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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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Oh brilliant, of all the things you can pick on, you go for that, brilliant. If i had it my way, i'd have one of those half pictures, where you get two half a face attached to the other half.

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  On 4/11/2011 at 2:53 AM, Star Fox Elite said:

Oh brilliant, of all the things you can pick on, you go for that, brilliant. If i had it my way, i'd have one of those half pictures, where you get two half a face attached to the other half.

.....usr sems to be infuriated by my previous comment for a reason that eludes me.

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Has a avi that i think suits him very well!

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I wonder if the user knows what game it's from :D

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The user's avi is from Beyond Good & Evil.

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Has a very interesting name and picture

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  On 4/11/2011 at 3:09 AM, Star Fox Elite said:

Has a very interesting name and picture

does the user above know what the name means or is?

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not at all my friend, i was hoping you could tell me waht it means

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  On 4/11/2011 at 3:14 AM, Star Fox Elite said:

not at all my friend, i was hoping you could tell me waht it means

"Reynard" is another word for a male Fox. It is also the name of a Trickster who happend to be a Fox called Reynard. He was capapble of using some kind of magic in the stories with him in it. Basically i chose it because i like Foxes and that it makes me "mysterious"; you wont know who, or where i am. Where ever you try to run, i will be there, armed andf ready. You cannot hide, we are everywhere and so forth. That and its a cool name.

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The user informed Elite about his name.

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Fair enough, if i could, i would change my name but i cant find a picture for it

Theatricality and mystery has always been a study of mine, 1537, 513, El Hombre con cuatro caminos. you can see, or can you?

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can't think of an interesting stament perhaps, or maybe i should go for the most awesomeness reeking name that the user uses.

(I meant this statement for deployitnow. But Mr.Nintendo has an awesomeness reeking name too.)

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Me, Ninja'd, i don't think so, No Elite get's Ninjad.

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The user's from Austrailia.

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Well done, this user seems to have an aptitude for saying short sentences, and appeares to want to finish Banjo-tooie, good luck. I haven't palyed it but i have played BK, awesome game,

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Knows of Banjo-Kazooie's epicness.

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Nobody has said anything, so i'll just throw something in here, Has very odd pictures of Mario bros.

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