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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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The user is avoiding the other user's pokeballs.

*throws a masterball*

*Uses force palm to disable the electrical systems with the ball that make it wokr and then over head kickes it back to Mr. N*
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Guest Mr. Mario

*Uses force palm to disable the electrical systems with the ball that make it wokr and then over head kickes it back to Mr. N*

(HA! My hat protected me from that!)

The user loaned me his [glow=red,2,300]HYPER-CANNON!!![/glow]  :trollface:

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The user used red shade instead of green shade. Also wasted a perfectly good master ball on a lucario and failed at it.

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^^ stated something which is true, and not,

at the same time.

Notice the faux coloring. That indicates a faux copy of a


effectively, I loaned him a faux verioné.

The user above me knows how a true [shadow=green,left]HYPER-CANNON[/shadow]

looks like. :yes:

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He thinks people are made at him when they are stating opinions, or facts  :trollface:

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Has the smallest avatar on the site although I think Kursed's previous avatar was smaller.

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has counted the times I have tried to catch him.....and failed....but one of these days....I will own myself a Lucario xD

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He is never going to catch Lucario for he was called Fox McCloud first, therefore he is only half pokemon.

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Will eventually run out of things to say :P

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User cut me off.......... :P

for Kid before I got cut off

Will probably never run out of things to say, and always knows how to get a good twist across

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Should join as the Eevee is from pokemon :P

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It is a random thing that started in the pokemon thread.

OT: I rarely get to see the user on...but is a pretty damn good artist

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