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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user made a wise choice.

IMHO, no offense meant to anyone, after Gold/Silver/Crystal it got kinda dumb.

Just too many Pokemon, ya know?

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This user does not realize that Pokemon are designed to make people annoyed.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

The user is wrong. I understand that but seriously...I think Pokemon is dead. (OK, if we want to continue about it, lets make a topic somewhere in the arcade.)

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This user partially agrees with the above user, (NEED MORE POSTS)

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This user just made a most interesting comment.

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This user has a point, but i don't need things to say, because i am today's number one poster. HOOAH!

Unless deployitnow gets back on and starts posting. Then i'm in real trouble

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The user had an argument in his topic that I kinda started on accident but then more dominoes fell and then AHHHHHHH!!!....


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Is a fan of University of Nevada Athletics, if I reacall a previous sig

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^ Is mostly correct. I'm a fan of the NCAA Football team, the Nevada Wolf Pack.

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Is a fan of college football!

...Which is probably easier for you than me, on account of your team is actually good. k_e_animesweat.gif

Boooooo Gophers! k_e_angry.gif

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User should know that I had faith in my hometown team...

Before they went 3-9 last season >.<

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Is correct k_e_frown.gif

Actually, TBH, I don't consider the Gophers my college team.

For me, it's the St. Cloud State University Huskies!! k_e_tongue.gif

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Is correct! k_e_cool.gif

SCSU represent! k_e_tongue.gif

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