon to sometime very near its demise, giving you a chance to see what previously only admins could. Here you'll see every post, uncut in its original form. See posts that were too offensive to remain on the board, or just catch up on what you missed. This file is presented as-is, it has not been editted or modified since it was pulled off my laptop's old hard disk. It is here purely for entertainment and nostalgia purposes, and I don't even remember what's in it. Enjoy. Download the uncut records file!


That was written back in 2000 or thereabouts. Might give some more insight into what happened right at the end - Papetoon/MouthOff had become kind of a flamey place IIRC.


HI GRAY!! I remember you! I think we talked off and on but I can't remember details. Anyway, WOW, I really wish you had that Papetoon file still! That'd be an absolutely hoot to go through! XD Although honestly I think it'd mostly be the boring bickering of a bunch of teenagers because that's really what we were, haha.

Thanks so much for posting some of your art! Unfortunately as soon as I posted here I blanked on going through my junk and finding my old art. I'm fairly sure I've got the scans backed up SOMEWHERE, I just haven't done the work to find them. I don't even know how much people would care to see it but I'm at least curious!

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  On 2/22/2016 at 10:29 AM, Vixette said:

HI GRAY!! I remember you! I think we talked off and on but I can't remember details. Anyway, WOW, I really wish you had that Papetoon file still! That'd be an absolutely hoot to go through! XD Although honestly I think it'd mostly be the boring bickering of a bunch of teenagers because that's really what we were, haha.

Thanks so much for posting some of your art! Unfortunately as soon as I posted here I blanked on going through my junk and finding my old art. I'm fairly sure I've got the scans backed up SOMEWHERE, I just haven't done the work to find them. I don't even know how much people would care to see it but I'm at least curious!


Yeah, I remember talking to you a little bit - not as much as some of the others, but it's been a while so my memory is probably heavily unreliable on that point!

And yeah, we were a bunch of stupid punk teenagers. I kinda wish I had the file still for the old school Internet drama, but it's long, long gone. I only found the website stuff because my old website was online long enough to be archived on the Wayback Machine.

I'll probably go through my old stuff in the morning just to see what I can see. I have some stuff in a box in the garage and some other stuff in the basement.

Honestly, I was just amazed to see anyone from the old days! MouthOff was a huge part of my life.

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Gray lancer. Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time. It's always a pleasure to have members of the old fanbase swing by. Especially when they come with stories of the old days.

I don't think we talked much back then, but I do remember your art and writings.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 4:44 PM, DZComposer said:

Gray lancer. Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time. It's always a pleasure to have members of the old fanbase swing by. Especially when they come with stories of the old days.

I don't think we talked much back then, but I do remember your art and writings.


Awesome! I don't think I talked to you much either, but it's still cool to see people from back then! :) 

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I was going through some old boxes of stuff from high school today and found this old group pic from MouthOff - this is the one that Vixette didn't post.

This one was drawn by Katt Monroe, who was a big fan artist at the time. The listing of people is below. I may have forgotten some of the full user names - these are based off of my hand-written note on the back of the print-out from the time, so I incorrectly assumed I'd be able to remember all this years later.

(all are from left-right)

Top row: Ross Black, Corneriette, Fana McCloud, Lyn, Flyer Fox, Jason Wolfman
Middle row: Gray Lancer, Puffy, Finnius, StarVix, Vixette, Matt, NecroMouse
Bottom: Astra, Katt Monroe, Carole, Dermot, CJ, MaryBeth, Gecko Liz, Karma Leafbearer
Under sign: Frankenroc

MouthOff Group Pic by Katt.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man, this art takes me baaaaaaaaack. I wasn't on Mouth-Off, but I sure as hell remember this artist from Starfox Database!

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  • 4 months later...

dammit i was born on 1999 . looks like i missed something important on history :(

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  On 7/21/2016 at 9:47 AM, navisXD said:

dammit i was born on 1999 . looks like i missed something important on history :(


I know right!? I was born in 2002, so I missed out on it as well. We were born too late... :( 

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  On 7/28/2016 at 2:57 PM, Kyubey said:

I know right!? I was born in 2002, so I missed out on it as well. We were born too late... :( 


do not worrie ^^ it's time to writte OUR history as the star fox fandom xD

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  • 4 weeks later...

So does anyone know what became of some of Arwing Landing's members? I remember Stealthfox, Blink, Afoxalypsenow, and some other people's names escape me but if anyone just starts throwing names out there from around 2004/2005 I might remember them, lol.

For the record I was formerly contrafox, and I was active around 2004-2007 or so when I first joined Arwing Landing. It's good to see DZComposer and Drasiana are still around in some form though.

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i'm friends on facebook with Stealth and Blink. Stealth is an evil overlord who controls all our data and pulls the world's strings from his digital fortress or something, and Blink is in school.

Afox sorta disappeared as far as i know, though.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 11/7/2014 at 8:05 AM, Vixette said:

Hello! DZ, thank you for the lovely summary (er, 4 years ago) and for your work in saving the fandom, it brought back a lot of memories! I remember your name although I don't think we talked a lot.


Anyway, I was in the fandom mostly during the Mouth Off/MORC days. The days of Fox's Crew (the premiere SF site at the time), ICQ, Area 6 Chat . . . I'm drowning in nostalgia here! I think I was on OTG awhile but after the original group got really fractured I got distracted with the whole "college" thing and left for the most part.


Other random things I am remembering:

-Mouth Off was totally hand-coded by the webmaster of Papetoon, Dermot I think? I think it took awhile to even get avatars!

-We had a Java-based chatroom (very high-tech at the time) called Area 6 Chat that was really popular. I don't think it was hosted on one of the "big" sites either. There was also a lot of chatting in ICQ which was a chat client like AIM or Yahoo Messenger. It's technically still around I guess but I have no idea who would bother these days.

-Some people lead by BlueYoshi tried to make a 3D-animated fan-made Star Fox movie. It got as far as those kinds of projects always get.

-Lots of great text-based RPing. I remember a story/game/campaign called Defiance started by NeoPhoenixTE that ended up flaming apart horribly though.

-The fan art and fan fiction scene were ON FIRE. Sadly it looks like the sites that held all of it are dead and thus all of it is likely gone too. Which is too bad because it was fantastic. Being able to share art, writing, etc. on THE INTERNET was a new thing and people were really excited to share with each other.


Including THIS:




That's "me," the vixen in blue with a yellow headset! Almost all of these furs ring a bell memory-wise although I can only name like half of them. And no I didn't draw this, this is Karma Leafbearer aka Katie Popp aka the yellow frog lady at the top.


I drew stuff too but it's not online anymore. I want to see if I can go through reeeeeal old CD-Rs and find the scans . . . I'm pretty sure I trashed the actual drawings long ago sadly.


DZ: To answer your question in your original post about whether StealthFox and BondFan were on MO, the names vaguely ring a bell for me so I think your hunch is right that they were around at that time although I don't remember them well.


So um I have no idea if anyone wanted to read that but I sure had fun writing it! See you around the board!


meh. So many bittersweet memories.

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  On 11/18/2017 at 1:20 PM, mattdawolf said:

meh. So many bittersweet memories.


Hey newcomer! Were you part of the old Mouth-Off era fandom? If so, do share your story!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes I was. Matt da Wolf. Fucked up things with Karma Leafbarer. Meh. Wish I  could go back and do things again. le sigh. I spent a summer in the local library getting my Star Fox and inner furry on.

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  On 12/16/2017 at 9:14 AM, mattdawolf said:

Yes I was. Matt da Wolf. Fucked up things with Karma Leafbarer. Meh. Wish I  could go back and do things again. le sigh. I spent a summer in the local library getting my Star Fox and inner furry on.


Sorry to hear, man. Living in the past is no way to go, though!

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  On 2/11/2018 at 3:15 AM, Wreckingcanon said:

What does mouth off have to do with the star fox fandom?


Mouth Off was like the og very first Star Fox fansite/community.

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  • 3 months later...
  On 8/25/2016 at 7:35 AM, valkiriforce said:

So does anyone know what became of some of Arwing Landing's members? I remember Stealthfox, Blink, Afoxalypsenow, and some other people's names escape me but if anyone just starts throwing names out there from around 2004/2005 I might remember them, lol.

For the record I was formerly contrafox, and I was active around 2004-2007 or so when I first joined Arwing Landing. It's good to see DZComposer and Drasiana are still around in some form though.


Since I just happen to stroll a bit around some threads..*raises hands* I am actually from Arwinglanding. Back there though I was Mrs. Catfish (doubt anyone on here remembers that). It was back in..uh..2004/05 I joined the forum back then.

Ah yes, back then when forums were a big thing, the mostly only thing to connect fans. Then tumblr came along and (almost) everything went downhill..including some troublemaker past adventure fans. I stick with older fans (and friendly,understanding new ones), thank you. And outside of this Forum..you hardly meet those. I always loved the Starfox fanbase for, perhaps being a bit rough sometimes, but understanding and welcoming. (Sorry though for my long-time absence..from time to time)

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Welp, might as well contribute a little something myself.  I too was once on Arwing Landing, as stated in my introduction topic.  Back there I was known as Strike Slasher.  Not sure if anyone remembers that name, I wasn't exactly the most active person there, and only until about...  I want to say from 2006-07?..  Beyond that, I actually had no idea that one of the first online communities for Star Fox was named Mouth Off.  With a name like that though, no wonder I didn't hear about it.  If it doesn't have something explicitly about Star Fox in the name, like Arwing Landing for example, I'm not going to think it's a star fox community.  I imagine a lot of people probably just thought it was a generic furry site when they saw the banner and stuff.

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  On 6/21/2018 at 12:54 AM, Tiger Carson said:

Welp, might as well contribute a little something myself.  I too was once on Arwing Landing, as stated in my introduction topic.  Back there I was known as Strike Slasher.  Not sure if anyone remembers that name, I wasn't exactly the most active person there, and only until about...  I want to say from 2006-07?..  Beyond that, I actually had no idea that one of the first online communities for Star Fox was named Mouth Off.  With a name like that though, no wonder I didn't hear about it.  If it doesn't have something explicitly about Star Fox in the name, like Arwing Landing for example, I'm not going to think it's a star fox community.  I imagine a lot of people probably just thought it was a generic furry site when they saw the banner and stuff.


Pretty sure we interacted back then. Given that the forum community was pretty small. But I am trying to remember one of the users name. She was also a mod there and so happy when I returned, pretty much a few weeks before the site vanished. The irony.

Just like the german Starfoxfans' forum is gone, but the site still exists to my knowledge. Which is always good. But I haven't heard of the owner anymore since years!

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  • 3 years later...

Ever heard of Dinosaur Planet- HQ? That was my first SF forum but I never talked to the admin (he barely posted). People were really nice there but after I joined, the site/forum went down (maybe after 4 months I joined) and I made a forum a SF forum on Ezboards and mostly everyone followed me. I posted at Lylat.net a few times and some on Outside the GreatFox. I didn't really post much on other forums,  but Ezboards introduced me to my boyfriend, Todd O'Donnell (was his username at the time).  I also knew  Rita LaShette, NIcky McCloud, Beau-Skunk, Fanafox, and Hbrika had were members of Outside the Great Fox (more  or less).  I used  to talk to them but we had to grow up and move on from forums.

I made a SF site and it's still up...needs a lot of work, though. It does saddened me to see these old SF sites are long gone and that there are no new ones up...that  I know of.

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