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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user appears to be shooting some form of energy out of his left arm.

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The user has access to many powerful tools in the virtual world.

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User found a lenghty rap song about the movie Aliens that describes the movie in song.

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The user is an oklay Heavy, but not my favorite healing target.

And don't worry, you aren't the only one who I beat in TF2.

And the other user should give other people a chance to post maybe?

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The user above should try and type faster? :troll:

Lol just kidding. I peck very fast with my index and middle fingers.

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The user is beginning to monitor this topic for questions. (Good job son.)

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Is montering people who monitor other people because he has taken it up to monitor things.

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The user is stating the obvious... and now has become a captain...obvious

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The user has his own character species, which makes for more originality then a wolf with no name or past who doesn't speak much but can solo an entire army.

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The user above still has nothing new on him besides an avatar, but he enjoys JFK.

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The user above has nothing new about him either, but has been acitve in the Rec room very recently.

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Because ijust got back from Minnesota XD

The user above, copied a bit of what i said then added a new thing,

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The Rec Room is clearly his favorite part of SF-O.

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