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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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has an unidentified emblem on the leg.... (I GOT A YOUTUBE VIDEO UPLOADED OMG!!!! CHECK IT OUT IN THE OFFICIAL/FUNNY VIDEO TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!)

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Guest Mr. Mario

(Whoa..calm down there.)

The user apparently has a YT account...

(FIY, that unidentified symbol on the leg is just simply Krystal's tattos that you would see in Adventures.)

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user has become a Japanese crime fighter and wonders if you've see n any sailors around lately.

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Has posted a very random (and funny!  :wink:) video in the video thread.

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The user was the second to see the video.

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By all appearances, the user is Ghost Rider!  :shock:  :cool:

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Made his first youtube video. Congrads on that by the way. :cool:

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Is a fan of Shenmue

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Is an author of 2 fanfics

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Is attempting to start a Christmas RP

...Which I would totally get into if:

A. I had any idea how to RP good

B. Could be on consistently enough

C. Could actually consistently come up with menaningful contributions to the story

D. Wasn't so dern over-conscious of what I post on the interwebz, which leads back to C

E. Wasn't so shy (Without the constraints of a topic, I prob. wouldn't be able to contribute k_e_discusted.gif )

...But yeah, if not for those factors, I'd be all over dat! k_e_animesweat.gif 

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Would start RPing if he knew how. (You can talk to FoxMcCloud about it, he's taught a good number of people how to.)

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Is most helpful!  k_e_smile.gif

Imma have to PM him or somthin'!

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He thought El Zorro de la Estrella was a girl. Also he thinks no one is safe.

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his avi reminds me of Ghost Rider :P

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Person Above is a girl.And A krystal fan. :shock:

Am I a pretty girl? k_e_blush.gif

j/k, I'm a dude, dude! k_e_rolleyes.gif  k_e_lol.gif

OT: The user is a gamer to the core!

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The user uses the Krystal emoticons in many of his posts.

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The user uses the Krystal emoticons in many of his posts.


A. Krystal Rules!

B. I'm totally addicted to smileys (srsly, look at most of my posts chere and my Facebook, not to mention every E-Mail i've ever sent!  :lol:)

C. Krystal Rules!

D. It took me 4ever to figure out how to get them, so I'm just makin' up for lost time!  :P

OT: Leader of an evil(?) alliance!

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Is part of the sea of Krystal fans.....

(gods help us all )

j/k xD

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