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Here when I or you post an sentence, someone will say Objection and explain why the statement was faulty! Then someone will object that and so on.

It stops when i add an new statement (if I  have to.)

HERE'S LINKS FOR objection pictures:


Ill add more.

The statement:

I think it's unfair for an topic that's very new upstages an older topic That's somehow related.

Respect your elders!

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"I think it's unfair for an topic that's very new upstages an older topic That's somehow related. Respect your elders!"

i know that we have to respec our elders, but they are only somehow related! they're not exacly identical! that is your error!

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Your statement doesn't mention anything about PIES!  Pies are awesome, and the fact that you don't even acknowledge their existence in the universe suggests that you don't think pies are awesome!  ERROR!!!

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Pies are not awesome! If you like pies so much, how about getting one right in your face?!?!

(Oh, and btw wierdoutinfo... try the new Ace attoney game yet? It's really fun!)

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"Pies are not awesome! If you like pies so much, how about getting one right in your face?!?!"


You can't do that in court! i think.

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