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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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has the same ranking as me.

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The user above has yet to change thier's ^_^

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The user is correct-I never noticed until now!

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the user above has found a piece of candy

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Its actually a light lavender.

the user above has found a piece of candy

Is now within Skyland.

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likes mid-air action

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The user above is most correct :D

The user above loves to move fster.

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The user above is most correct ^^

And he likes Candy. A LOT. ^_^

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The user above (along with just about everyone else, it seems) doesn't get the reference in my personal text.


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The user doesnt realise that not everyone watches that much anymore.

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The above user apparently isn't that big of a fan of candy :D

And also has a lot of points as well as retro lookin' Falco to boot!

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(Strong language ahead, beware)

(I apologize if the profanity is frowned upon in these forums)

Oh and the above user is a well accomplished detective!

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the user above now has a better dark falco avi.

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The user above noticed, and also has some dragon types and a game I've never heard of in his signature.

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Has now more than 7K credits

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The usbove k I buofen, but they areout of stock.

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