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A logical idea for the next StarFox game

Guest Remus_Lemures

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Guest Remus_Lemures

Hiya, everyone. This is your friend Remus Lemures. Anyhow, these are my ideas for the next StarFox game. Below is the story, and below that, are the stuff that should be in the game. By the way, this is very logical.


A war has broken out in the Lylat System, and Andross is behind it and it looks like he's up to his grandoise plans of galactic domination again! The StarFox team has been deployed to take care of the situation, and they set off for another great adventure! Travel to several different planets, including the Zoness and MacBeth, to battle the evil scientist's forces! Pilot your trusty Arwing in vicious space battles, rumble on the ground in the powerful LandMaster Tank, or even battle enemies in the seas in your new Blue Marine craft! In addition, the multiplayer is even more vicious than before! New characters, such as Bill Grey and Katt Monroe make their debut.



Katt Monroe

Bill Grey

Leon Powalski

Panther Caroso

Katt's Fighter from SF64

Bill's Fighter from SF64

Blue Marine in watery stages

Specific planets as stages from StarFox 64

Character speed lessened (to make sniping more easier)

No character stats (ALL characters should be THE SAME IN EVERYTHING!)


All characters on the ground in specific ground missions

Selection of commands

Trailed and all range LandMaster missions

More missions

Smarter enemies

Longer missions

First Person View mode for Arwing

More weapon choices

Grenades being more helpful


Volume Control

Better StarFox theme

No characters should be insignificant

More Great Fox action

Hope you like it!

Remus Lemures

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Right on target!!!

But I think in multiplayer it should be like in TimeSplitters games: Every single character you see in the gameplay is available for multyplayer, plus characters of past games like General Pepper, General Scales, Sharpclaws, and more.

Well, long story short... just like in timesplitters:

All characters you see and have seen, challenges, Al bots(if you have no one to play with), and able to fully customice your arcade matches: choosing what weapons should be available on multyplayer, vehicles, map being played, etc!

I think this is asking too much.

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Yes you should play as all of the chars! Even annonymous ones!

But I think the stats are OK, Krystal just needs higher stats. She hasnt got 4 in ANYTHING!

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There's another thing... in TSFP you can change the outfit of the characters as they appear on the game or proviews ones.

Imagine playing as Krystal with her Dinosaur Planet's outfit and her staff, or with her Assault's outfit and a blaster.

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And their should be much more weopans! Including Krsytal's staff! Hows about special weopans for certain characters? You know, weopans only they can use.

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Like in battlefronts?

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Like in battlefronts?

Possibally. I never played battlefronts.

Id love to use the controller as an Arwing!

And as a gun!

And as a Blue Marine!

And as a LandMaster Tank!

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That's what battlefronts is about: chose a vehicle and engage or stay on the ground and shoot them up!

Every character has their own weaponry that others cant use though.

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Hiya, everyone. This is your friend Remus Lemures. Anyhow, these are my ideas for the next StarFox game. Below is the story, and below that, are the stuff that should be in the game. By the way, this is very logical.


A war has broken out in the Lylat System, and Andross is behind it and it looks like he's up to his grandoise plans of galactic domination again! The StarFox team has been deployed to take care of the situation, and they set off for another great adventure! Travel to several different planets, including the Zoness and MacBeth, to battle the evil scientist's forces! Pilot your trusty Arwing in vicious space battles, rumble on the ground in the powerful LandMaster Tank, or even battle enemies in the seas in your new Blue Marine craft! In addition, the multiplayer is even more vicious than before! New characters, such as Bill Grey and Katt Monroe make their debut.



Katt Monroe

Bill Grey

Leon Powalski

Panther Caroso

Katt's Fighter from SF64

Bill's Fighter from SF64

Blue Marine in watery stages

Specific planets as stages from StarFox 64

Character speed lessened (to make sniping more easier)

No character stats (ALL characters should be THE SAME IN EVERYTHING!)


All characters on the ground in specific ground missions

Selection of commands

Trailed and all range LandMaster missions

More missions

Smarter enemies

Longer missions

First Person View mode for Arwing

More weapon choices

Grenades being more helpful


Volume Control

Better StarFox theme

No characters should be insignificant

More Great Fox action

Hope you like it!

Remus Lemures

I think it's a good idea! :D

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If the new Starfox game add all of these, I would be the fist one in line to buy it! IF... it doesnt come at the same day as any StarWars new game, otherwise, Starwars is a priority!!

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I'd like to see a new menace' date=' but I like everything else.[/quote']

I agree, and besides, wasn't Andross completely destroid in the 64 version or did he somehow live. Then again everything else is good, meh likey. :D

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He was alive in Adventures. Anyway, that Andross that we fight is probably just his ship. He must control it from a safe distance.



-Picking chars in 1-P other than Fox!

-Computer players for Multiplayer so I dont always have to verse my friends!

-NPCs in the multiplayer levels

-A free-roaming world, where you can just fly around and just buy extra weopans (then they start appearing in the world, you know for reloads) After a while Gen. Pepper posts in the request log and you can choose to do or not to do his missions. Other characters also post in the request log, but rarely. You can download more request sets off the internet. There are also some on-rails missions.

-Katt, Bill, Fara, Miyu, Fay, Blue Cat, etc. making appearences. Yes I do think the comic characters should make appearances but I dont think that Fara should become Fox's GF or anything.

-Slippy, Krystal and Panther getting rivals.

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That and more.

I have a huge list of the "perfect game" for me.

I did it thinking on StarWars games, but then Battlefronts appeared and it took care of half of the stuff on my list.

Anyways, the stuff on my list can apply to other games.

The stuff that has being talked about here is merely 1/10 of all what I have on my list of perfection.

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That and more.

I have a huge list of the "perfect game" for me.

I did it thinking on StarWars games, but then Battlefronts appeared and it took care of half of the stuff on my list.

Anyways, the stuff on my list can apply to other games.

The stuff that has being talked about here is merely 1/10 of all what I have on my list of perfection.

Post it! Id love to here it! Anywho, my other ideas that I have not posted yet:

-StarWolf getting at least one more member.

-A submarine for StarWolf

-A tank for StarWolf

-A flagship for StarWolf

-More history on the characters

My preferences for more history:

1. Wolf

2. Falco

3. Katt

4. Leon

5. Bill

6. Panther

7. Krystal

8. Slippy & Beltino

9. Fox

10. Peppy & Gen. Pepper

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK here are some of my ideas. Not finished though.


You get to pick from multiple teams, like StarWolf and StarFox. Then you get to pick our character. If StarFox, you appear on the Great Fox. Your teammates tell you useful things. Peppy tells you were the Arwings and Landmasters are. He also says that you should hop into an Arwing. Once you get into an Arwing the garage-door like thing opens and the Arwing flies you out. Peppy says through the speaker Where now [yourcharacter'sname]?. You get to choose were to go. More info on that under planets. After a while General Pepper will put requests in your requests log, also other characters but not as often. After finishing these missions you can replay them in Classic Mission Replay. You can only wander around the Area you are in.


Each team has five members. You can download more teams over the internet. These are some of my team ideas:

Space Hot Rodders

Katt Monroe

A rat

An alligator

A blue cat


Galaxy Dingo

A dingo

A koala

A kangaroo

A platypus

An emu

You can switch teams at any time. Not the characters though.


In story mode a player can just join one of the teams. Even when another player is playing. You can also invite online players too join your game (only temporarily though). They can also pick ANY team. Certain teams are hostile towards eachother, so you can attack eachother by playing these teams. In classic VS mode you can also use Multiplayer, but you can battle computer players. There is also a Co-op mode in Classic Mission Replay.

Planets, Stars and Space Bases:


The Capitol

The capitol of Corneria. Where General Pepper, Bill and Beltino live. The city you play on when you pick the corneria stage in Assault.

Cornerian Isles

A few peaceful island with many conservation parks, many wrecked ones too.

The Backallys

A place where lots of ruffians hang out. Part of The Capitol, but still a separate area. A hidden Venomian base is also located here.


Venomian Base

A gigantic base with lots of slaves. The 2nd largest Venomian base in the Lylat System.

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Guest Mad_But_Happy

The one thing I miss the most in the new games is how, like in Starfox 64, you can choose your own path to get to Venom. I LOVED that feature. I wish they would being it back. :evil:

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Do I need to tell you guys how many times Ridley, Mother Brain, and Kraid came back from the dead? How many times has Ganondorf died? Didn't Sepharoth die once? New enemies are fun, but there's no reason that defeated ones can't come back stronger than before.

The one thing that I would add to all this is "true all-range mode." Instead of giving you a level that is ultimately shaped like a flat cylinder (with an edge that forces you to turn around and a relatively short ceiling and floor). How about a spherically shaped level. How about if there is an asteroid field that you can easily go around, but the enemy is hanging out in the center. This would mean that the Arwing would have to be able to stop completely and accelerate much faster than it currently can, but then they are in space after all.

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How many times has Ganondorf died?

(Off Topic: Depends what you mean by 'died' most of the time he's just sealed away...)

I'd personally like to see another SF: Adventure's game... just... longer and more open...

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Guest The Cuddly Irish Kangaroo

As long as the bring Katt, Bill, star Wolf and other good chars back (DEFINATLY Krystal), and Try to include Fara, Fay, Miyu, and at least make the game long, with a good non cheesy storyline, good character structure and dialogue, and maybe rated M so it can have more better action, and even some cussing in it, than that would be one kickass SF game.

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As long as the bring Katt' date=' Bill, star Wolf and other good chars back (DEFINATLY Krystal), and Try to include Fara, Fay, Miyu, and at least make the game long, with a good non cheesy storyline, good character structure and dialogue, and maybe rated M so it can have more better action, and even some cussing in it, than that would be one kickass SF game.[/quote']

M? Wtf are you talking about? Me and my friend are 11 and we're die hard StarFox fans. Have you forgot about the young StarFox fans? A M SF would suck coz my mum wouldnt let me buy it.

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As long as the bring Katt' date=' Bill, star Wolf and other good chars back (DEFINATLY Krystal), and Try to include Fara, Fay, Miyu, and at least make the game long, with a good non cheesy storyline, good character structure and dialogue, and maybe rated M so it can have more better action, and even some cussing in it, than that would be one kickass SF game.[/quote']

Yeah, I'm 20, but I still would hate to see Starfox games degenerate into cussing matches between Fox and Wolf or whatever. There are so many ways to say what you want without curse words. I'm all for more mature story line/action (by mature, I mean non-cheesy, like Starfox 64).

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Guest The Cuddly Irish Kangaroo

Okay... get the people who did Metal Gear Solid to help work on it. It does not have to have cussing, but I do think it would be cool to have mission were you are on foot and you can creep up behind bad guys and kill them in realistcally brutal ways... but it doesn;t have to be gratuitous violence. I'm just Saying, I wish they would push the envelope somewhat with Starfox. I mean, the majority of the fans nowadays are over 17 I believe.

No, how bout this... Keep the Games within a T rating, just make them a little less chessy, and make the storyline darker, than that would be cool. But I would enjoy to see them put some risque moments in it somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

some things i whant so see in the next starfox game:

1.- a more mature game (damm think in the oldschool gamers)

2.-more longer and open game(you know since the N64 starfox, assault and adventures are to short)

3.-ONLINE ( fight thru all the lylat sistem and see who is the best)

4.-More Krystal (of course :lol: )

mmm. with the new rev control how the hell do we gonna drive an arwing?( kinda interesting....)

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