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A logical idea for the next StarFox game

Guest Remus_Lemures

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I'm thinking the same thing. ONLINE WOULD RULE. Longer game, heck yeah. More Krystal? But of course. :lol:

More mature, I dunno. Definitely less cheesy though.

That new Rev controller is weird... I can kinda see flying the Arwing, but I dunno. They ARE making the Wavebird attachment for the controller though, so it'll be just like the old controllers for GCN. So we don't have to worry too much, just pick up an attachment for the controller if the new type doesn't work for ya.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest crazy wombat

how about more realistic damage, like something would say "engine damaged, boosts disabled" or: "G-diffuser destroyed, rolls inhibited"

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No, I said a Halo feeling, as in it'll attract more gamers, seeing as how Halo is the BEST first-person shooter, and it'll give you a feeling of a Furry's view of the battle... XD

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  • 3 months later...

You're post has covered basically all I want in the new Star Fox game but I think that they should make the environment more destructable than in SF Assault, and make it a little more realistic when you shoot down a tree, it falls over instead of explodes. Oh and I'm not too sure about the extra characters making an appearance. Maybe they help you in some missions but they shouldn't become part of the Star Fox team

EDIT: I also think that Nintendo should make melee weapons in the game. Each character starts off with a melee weapon and they are different for each character. E.G. Krystal's staff, Fox could have martial arts (says he's good at that in Adventures' instruction booklet I think) and so on so forth

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Fox of Fire: I removed your avatar. It was OBNOXIOUSLY too big. If you want to use that as your avatar, please shrink it before using it again.

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Guest Grimloq

I hate to be the voice of reason, but you have to be more realistic.

What /should/ be done:

All characters are identical (Including hitboxes), only appearances are different.

Do NOT alter speed to make sniping easier. Halo's gameplay quality was obliterated because of that.

Free range mode in tanks and submarine.

More character models to choose from.

An order menu is a good idea.


StarFox is a chase-view tunnel-path flight sim-shooter. Not a first person shooter. Not an RPG. Not an RTS. Not a tactical shooter. MODs for PC games with the proper engine should be used for adding different gameplay styles to StarFox.

Realistic changing terrain and objects is danged hard. Don't expect it to happen any time soon.

Do NOT make it 'more mature'... It's a cartoon game! It's SUPPOSED to be like that.

Weapon loadouts and selection is more trouble than its worth. Deathmatch games have to be fast paced. Hard to explain, but in balance, you can have one or the other, not both.

'better theme' is a matter of opinion - and easier said than done.

longer/harder/more missions - easier said than done.

Smarter enemies - MUCH easier said than done.

Andross is dead.

Comic characters can't appear because of legal difficulties.

Realistic damage is a good idea, and I see no reason why it wouldn't work.

Customisation of a multiplayer match before actually playing it (Limitations, handicaps, etc) is a very good idea and StarFox really has no excuse for not already having it.

Co-op is an EXTREMELY good idea and again, SF has no excuse for not having it already.

Character selection... No. Though characters would cycle through for each player in co-op I suppose.

Spherical all-range is an interesting idea, but wouldn't /feel/ right for StarFox. Also, what fun is it if you can just avoid the worst? Deus Ex BARELY gets away with that, mainly because if you avoid the bad stuff, chances are you'll have to get past something worse.

Once again I have to reiterate... No RPG elements or 'optional missions' or 'buying weapons'... besides the fact that would kill the game, it'd be a royal PITA for whoever makes the game to actually create.

This is my two cents... Well... More like fifty bucks here. All based off what I know of this stuff, so you may proceed to beat me now, Dwight.

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Halo is the BEST first-person shooter


To keep myself from going off topic, I'd say that the main thing I want is a more mature game. Now, by "mature," I don't mean "poke a dude with a stick, massive blood explosion, F-bomb!" type mature, but rather more of a grown-up kind. Out of Nintendo's coherent series, Star Fox is the least mature. Just look at how they fumbled almost all of Krystal and Fox's relationship scenes. It was almost like, "OMG Fox and Krystal sitting in a tree, LOL!" Or how Peppy's and Pepper's noble acts (dying with honor, sacrificing self to save the system, etc) got nerfed because, to paraphrase George of the Jungle, "Nobody good dies in this game, they just get really big boo-boos." The only non-cheesed almost mature scene I can remember is Wolf talking to Fox after the Corneria mission.

I remember a dream I had about the plot for the next SF (ESF should remember it), with inter-system warfare, Corneria giving Fox and co. the shaft, new allies and enemies with actual personality, Andross making a proper return, and plot twists of MGS proportions (you wouldn't like Pepper after the "secret" ending, suffice to say).

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Guest Kit Airheart

Slippy, Krystal and Panther getting rivals.

Panther is Krystal's rival...he just happens to flirt with her, too. Andrew was Slippy's rival but...yeah...I guess they could give him a new one.

I understand what some of you are saying about it's maturity...but it's Nintendo, what do you expect? Even as far as couplings go, a peck on the cheek or something is the most we can hope for. I can't help shake the feeling that making it "Halo-esque" would kind of be selling out...I really don't think they care about what sells; they'd rather do it their own way.

I am not interested with third person...although using multiple characters in story modes could be interesting.

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The first person veiw would be far nicer for sniping, or the Advent rising time-doge, NOW THAT WOULD BE AWSOME!!!!

as far as a peck on the cheek, Nintendo suits would have to Wikipeadia taht one :D . My answer to that is this.

mine is taking forever...... :oops:

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Id love to use the controller as an Arwing!

And as a gun!

And as a Blue Marine!

And as a LandMaster Tank!

Yeah I think that you're idea will most likely be used in the new Star Fox
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I don't see the problem with the maturity of Star Fox. What do you want to add? they can't really kill anybody off because then we lose one of those memorable characters and that sucks. A new threat would be nice, although, not like the aparoids, more like a group of people with lots of DIFFERENT enemies. I can't tell you enough how much that one phrase "DIFFERENT enemies" needs to be emphasised. In assault, I was soo sick of shooting the lame aparoids that ram into you, the ones that shoot the big black orbs and all the other ones that were continually put into different levels!!! Omg I hated that. Storyline needs to not jump years at a time. before we know it, Fox will be like 69!!! 7 years was much too extreme, 2 years, didn't make a lot of difference but events need to be closer together than they are. Choosing levels needs to happen, a freeroam game could be good where you sorta pilot the Great Fox and then you can pilot an arwing to get to the level or use the arwing through the level. The rest of the stuff I have said basically covers the rest, but the gameplay isn't cheesy, is it? If it is, please tell me which parts could have been changed, cut out, or what could have been added.

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