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What have you noticed about the user above (game)

Skye 66

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He failed to notice that eman has removed his dancing eevee therefore losing his mandate of heaven.

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He land-crashed on asteroid at least 100 years ago.

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He has adopted the hidden status.

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User thinks he is stealthy lol

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User thinks his eevee and avatar are cute, and he is right.

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He has yet to add more things to his profile.

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User and I have not rped together even to this date O-o

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The user, while using the hidden status, has once more posted links to his fanfics in a effort to get more readers and build a cult centered around him.

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will beable to be more interacable now that im home (i wasnt able to do much on the computer back at my dad's house)

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I've surpassed his post count, and he went back to a former avatar and a personal text.

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user was gone for thanksgiving and fianlly got back on (yes, i missed you ^_^)

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is now a LT. (i dont remebr what you wer beforehand) and is delighted to be back on SF-O

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*glares at user...then rolls eyes*

user has a....small preferance for the predators....

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