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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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user might know that i would like to know why he was mad?

it has something to do with Marines....thats all i will say.
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He shouldn't reveal the secret! Except to me and Mr. N.....

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user does not want me to get started; ive already caps locked my message yesterday to him. dont make me do it too you.

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User has a secret hatred for a -certain user- that shall remain nameless.

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He shouldn't reveal the secret! Except to me and Mr. N.....

Isn't someone being a bit hypocrytical here? uh...you talking about kursed?

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He thinks I'm talking about something else, that is as probably as far away from the original subject that things can get. (No I'm talking about why Lucario was so pissed off yesterday.)

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I know that you were referencing Lucario's issues. Hence the post about you being a hypocrite in saying that "he wont tell his secret".

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is a Faux Paus fan

Just broke up a confrontation....for the most part. (for Lucario)

(for mr. nintendo) needs to bring the "N" icon back

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Last time I checked your profile had a Mario theme, now it has an undead theme.

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