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Strategy Games


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So what are your favorite strategy games? 

Mine are Age of empires 2, medieval 2 total war and battle for middle earth.

I would totally play someone in BFME if they wanted to (Im betting no one has that game, though)

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Yesh! It's super old, and still so many people play it. Three different races, each super balanced. Space, goodness:)

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the games i play are

StarWars Empire At War,

StarWars Empire At War:Forces Of Corruption,

and lightcycle 3D(download ONLY)

their all cool,Specialy SWEAW:FOC

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so has anyone played BFME?  that is one of my favorite games

I and my brother did. The game is great.

(I finished the Good campaing and he completed the Evil campaing).

Well, if you are going for an RTS with graphics, you should go for something like Command and Conquer 3 or the like.

For a "common" rts I recommend Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds.

Everything you find in it you can find in any other RTS, but it provides a good unit variety and 'special' racial traits.

If you want to try a diffucult, little graphics 4x in space, try Stars!.

The game is damn hard, but the ship editor let´s you make almost anything that can be called "ship".

Finally, my personally favourite. I still play it... And mod' it! It is called X-COM apocalypse, and I can only say it is awesome. While your primary goal is to defeat the aliens, there are lots of things you can do in the way. For example, fight other organizations (or ally with them), raid buildings, research (and replicate) alien technology, and several other good stuff. Unlike other X-COM games, the ground battles can be real time, and this helped making it my favourite. Like I said, one of my favourite strategy games.

And I know several good others... But those are the ones I can think about now.

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I'm quite a big fan of RTS games.

One of the best IMO is the Total War series, I'm really looking foreward to trying out the newest, Empire, once I can get my hands on a computer which can handle it.

Star Wars: Empire at War, is great fun. And there are thousands of great mods out there if something about it is not to your liking. I'll recommend the "Absolute Corruption mod", but there is an even bigger one "Ultimate Empire at war" in the works now.

Warcraft III is old, but quite good, and the map editor is so easy to use you can create absolutely everything with it.

Command and Conquer is good, LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth is so as well.

You're definatively not spoiled for choices if you like strategy games.

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Starcraft, C&C Red Alert and Warcraft 3. Best ones IMO.

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My top 8:

Sins of a Solar Empire

Age of Mythology

TA Spring

Rise of Nations

WWP (worms world party)

Age of Empires II

Command and Conquer (original)

Command and Conquer tiberian sun

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ahem your missing empire earth!

Never played it.  :|

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