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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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Judging by the user's avatar above, the user needs a mammogram.

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Forever blinking... or until avi is changed.

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The user above is back, and still has no idea what he is doing

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The user above has illustrated themsevles-though  don't know why they are sideways.

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The user above stares like a retard at flashlights.

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The user above loves flashlights and has told people many times

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The user above loves Pony Tails...just don't cut it off like Freeman did. ;)

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The user above knows me secret... going to have to kill you now.

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the useer above wont't get a chance. I have plenty of sharp Kitchen knives and industrial tools that would just love to meet your dick, asshole, and head, as well as stomach and chest cavety-oh and your neck and heart and importantarteries too. I'll lay out the body bag thats a trash bag or two as well with "Welcome" marker'd on it too.

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The user above has a weak Final Smash.

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The user above doesn't know it is deadly at high percent damage.

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  On 1/23/2013 at 7:31 PM, Snes1993 said:
The user above has a weak Final Smash.


IS an idiot if you don't know how to use and if you rely soley on final smashes. Then you're no better than a CPU.

  On 1/23/2013 at 10:44 PM, Rusheo said:
The user above doesn't know it is deadly at high percent damage.

The user above is a great illustrator.

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The user above has apparently been blinded by his flashlight - given the fact he does not realize my avatar is a superplane, not an spaceship. :-P

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  On 1/24/2013 at 4:12 PM, Dark the Lucario said:
IS an idiot if you don't know how to use and if you rely soley on final smashes.


This user does not respond well to trolling.




The user above is an ace pilot.

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The user above has fought the strangest creatures...

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The user above has chopped the strangest things in half with a magic weapon....

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The user above frequents the Rec Room often.

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