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Meant to say six. But I don't know how long we really have. so, lol. We may have to close the thread, but we can continue the roleplay.

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It seems like we'll have to close the current thread, and request a continuation. Remember to go to the first post and rename the whole thing so you add "Chapter 1 (Perhaps a chapter title even)" at the end of the title. Razz-2.gif

Actually, I think this might be for the better. It'll be a while before the current queue is gone trough, but that should give us all time to rest and be fit for another round. Also takes a load of my shoulder in regards to writing that script draft, which I haven't found time to do just yet. As said earlier, all input will be valued highly. Smile-2.gif

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Otay, I'm a little confused, are we being shut down?

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Tiberius thinks this topic here may be shutdown not the roleplay.

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Otay, I'm a little confused, are we being shut down?

In the next days, or around 50 posts or so, we will cross these lines.

7.  IN THE SPIRIT OF FAIRNESS, ROLE PLAY THREADS OF CERTAIN AGES/SIZES WILL BE LOCKED.  ALL THREADS THAT HAVE NO ACTIVITY IN 2 WEEKS WILL BE LOCKED.  As of July 1, 2010, all Threads 6 months of age or older, and/or 1500 posts or more, will automatically be locked by the RP Mod  However, there will be 1 week grace period to either wrap things up or say goodbye.  Other people are waiting in line with their thread requests, so it's only fair they get a chance.

Don't worry to hard about it. Think of it as a the last episode in the first season of a tv-series. Smile-2.gif More will be sure to come.

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In the next days, or around 50 posts or so, we will cross these lines.

Don't worry to hard about it. Think of it as a the last episode in the first season of a tv-series. Smile-2.gif More will be sure to come.

aaaah, ic

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Are we going to finish off "chapter 1" there, or are we waiting on somebody to start chapter 2?

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I'd say it's perhaps for the better to just close the first chapter, and request the continuation now, before any more roleplays get in the queue in front of it.

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