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Guest Falco Lombardi

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riiiiight Jal would whup them on foot or in air(or space).

Except Koriani + Wolfen Eagle II through IV BY HIMSELF > anything else out there.

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I don't.

*Holds close few remnants of sanity*


Hey... :D

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Fan created characters would never fly with Nintendo, good as they may be. I think that over the (effectively) three games in the series, there have been plenty of characters introduced. I say, let Panther join Starfox as complement to Falco. (High time the betrayal was from the other side!) Then, StarWolf would be a three man team, Falco would stop bugging Fox because he would have a new rival. Slippy would finally take his place in tactical where he belongs. Peppy could retire. Fox would be free to train Krystal and pursue other interests :o . That's how I think it should go anyway. :D

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I think they should have a charater on both sides, literally, one character on both sides. *shuts up* can't let too much out of my Fan Fiction.

:mrgreen:O_o:twisted::twisted::twisted::arrow::arrow::shock::shock::evil::evil::roll::roll::oops::oops::wink::wink::idea: :idea:

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Actually, what I meant was, ADD a team, and keep Starfox.

I can see it now... Starfox: Twin Team Tactics or something...

Hell, put in Starwolf and you have 3 teams... you just need one massive enemy. ^_^

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hmm. That would be pretty interesting, three teams working in unison, and the ensuing corny dialouge wouldn't be to bad as well.

I still think they should scrap Fox's team though. The storyline is kinda fouled up, because of Starfox 2 crashing soon after takeoff. I think it'd be good to start over on the storyline, but that's just me.

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^They probably hafta get the arwing custom made to take the elephant's size. which would take up about his/her annual salary.

I think it would be cool if they had a new member.....but, a monkey or a elephant won't do.....

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SF doesnt need any more members. All StarWolf needs is a rival for Krystal. I think Panther should be Falco's rival, Falco doesnt fit vs Leon at all. Leon could have a new rival, or he could just get Slippy (something about Leon trying to torture Slippy just ... clicks. Slippy would need a new rival too.

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Screw Arwings. Wolfen Eagle IIs own all.


Never, never, never!

And I quite frankley say Krystal doesn't need a rival!

As if she has one now, Panther wouldn't kill her... who would...?

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I think the Starfox team is complete with 4 members. Unless Starwolf starts recruiting more members or a new tougher enemy appears.

Maybe a Feline or a Canine, you know:

Felines: Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, Panthers, Domestic Cat, etc.

Canines: Collies, German Shephards, Golden Retriever, a Wolf maybe, another Fox, etc.

Or: a Weasel, one from the bear family, Panda (who knows), Racoon, Squirrel, etc.

There are many options out there!!

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