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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user is wrong-when did i ever say that?

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The user is wrong-when did i ever say that?

(lol maybe it's just a pun to Falco's quote in your personal text... )

The user is a BIG DARK FALCO FAN

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(uhm...that doesnt make me think of a duel...but okkaaay...)

The user is a big Patron.3 fan ( i forgot the name)

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The user is a big Patron.3 fan ( i forgot the name)

(Patapon :-) )

The user above seldom goes into the chatroom (maybe never, I dunno)

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The user above is correect. Ever sicne SB was downed, its really not very fun in CB.

But thats just me, dont let my negative, fatalisitc words stop you.

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The user didn't like the chatroom much

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Is still one of the users on here that has a large inventory, and is also close to earning 3,000 Cornerian Yen Dollars xD

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the user above has now also confused me. Why does Reynard wish to duel?

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No I dont. Stop putting words in my mouth Nixon.

the user above has now also confused me. Why does Reynard wish to duel?

The user above is currently baffled. If there was ever a duel, youd have a Nuke, Atomic bomb, and neutron radiation in places of your body that wouldn't be comfortable. Followed bullet holes, your body being smooshed by a treaded vehilce multiple times, then spat on.

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The user above just described the lost-duel scenario I definitely wouldn't want to be in :nervous:

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The user above has a pikachu in their inventory.

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The user above is most definitely a fan of Falco! ^_^

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The mod is still a Crown Victoria, how fitting for a mod (seriously).

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His profile picture seems to resemble a sucky game I once had.

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The user above appears to be an avid Sonic and Transformers fan, at least based upon his signature and avatar. :P

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Has now bought new items from the shop

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Has an overload of nostalgia in his signature! ^_^

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is a Scene Maker Lieutenant - how fitting :panic:

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The user above is a sword wielding Kart Master.

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The user above drew that falco?

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The user above passed the finals (was I right?)

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The user above is currently incorrect i wont know till the end of may

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