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Good News, Everyone!

Guest Julius Quasar

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Over four years since I got them, along with the extra two years, I was able to get my braces off today. Screw you European ancestors and your shitty teeth genetics. Who is laughing now. 

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Nice, dude! I get mine off here in July. Had 'em since the end of the 5th grade.

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After months of searching, the hunt is over! I found one of the few Fox McCloud Amiibos in existence! trN3OrN.jpg

Sorry about the dusty room.

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Well its more like "interesting" news:

I have blonde hair on my head from my Dad!

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After a couple of days of the most boring, but efficient, reputation grinding, I have achieved the rank of Baron for the Empire in Elite: Dangerous, and can now begin to amass the funds to purchase my own Gutamaya Corporation's Imperial Clipper ship. A very aesthetically pleasing ship, given... well, I'll just quote the wiki:


Imperial design puts an emphasis on the glamorous, glorious, and aesthetically beautiful, with extravagance in abundance. Everything in the Empire looks impressive, from their cities, to their ships, right down to the clothes worn by Imperial subjects.




And while it shall eventually be supplanted,  it shall likely only be replaced by the Faulcon DeLacey's Anaconda, which is the current "end game" ship. Bloody thing is like Star Wars' Imperial Destroyer without the tower.



Edited by Vydrach
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just managed to beat the Theory of Everything level on Geometry Dash.

...Only Hexagon Force, Electroman Adventures, Blast Processing, Clubstep and Clutterfunk to go...

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I present to you, MY Gutamaya Corporation Imperial Clipper!



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Checked my mail today. I was accepted to study/practice medicine in the hospital environment. 

Just wanted to share with you all because you all have been an influence on me since I joined in 2010 and I love you all. 


no homo

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Checked my mail today. I was accepted to study/practice medicine in the hospital environment. 

Just wanted to share with you all because you all have been an influence on me since I joined in 2010 and I love you all. 

no homo

​Congrats - an acceptance like that can open the door to a whole world of opportunities in the field.

I hope that your eventual patients will have good life insurance. :P

Edited by OneUnder
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We are all dead now. No exceptions.


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​Congrats - an acceptance like that can open the door to a whole world of opportunities in the field.

I hope that your eventual patients will have good life insurance. :P

​People live and people die. Holla holla dat ca$h flo gets me by.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finals are finally done! Woo!

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So, my new graphics card and an extra 2GB of RAM I ordered off of Amazon a few days ago got here. Now my games can run any
DirectX 10 or OpenGL 3.0 game. Also, TF2 no longer takes ages to quit. :D

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I installed the Arch Linux base system, not without the help of the fine ass documentation: https://www.archlinux.org/. Seriously, forget 90% of search engine hunts. The wiki covers as much as you want it to and it boxes the commands if you are just wanting to skim. The only thing I needed youtube for was setting up a desktop environment and that's probably because I was too anxious to read the entirety of the Xorg doc after that base install. Oh yeah, booting the install media involves presenting you with a bash shell. There are workarounds such as build scripts and gui installers if that's too much. But, I say it's a fun afternoon at best.

Otherwise, handling packages is satisfying, outside of any inherent problems that crop up with a rolling release model. I wouldn't shy away from starting someone off who wanted to "learn" GNU/Linux with Arch Linux as you are not getting anywhere without knowing that something like:

sudo pacman -S firefox steam


[suitable user do] -> [package manager] -> [sync] -> [firefox & steam]

..with the plus being, in my onion, that the docs guide you..the downside being that, I hope you like reading.

Edited by Gestalt
I forgot an article, included an unnecessary preposition, spelled manager wrong, and decided to add some links
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All my dental work seems to be done, roots canaled and fillings filled. And I'll have a nightguard to combat my teeth grinding (I've woken myself up by breaking bits of teeth off due to grinding, shit's bad, yo).

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  • 2 weeks later...

there's an Xcom 2 coming out!

Its PC EXCLUSIVE. So SUCK IT CONSOLES! SUCK IT DOWN!:lolhyst::lolhyst::lolhyst:


And its very mod friendly too, so SOMEONE MAKE AN ALIEN CAMPAIGN.


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I will very soon be starting my new job: Entertainment Technician, Aboard Norwegian Cruse Line's Pride of America.

I am currently undergoing US Coast Guard mandated STCW training, after which, upon successful completion in less that a week, I will ship out to Hawaii for a five month contract.

I keep hearing that it is going to be really really tough, tougher than anything than I've done before. It's not that the work itself will be especially difficult, but the fact that it is aboard a crazy busy bustling ship at sea (that goes into port daily, but still). Even so, I'm one stubborn son of a gun, and this is the kind of work I like doing, have been trained to do since high school and do well. The fact that I'm aboard a crazy busy cruise ship doing it doesn't deter me in the least. I say bring it on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, for 40 Euros, I bought my mate's Wii off of him, with Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure, Mario Kart Wii, Mario Party 8 and 9, and Super Mario Galaxy.

Now, what shall I play first...

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Gay Marriage is now approved nationwide -all fifty states! So now they have to lift their bans and abide by this because its the law.:-)

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I got a Wii U with Splatoon bundled with it a few weeks ago!!! :D

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For those of us that reside stateside, Happy Independence Day!


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And don't forget to not shoot guns in the air, if you were planning on that. People can and somewhere in the country, probably will, get hurt by that.

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Good news #1: I PASSED MY EXAMS.

Good news #2: I have no idea how I did it, but I finally beat that b*****d of a level that was the Theory Of Everything 2 on Geometry Dash.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let it be known on this day, I, Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus, have beaten the Xcom Base Defense mission on Classic Mode.

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