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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user ninja'd me and should know that I'm a fan of a ton more things than I even have shown so far :lol:

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The user ninja'd me and should know that I'm a fan of a ton more things than I even have shown so far :lol:

was ninjaed

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The user has not ninja'd me...yet.

*Gives you the glare* (Look at avi)

user tryed to give me glare

i was ninjaed

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The user is mah ninja master.

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The user corrected ajc3000fox's mistake

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The user should know that pretty much everyone who's a regular in this topic has double-Ninja'd before k_e_animesweat.gif

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The user is confused :razz:

It's quite simple actually, the pic he wants in his sig is larger than the 200 pix limit chere

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The user is confused :razz:

It's quite simple actually, the pic he wants in his sig is larger than the 200 pix limit chere

user most be ninjaed

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The user quotes the person above him every time for no reason :?

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