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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user calls me this-

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The user got me :(

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

The user is losing his NINJA skills. (Your master is about to be disappoint...)

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The user confused me.


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Has thier profile completely in Japanese, and is using Snivy as their Avatar :yes:

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Is online! :D

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

The user should come up with something else for being a troll other than the video I showed him. (How many times must you post it? I SAW IT ALREADY MANY TIMES!!!)

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The user should know that that video's a classic. :whistle:

(Not the movie LOL)

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has 866 posts :yes:

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Has 1322 more posts than someone who doesn't use SFO.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

The user should know that that video's a classic.

(I know it is but if you post it many times, it gets annoying and useless.)

The user likes the Lion King as I said countless times.

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The user is correct, but not about that video getting old. :lol:

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An average day in Mr. N's life, according to the user's intel :razz:

Gotta save Mrs. N!!

Honestly though, Harrison Ford is just TOO bad ass not to get into this topic! :cool:

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The is very disappoint.

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The user made no sense.

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The user made sense of his previous nonsense.

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Guest Mr. Nintendo

The user here should just call it a day. (No more of this NINJAing contests, all right? As much as I like to NINJA you guys, I don't wnat this topic to go away because it's getting OVER 10,000 REPLIES!! And also we're posting in a constant rate.)

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The user is done saying stuff.

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