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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user is wrong its natural...they are natural stripes...

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This species is generally warlike, proud, strong, and agile. The beast people are well known for their territorial disputes. Most live in small tribes with shamans and mystics as elders. These tribes live simple lives and abstain from advanced technology, which they believe will one day destroy the world. This means their weapons are usually never forged from pure metals. They practice ancestral worship and the driving force behind their actions is to not upset their dearly departed relatives. It is their view that all of creation lives on this plane of existence once and then, after death, lives once again in the realm of souls. Since they only have one shot at life here, they usually make it glorious. All of them have animal-like features: teeth, ear shape, some fur, and tails. The beast-kin do not look like animals that walk upright. Their bone structures are very similar to humans. They are naturals at living in the wilderness and can survive well without any help. They are hunters and do not farm. Most resemble half cat half humans, but some more exotic clans exist. Since they look similar to humans, it is not rare to see them living among them. Those that belong to a human culture are often fur traders and game hunters. Beast-kin make excellent scouts and rangers. Males are slightly taller than females, but males are more reserved and females more aggressive. Some progressive beast-kin are fascinated by human tools and are very adamant about learning how to make and use them. These beast-kin often stray from their ancestor’s teachings and are looked down upon by their kin. It seems they are on the road to what humans often call “domesticationâ€, but they still have a ways to go.

That is a kahtar Dul

The usr above is curious to know what a Kahtar-Dul is

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Only my sig, friend did my avatar for me

The user above has a new avatar.

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The user probably has more then one of those pictures drew by his friend or his avatar wouldn't change outfits and backgrounds so often.

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actually i just used fill tool to change it.

The uesr above has a pony in his siggy now

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I don't know much about the user but I suspect he does not like pineapples.

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user got a sweet pony in his sig

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makes comments about Redeemer and a quote from milky, he also seems to hold milky in high regard. The huser also has a ponyville license

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Expresses his love for HK-47 by having an avatar pciture of him ^_^

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He is going all out in his Mass Effect fandom.

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has a pikachu

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