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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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the user above me has a cool avatar

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The user above me recently changed thier avatar.

the user above me likes foxes and wiis

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The user above me apparently likes the Command style drawing

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the above user is half right

no thing for assault game (only one I've honestly played through on my own time) and i did not feel like uploading so i just went to what i 'heard' was the newest one

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the above user wins!  :peppy: lol DO A BARRELY ROLL  :fox: FFS THATS GETTING OLD

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The user above me might like hiking, considering that his fan character is in hiking gear

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the user above me is slightly wrong i never hiked before and i found this on google :D

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the user 4 users above me was wrong ( i dont like starfox command) (or do I!?!?!?) (never played it) (heard it sucks) (only shit starfox game) ( :peppy: DO A FAIL ROLL) (i soooooooo did not just copy that)

The above obiously played more starfox then me, (first comes: wtf is command) lol, only played assault

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the user 4 users above me was wrong ( i dont like starfox command) (or do I!?!?!?) (never played it) (heard it sucks) (only shit starfox game) ( :peppy: DO A FAIL ROLL) (i soooooooo did not just copy that)

The above obiously played more starfox then me, (first comes: wtf is command) lol, only played assault

The user above me just stole my "Do a fail Roll" Phrase.
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the user above me is angery!

The user above me does not understand how to translate  saurian.
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the user above me dosen't know that the cartoon show is (or at least look like) aqua team hunger force (from cartoon network's adult swim)

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The user above is half right. Yes, its a cartoon show, but no, it isn't aqua teen hunger force. It's Homestar Runner.com (more specificly, The Cheat Commandos)!

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the 2 users (above thoes 2 users that failed to appear when i refreshed re edit: A WHOLE ****LOAD THAT MANAGED TO SNEAK PAST MY REFRESH!!!!) me are correct ( i think )  :fox: DO A PEPPY ROLL!! thats right, HOW U LIKE IT PEPPY

:peppy: I LOVE IT  :wolf: drop dead

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The user above me is new to the forums

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The user above me has a funny dizzy avatar.

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EDIT: oh shit refresh fail, it was a 6 min diff :P

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