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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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Seems to have mistaken Italian for Latin. (il Visconte means "The Viscount" in Italian)

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(Still have no idea what it means)

The user above likes foreign stuff from specific countries.

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DId not know the user above the user figured that, or else the user did not possess a money transferring device

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The user above should get better at explaining and making the point then.

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The user above did not understand that i merely was making an observation about the non-donator status and it was not a reflection of person or a jab.

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Has some sort of GIF that constantly displays "NOPE".

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The user above don't doubt.

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The user above has placed "don't" where "doesn't" should be; this was most likely done on purpose. 

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The correct above is user.

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The user above has one of the more interesting bits listed under "Location" in their profile blurb. :P

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This user seems to enjoy Sly Cooper, but probably doesn't know where Cooper's Creek is

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