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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user has no location

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The user is still located within whogivesacrapland.

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The user should come visit lol

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The user's offer is intriguing, but then who iwll fight the infected (dont realy on blackwatch....dont trust them...)

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The user should know that Chuck Norris is always there for help if needed... and Goku-Spyro :D

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The user has put over Goku! :D

BROTHER!! :friends:

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

Deployitnow, you had to mention Chuck Norris...

Anyhoo, the user's post count seems to increase...

(Wasn't NINJA'D, again.)

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The user above likes Good 'Ol chuck ^_^

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The user.... ugh... Ninja'd me... :/

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

(I was not NINJA'D, I knew El Zorra's post would come.)

The user will get his request in a PM....

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The user should know that I was only joking, really :P

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The user loves that video, as do I :D

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The user above has ninja'd me, but back to the mission.

The user above also cant get over the fac tthat he loves Deploy's new avi.

Edited by Reynard
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Ther user is a person (effective thing to say to not get NINJA'D) :P

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The user above made a very vague staement. Perhaps running out of stuff to say...?

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:shock: The user should know that Mr. Nintendo's ninja skills scare me...

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Is frightend by Mr.N's Ninja skills.

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The user is fighting the Blacklight Virus in Manhattan

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The user above has bracers on their tail.

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The user should know those tail-ties make Krystal just that much cooler/prettier k_e_love.gif

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Knowing the user, he is likely contemplating another profile change :razz:

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The user mabye right, but it wont happen for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONGGGGGGGGG time.

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