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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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User likes Season 2 of MLP more than Season 1. Is also a Derp Hooves fan.

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The user removed a few things from his signature picture once he saw how many people talked about them.

Wants to team up with 2 Gods (with a possible 3rd).

I AM the 3rd. There's 3 of us, all going for the same goal. But we each have different political agendas which causes serious tension.
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User is asking silly questions as his signature is fairly small itself.

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User is asking silly questions as his signature is fairly small itself.

Hey, not MY fault this sight wont let me have that picutre any bigger. They don't let anything cool be big. Unless there is a way so at least the text is legeable as well as the pciture itslef as a whole.

Might've noticed my slight inexperience in doing this.

The user above shouldn't beat himself up.

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The user above is imagining things?

╬â•â•¬This is my ladder don't touch it!





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