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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user above is happily playing a video game and likes Foxes.

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Forsooth! The above user hath taken a pictogram of a man (possibly one of himself!) and edited it in a digital manner so the the beforementioned man resembles a darker version of the Pocketable-Monstrosity known as Lucario!

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Has a pretty cool personal quote and to answer your question:This is a request someone made for me where he took multiple parts of stuff and made it into something new. Its me as my fursona in real life. Like if I could have my fursona's form in real life, I'd look like that. Thats not my house (i dont have any shots of myself in my computer, so he improvised), and I bascially do wear nothin but a shirt and pants in real life (with the exception of sweaters when its cold). SO yeah, its me. Man...I wish I looked like that in real life.

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Has Red Foreman put whipped cream on his head.

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the user above had to deal with my babbling of no words coming out

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The user above is thanklfull not married to gestating tiny emrios int oyour body and use it as a host for feeding purposes....and isn't kept behind glass.

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  On 11/11/2012 at 3:36 AM, Dark the Lucario said:

The user above is thanklfull not married to gestating tiny emrios int oyour body and use it as a host for feeding purposes....and isn't kept behind glass.


The user above likes to watch people..... such a creeper!

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  On 11/11/2012 at 3:38 AM, Dark the Lucario said:

The yuser above is pretty neutral in conversations.

Hate taking sides, usually ends up in trouble

The use above likes screaming or so he think's he screams

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The user above always has something to say and gets stabbedin the ear by his other headset

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